Gay Furries Hack Heritage Foundation

Alright, who had “gay furries try and protect democracy” on their political bingo card? Certainly not me. A few days ago, the Heritage Foundation , a conservative think tank that is the mastermind behind “Project 2025”, was hacked. Although it was difficult to determine exactly what the information pertained to, the breach royally ticked off the foundation’s executive director, Mike Howell.

The hacker group, named SiegedSec, is comprised of a gay men who dress up in smelly anime costumes and engage in something they call “yiffing”, which is just a nice word for sweaty sex. The group’s head rep, called “vio”, engaged in a rather interesting exchange with Howell, which has now gone viral. Here’s his totally non-supervillain response:

“Closeted Furries will be presented to the world for the degenerate perverts they are,” Howell said. “You cannot hide. Your means are miniscule compared to mine. You now can either turn yourself in or you can cooperate.”

When that threat did little to intimidate a group of people accustomed to being hated on, he said this little gem:

“Are you aware that you won’t be able to wear a furry tiger costume when you’re getting pounded in the ass in the federal prison I put you in next year?” Howell asked.

Threatening a group of gay men with ass pounding is not really that intimidating. In his angered state, Howell foolishly agreed to share the conversation, convinced that he would be vindicated in the end. All it shows is that when put under a microscope, he’s just as sad and vulgar as the people he so smugly looks down on.

Now I am not an advocate of wearing funny costumes and performing sweaty and smelly rituals, but I have to at least admit that one of these groups of weirdos doesn’t try and shove their perversions in my face. Furries are all consenting adults, and more importantly, they leave the rest of the world to live their own lived. Howell and his coven of sexually repressed tight-asses on the other hand are actively trying to undermine the very founding principle of their country they claim to love so dear. They are too ignorant of history to know that the European Wars of Religion had left deep scares in its refugees. Those looking for a fresh start knew the incendiary nature of faith, especially when it held the reigns of power. The separation of church and state was therefore vital in ensuring that different faiths could coexist. That, apparently, is no longer the goal.

To be honest, it should be other religious faiths fighting against Christian Nationalism. An Episcopalian or 7 Day Adventist should be more afraid of these cryptofascist than secularists. The long history of religious oppression is the result of countries having an official faith. Currently, Christian Nationalists are predominantly part of the Evangelical branch of America. To think they are at all capable of getting along with other Christian denominations is foolish and dangerous. If history is any teacher, there is only one way for religions to avoid being at the mercy of sectarian overlords: be being secular.

Will religion ever appreciate the fact that their only hope for freedom comes from people who could care less about their faith? I doubt it.