If Only Jesus Counted Votes

P.T. Barnum once famously said, there’s a sucker born every minute. While his observations was geared towards those people who gave him money for his attractions, the same thing applies to religious folks. It doesn’t matter if you think that faith is for morons. So long as you claim to be pious, people will believe the most insane things.

Take for example Donald Trump. If there was a reincarnation of Barnum, it would be him. Trump’s entire life has been a grift. His latest in his quest to regain the white house is to convince people that he is a believer. In a recent interview with Dr. Phil, he explained that the bearded one in the sky is on his side, and if only Jesus had been counting ballots, it would have been a very different election:

“If Jesus Christ came down and was the vote counter, I would win California, OK?” Trump said. “In other words, if we had an honest vote counter, a really honest vote counter—I do great with Hispanics, great, I mean at a level no Republican has ever done—but if we had an honest vote counter, I would win California.”

Keep in mind that Biden won the state by 63% in 2020. To a man so allergic to reality, this is merely an inconvenient truth, one that needs only to be ignored. His religious believers, themselves unaccustomed to honesty, are convinced that he’s a messenger of their god. The fact that he represents everything they hate is irrelevant: he offers them worldly power, and despite claiming that they are only interested in the afterlife, Christians have become obsessed with ruling over their fellow Americans.

It’s not surprising that a worm like Dr. Phil wouldn’t dare to actually ask poignant questions. He just listens to this insane man claim that the Christian God would have given him the presidency. That’s the kind of shit people in insane asylums say. The fact that this man has a good chance of winning the most powerful position on earth is terrifying.