Heal yourself with bullshit

What’s the fastest way to make a buck? How about exploiting desperate people afflicted with incurable diseases? Judging by the video above, it seems like they are ready to believe any promise of improved health, regardless of whether or not it has any solid merit. Desperate people make the greatest suckers, don’t they?

Enter Advance Cell Training, a program that claims to help you beat even treatable illnesses using the power of positive thinking. Now, if you’re worried some folks might make terrible life decisions based on some scam, don’t worry: they totally have this helpful ‘disclaimer’ that helps explain their therapy doesn’t actually do anything medical.

It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We are not doctors. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research of Advanced Cell Training. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified doctor or health care professional.

Sharing knowledge, huh? That normally involves actual information that isn’t simply pulled out of your ass. So, what kind of therapy are these scammers trying to pull? The usual “stress is bad, makes you sick” shit that every New Age guru tries to pretend is an insight. It’s great when you pretend to cure something as ill defined as ‘stress’, since no one can really call you out on it.

Regardless of the diagnoses, four common instigators of chronic disease are stress, pathogens, allergy and autoimmune. Sick people store stress and it builds up while healthy people’s bodies eliminate it. Sick people’s bodies allow virus and bacteria to live, while healthy people’s bodies kill them. Sick people’s bodies may fight foods, pollens, smells (allergy) – while healthy people’s bodies react properly and it doesn’t contribute to illness. Sick people’s bodies may attack its own organs and tissues (autoimmune) while healthy people’s bodies nourish and protect. We seek to help the ill retrain their bodies to function like those who don’t get ill. Restore proper bodily function at the cellular level restores homeostasis, and often, quality of life for the chronically ill..

The scary thing is Lyme disease is actually treatable with antibiotics, but because of scamming pieces of shit like the ACT people (who have done a great job at remaining mostly anonymous), I’ve read countless forum threads of people who stopped taking their antibiotics before it was safe to do so. These people not only put their own lives at risk, but their irresponsible use of antibiotics could make treating the disease much more difficult.

If anyone can find me a copy of this scam (without giving these jackasses one red cent), I’d love to tear it to pieces.