I got another email today from a new fan of the show who felt that my use of language was preventing him from being able to tell friends about it, and that I would be better off not swearing at all:
I think it’s a pretty cool serving for young and or less discerning people but if I can make a suggestion, if you slow down on talking speed (this will allow you to choose your words more carefully) and the swearing (I have wanted to introduce your podcast to some friends but had to be careful about who as it contains bad language. It’s difficult enough to convince religious opponents without still attacking their idea of moral language
That’s EXACTLY the reason why I swear. The whole idea of “moral language” is just Victorian era bullshit that I have no time for. That’s why I’ve let Stephen Fry make the case for me. I will never stop swearing, and there’s nothing anyone can say that will convince me of it. You might as well make me shave my eyebrows off so they stop scaring little children!