NC Former Church Youth Minister accused of assaulting multiple teens

Has there ever been a more abused position than “youth pastor”? The amount of times I’ve had to write the phrase “youth pastor rapes children” are too many to count. This job title should just be renamed to “molester-in-chief” since it seems as though it’s the only thing these guys are good for.

The latest sack of crap is a man named James Robert Murphey. The 44 year old man was arrested a few days ago, and is accused of 30 counts of sexual battery. The victims, who’s age range from 16-19, was suspended by the Oak View Baptist Church, where he served from 24 years.

The safety director of Oak View Baptist Church, Chris Martin, said the allegations came to light earlier in the year. The church was told about the claims back in January and Murphey was suspended. One week later, he resigned. Martin said, “Any kind of incident involving any of our members, especially our youth, is going to be taken very seriously.”

Anyone who believes that any church gives a damn about the abuse of children is delusional. How many kids have to be abused before people realize that these institutions actually ATTRACT abusers. How can they take this seriously when they are part of the problem?

With him gone, the Church has found and appointed a new youth minister. How long will it take the new guy to also do something inappropriate and illegal? Only time will tell.