You have to wonder what the criteria is for becoming a pastor. Considering how many times we’ve reported on these sickos raping and abusing kids, it almost feels as though the only people interested in becoming priests are moral degenerates. That’s certainly the case for Mathew Lee Richards, a 41 year old man who was the pastor at Crossroads Christian Church in Shawnee. Richards and his family were in financial dire straights, and fearing eviction, he felt that the only way to solve the problem was by killing his family and setting the house on fire. You know, normal stuff…
When firefighters arrived, they found the home’s basement on fire and were able to quickly extinguish it, while officers found three people outside the home with stab wounds.
According to court documents, one of them was a child who suffered stab injuries to the upper right chest, as well as a significant cut across his abdomen that exposed internal organs. A second child suffered multiple stab wounds to his colon, liver, neck and back.
The good news is that Richards is an incompetent boob, and everyone survived his pathetic assault. They helped to testify against him, and Richards pled guilty to two counts of attempted murder. He will be sentenced in a month.
You really have to shake your head at situations like this. Religious morons are always quick to accuse other groups of all kinds of heinous acts, and yet are oddly silent every time one of their own commits horrible acts. In a sense, I can understand why. If Christians ever had to do any soul searching every single time that a pastor harmed or abused anyone, they would barely have time to do anything else. It’s better to just ignore the countless crimes they commit and accuse others of doing the same thing you’re doing. It’s been working for 2000 years, so why would they stop?