FFRF Lodges Formal Complaint Against Catholic League

I am not, by nature, a negative person. I like to see the best in people, and while I would like to think that I have a fairly positive outlook on life, I must admit that I have become completely disillusioned with America; specifically her commitment to secularism. The recent rulings by the Supreme Court allowing for the funding of religious charter schools, is but one of many attempts by Christians to formalize their alliance with government. School districts across the country are being forced to teach the Bible, and the 10 Commandments are popping up all over the place. The Republican nominee for President of the United States has allied himself with the religious right, and they have big plans for the country if he wins.

I wrote an article not long ago about the fact that the IRS has essentially abandoned its own rules concerning churches getting involved in politics. The punishment is simple: get involved in politics, lose your tax exempt status. For almost a decade, not one organization has been held accountable for their gross violations, and the message is clear: regardless of how blatantly churches violate this law, they will never be in any danger of facing consequences for it.

Recently, the Catholic League has been making its stance on the presidential race quite clear. Over the last several weeks, they’ve published a number of articles attacking the Democratic nominee, Kamala Harris, and said (without any proof), that she would be harmful to religious freedoms if elected. This was quickly followed by another article defending the Republican Vic-Presidential candidate, J.D. Vance, and making it abundantly clear that a “good catholic” should vote red. The Freedom From Religion Foundation is not having it, and so they’ve lodged a formal complaint with the IRS over this extremely obvious infraction.

The problem is that this is going to do absolutely nothing. There is zero probability that the IRS will get involved. If anything, by acting, they could unduly influence the results of the election by actually following their own rules. The religious right would use the opportunity to claim that they are being targeted under the Biden administration, and this would only feed their claim that Democrats are dangerous to religious freedom. The fact that the rules were never being enforced means that doing so now would look suspicious. All this toothless and pathetic organization can do is continue to allow scofflaws to operate with impunity. I cannot imagine a scenario in which violators would finally face the same fate that we all do: pay our fucking taxes. It’s as though a wealthy organization like the Catholic League thinks that not having to pay their fair share is fine, since they are busy doing “charity” work, like acting as another wing of the Republican party.