Oklahoma Superintendent thinks Establishment Clause is a myth

Religion makes you dumb and blind to reality. Take for example Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters. He’s been in the news several times for his attempts to shove religion down everyone’s throat. He wanted teachers to take a patriotic oath, which is a crypto-fascist tool used by dictators to have complete control over their populous. His speaks in the familiar tone of fundamentalists of any faith:

“We will bring God and prayer back in schools in Oklahoma, and fight back against the radical myth of separation of church and state.”

This is the dream and vision of Ryan Walters, who believes that the idea that Congress disallowing the establishment of a particular religion is a myth. Never mind the fact that it’s spelled fairly clearly in America’s founding document, or in Jefferson’s letters, further clarification of the concept. No, so long as Ryan believes in the superiority of his beliefs, such inconvenient truths will be ignored.

It’s typical that these types of clowns fail to realize that the entire reason for the clause was to allow the proliferation of all religious ideas. Christianity has over 30,000 denominations (thanks largely to that establishment clause we talked about), and many are extremely different from one another. I very much doubt that a Baptist would be happy with the dogma of 7 Day Adventist, and vise versa. The only way people can ensure that their religious rights are respected is if everyone has a level playing field.