FFRF Wins Lawsuit Against Censorship in Texas

In a legal battle that lasted 8 years, the Freedom From Religion Foundation has won their lawsuit against Gov. Gregg Abbott, who had censored a display of the Bill of Rights back in 2016. In total, the state of Texas had to pay the organization over 350,000 dollars. The amount could have been lower, but due to the governor trying to delay a judgement that dated all the way back to 2017, it cost the taxpayers even more to settle the affair.

The lawsuit began in February 2016, after Abbott ordered removal of FFRF’s duly-approved and permitted Bill of Rights “nativity” display from the Texas state Capitol. Abbott ordered the display removed only three days after it was put up on Dec. 18, 2015, lambasting it as indecent, mocking and “contributing to public immorality.”

Now, I must admit a little bias in my reporting. You see, I’m the artists that created the display all those years ago. It was a special request, done in a style that actually mirrored the nativity display, but instead of a baby Jesus, the founding fathers are kneeling to the Bill of Rights, which had been adopted in late December 1791. Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and George Washington are the “three wise men”, and Mary is the Statue of Liberty. To say it was designed specifically to annoy Christians would be an understatement. It was created specifically to drive them nuts.

The solution to avoiding the display was simple: don’t put a nativity scene, and FFRF won’t put their display. Religious zealots like Abbott can’t help themselves, which is where this puppy comes into play. To say I’m proud of this work is an understatement. Every Christmas I look forward to this artwork appearing in the news. It’s one of the most effective ways to get under the American Taliban’s skin.