LifeWise Academy Using Copyright Claim to Silence Man

In 2021, a man named Zachary Parrish was shocked when his daughter’s teacher enrolled her in a LifeWise “class” without his permission. Angered, he decided to volunteer with the organization to learn more about it. He was able to gain access to their core materials, which he promptly posted online for others to see.

“My view is that it’s a parental rights thing,” Parrish told The Dispatch. “I feel that any parent who wants to send their kids there should have access to this information.”

In response, LifeWise has decided to sue Parrish, claiming that they have suffered from “revenue loss” due to him publishing the material. They also feel that he is unjustly maligning them. Now, this butthurt organization, unhappy that people can actually read for themselves what kind of crazy bullshit they are peddling, is using copyright law to try and prevent this information from coming out.

Considering how powerful copyright law is, and how rich the organization is, Parrish is fighting an uphill battle. In my opinion, the solution here would be to write a detail summary of all the course material, complete with commentary and opinion. This would place it squarely into the realm of fair use, which would insulate him from their litigiousness.

I think it’s pretty telling how nervous LifeWise is at people finding this stuff out. In any case, now that it’s out there, I doubt they will be able to put a lid on it. This is the “Streisand Effect” that people often refer to: when trying to bury a story actually amplifies it. I think it’s time that people fight back against this sinister attempt to indoctrinate kids with their toxic bullshit.

Personally, I’d like to thank Parrish for all he’s doing to expose them. We need more people like him taking a stand and telling these religious zealots to leave our kids alone.