Gay Exorcisms on the Rise in Scotland

What is it with religious people and their obsession with other people’s sex lives? It’s so damn creepy! This sick behavior has been going on for so long that they think they are the normal ones for trying to use any means to disrupt, or destroy the gay community. Religions are nothing more than the human ego masquerading as diving providence. These sexually repressed weirdos have deep seeded homophobia that is so out of control that they demand that the rest of the world conform to their obsessions.

The toxic mixture of Christianity (specifically Pentecostalism), Islam and tribal beliefs has ravaged countries like Zimbabwe. Progress is impossible as each group distrusts the other, and have different political aims. The Christian faction, heavily influenced by the Americans, have inherited their hatred of gays, and are now exporting their barbaric practices to the nations they seek refuge in. Refuge, I should remind you, from their own countries corrupted by faith.

The latest nightmare importation now includes gay exorcisms becoming increasingly frequent in Scotland. The church in question that practices this dangerous nonsense has a ridiculous name: the “Forward In Faith Church International Incorporated”, which sounds like an organization created by the movie character Borat. This tax exempt organization which claims to be engaged in charitable services, is in fact, simply able to make this claim because “advancement of religion” is considered charity. This so-called “advancement” just happens to include gay conversion therapy, which has yet to be outlawed in Scotland.

Considering the church boasts coffers of over 150 million dollars, it’s no surprise that these churches have been popping all over Scotland, as many people from Zimbabwe come there for work. There is an organization trying to fight to have their charitable status revoked, but I can’t ever recall in the nearly 20 years I’ve been covering religious abuse a single organization that ever lost it.

[National Secular Society] human right lead Alejandro Sanchez said: “This organization promotes vicious homophobia and misogyny, and may well be endangering lives with reckless allegations of witchcraft. “Any suggestion it is acting in the public benefit and worthy of charitable status is absurd… It is now time legislators urgently review ‘the advancement of religion’ as a charitable purpose. It must not be used as a back door for religious groups to promote conversion therapy and the subjugation of women.”

The laws are just too beneficial to religions. They have had centuries to imbed themselves into the fabric on society, and their first mandate was to make sure they would never have to pay their fair share to society, regardless of just how evil and sinister their organizations are. Not only that, but politicians, afraid that they will appear anti-religious and lose their jobs, refuse to act in the public interest on matters like this when it involves any faith. It’s sad, pathetic, and it can only change when the people who make policy decisions grow spines. Since this has never really occurred, Scotland will continue to have its cities sullied by the stench of religious zealotry. If there was ever something the world needed less of, it’s certainly this.