Glenn Beck blames gang violence on atheism

In the above video, a young man is tragically beaten and killed. In Beck’s eyes, he sees too few tears in the eyes of witnesses, something he blames on the fact young people are less religious than they used to be. Even Beck admits he has no idea what’s happening in this video, but it certainly doesn’t stop him from having an opinion on the subject. He goes on a long tirade about how the fact people can’t pray in school, and that therefore the sanctity of human life is compromised.

I love how serious he is about this accusation. Ignore the fact it has no basis in reality for a moment; he’s talking to the same demographic that doesn’t mind the death penalty, or thinks that killing abortion doctors isn’t a crime. Belief in God certainly doesn’t make a person respect human life anymore than unbelief does. At the end of the day, are you really sure you want to play that card, Beck? How many staggeringly cruel acts of violence are perpetrated specifically in the name of religion?

It’s also interesting to note that he also ties in Barack Obama in there, as though the President is somehow responsible for this happening. Conservatives can’t stop sucking Reagan’s dick, but as soon as a “colored man” is in the highest office of the land, any positive mention of the guy and they all collectively lose their minds. It’s telling, really.