What does it take to be a pastor these days? It would appear that the criteria is quite low, since every day I have the displeasure of reporting on the countless perversions from men of the cloth. Today, it’s a depraved old man named Arturo Laguna, who sounds more like a drug dealer than someone who should be in charge of people’s spiritual lives.
Laguna had installed a number of cameras in the women’s bathroom, one of which was discovered by a woman who was changing her child’s diaper. Because of how crude the setup was, the device was easily found because it fell from it’s concealed location. The woman then sought out the police, who recovered the device and found the culprit who installed them using the footage on the cameras. Laguna is now in custody awaiting his first court appearance in a few days.
The religious analogy of sheep is fitting. The faithful are lead by wolves who pray on them, feasting at will. It is only because they are so numerous that they feel safe. These poor fools fail to understand that the powers of the institutions they create are a breeding ground for abuse, and so many continue to be victimized, while those who are spared either ignore what is happening around them, or make excuses for their predators. Who is willing to bet that after a period of “repentance”, this same congregation would be willing to take him back on “promises” of better behavior?
“I promise to become a vegetarian” said the wolf in front of the flock, his mouth salivating at the sight of so much food. “I prayed for my love of meat to leave me, and the good Lord made it so.”