Eclipse Brings Out the Dummies

April 8th is a special day. If we’re lucky enough, some of us in North America will be able to witness something truly special: a solar eclipse. Now, for most of us, this just means that the moon will cover the sun briefly, giving us a spectacular view of the sun’s corona. For others, it means the end of the world.

Some morons think that eclipses have an effect on how you behave. These idiots are called Astrologers, and 2500 years after this shit was debunked, they are still trying to pretend that the shifting and moving of celestial bodies have something to do with your mood. Rarely has there been such a self absorbed philosophy…oh wait, did I forget something? They certainly aren’t the only game in town.

Christianity, not content with making everyone’s life miserable with their constant hardon for apocalyptic rhetoric, isn’t going to miss this opportunity to scare the living shit out of it’s brainwashed believers. The regular rigmarole of dummies are out there, claiming that the eclipse is a sign of the end time. Of course, just about everything that’s out of the ordinary is a sign, but who’s counting? Certainly not the doomsayers, who have been “predicting” the end of the world ever since the invention of their bullshit religion. April 8th is just one more excuse for secretly wishing that everything would end.

Personally, I’m getting pretty sick and tired of these asshats. It’s one thing to pray to an invisible man in the sky. It’s quite another to openly wish for everyone on Earth to be annihilated. In their desire to see evil gone from the world, they also want all the good destroyed as well. They are so convinced of their own dogma that they think this is a good thing.

I wonder if there’s any money to be made from this. Surely all of these end timers who are convinced that the world is ending in a few days have valuables they no longer need. The cynical part of me wonders if an enterprising person might benefit from this never ending array of idiots. Armageddon insurance maybe? A massive betting pool? Surely those who try and perpetuate this ridiculousness deserve to be punished. Some day, I’ll think of something, I swear.

Russia Wants to Build Conservative Paradise

Are you tired of living in a country with freedom of expression? Does the thought of having to live near people with different beliefs terrifying you? Than why not move to one of the countries with the lowest freedom index in the world, with the possible exception of North Korea.

You see, according to Timur Beslangurov, an immigration lawyer from Russia, dozens of American and Canadian families have expressed their horror at having to live in a free country, and Timur has the solution: he’s trying to construct a special village outside of Moscow for anyone stupid enough to move there.

The Russian lawyer claimed that some of those tens of thousands want to move to Russia because they are traditional Catholics who “very strongly believe in the prophecy that Russia will remain the only Christian country in the world.”

Now, who is going to pay for the construction of this Christian paradise? Why, it’s the very people who they are trying to attract there to begin with. Keep in mind that county where 2/3 of it’s rural population doesn’t even have access to indoor plumbing. I guess Jesus isn’t really a fan of modern amenities.

Considering that this same county is jailing people for years for daring to even call their “special military operation” in Ukraine a war, there’s the very strong possibility that these moronic immigrants might be forcibly recruited to go fight in their protracted conflict. What a deal! Where do I sign up, already?

If you’re a Canadian or an American that’s tempted to move there, I have only one thing to say to you: Dasvidaniya, bitches.

Don’t Follow Your “Dreams”

One a quiet night in Ipatinga, a medium sized municipality in Brazil, an old man had a revelation. He dreamed that a mountain of gold was located under his kitchen. Now, most of us would interpret this as merely a trick of the mind. After all, who wouldn’t want to find a treasure right where they live? Unfortunately for him, instead of laughing it off, he took this to be a sign from God. For months, he began to dig a massive hold under his kitchen floor.

The hole had reached a depth of 40 meters before tragedy struck. While he was removing water and mud from his massive excavation, the old man slipped, falling to his death. The fire department retrieved his body, and from the condition of the corpse, it was obvious that he had suffered a great deal before expiring.

Is there a lesson to learn from this? Well, let’s start with the fact that there is a finite amount of gold that can be mined. Some estimates suggest that we might “run out” of minable gold by 2050. Let’s also keep in mind that dreams are no substitute for mineral surveys. Lastly, even if there were a God, I highly doubt that this entity gives a flying crap about that shinny metal we’re all obsessed with.

Hate is Bad for your Health

Did you know it’s unhealthy to be hateful? I’m not being glib. There is strong medical evidence that the act of holding hatred in your heart can actually lead to long term health problems. Don’t just take my word for it, here’s what medical professionals think about this emotion’s effect on our bodies:

Hatred negatively impacts the nervous system, immune system, and endocrine system. Extreme emotions trigger the release of stress hormones in the brain. Over time, these stress hormones lead to increased inflammation throughout the body, resulting in significant health consequences. The more intense an emotion becomes, the more physically demanding it is to contain it. Holding on to hate can be exhausting.

If only Turkish lawmaker Hasan Bitmez had known of this, perhaps he could have avoided his recent health scare. You see, Bitmez is a politician in his home country, and during one of his recent speeches condemning the actions of Israel in the recent Palestinian conflict, he exclaimed that the “Jews would not escape the wrath of Allah” right before collapsing from a massive heart attack.

A superstitious man might see this as a sign that perhaps their beloved deity did not approve of the message. Traumatic events can often act as a catalyst for change. Personally, I believe that it has far more to do with how much anger and hatred is in this man’s heart. His political career benefits from his near constant animosity towards Judaism, so its doubtful that he will ever be able to let go of his murderous hostility towards the faith. If there is any comfort, it’s that his body is quickly giving up on him as a result of his poor life choices.

I have a suggestion for Mr. Hasan. It would appear that your hatred towards your fellow man has made you unwell. You would do well to take a cozy retirement, and spend time with your loved ones while there is still life in you. I’m sure there are plenty of other Muslim politicians who would gladly take up your abhorrent mantle and openly call for the death of their enemies. You should learn to enjoy the good things in life before it’s all over. Our time on this earth is brief, and despite your belief that another life awaits you, I wouldn’t take the chance that the future affords you much time with the ones you care about. Focus on love. You’ll live longer for it.

Another Statue of Jesus Hit by Lightning

If you build a giant, 33 meter flammable statue in the middle of a town, you can’t exactly say that you couldn’t imagine the possibility that it might be hit by lightning and catch on fire. My guess is that they assured themselves that since they were building an effigy of their god, that surely it would be spare the wrath of nature. It only took two years for this ugly mess to be struck by lightning. Now, the small Mexican town that wanted to be known for having the world tallest Jesus statue will have to contemplate trying to spend another 6 years rebuilding it.

The hilarious thing is that it’s not the first time this kind of incident has happened. In 2007, a statue of Jesus was also hit by lightning, and the nuns were quick to claim that it held no religious significance and was simply an act of nature, and not God (boy when the miracle looks sinister, they sure like to pull the “nature” card). Then, three years later, the hideous “Touchdown Jesus” was also struck down. Both were repaired, their parishioners having learned nothing of the devastating power of mother nature.

So, I’m not a superstitious man, but if you religious symbols are being burned down systematically with what almost looks like targeted strikes, is it perhaps not time to rethink the whole affair?

I Got Lampooned

Shame on me for not reading my YouTube email account more often. A fan made this awesome video shortly after I began the campaign for the Bible Stories Indigogo pre-sale, and I’ve just now discovered it. Now, I don’t know if I like it simply because I’m in it, but does that really matter? Thanks for the shout out, dazzletag, and my apologies for not posting this up sooner!

Jesus is my highly offensive word

I have an admiration for train wrecks, and I can’t imagine a greater tragedy than this rap video tastefully titled “Jesus is my Nigga”. It’s appropriately sung by a bunch of out-of-touch white dudes with very limited musical skills. Luckily, the whole thing is such a complete mess that it winds up being entertaining in the end. Still, I want to know: was there not some moment where a young person took these grandpas to the side and told them how insanely bad this idea was? Did everyone hope this would lead people towards their sadistic death cult or something?

Rated “O” for Offensive as hell

What do you get when you combine shitty inspirational synth music with a bigoted, ignorant Christian teenage girl? You get the ironically titled “Rated T for Tolerance”, a strange Orwellian name that belies their own contorted views of reality.

Now some of you might think that this video falls under “Poe’s Law”, but as I’ve said in the past, when it’s impossible to tell the difference, what does it matter? She’s representing the views of millions of assholes, so as far as I’m concerned, she’s in their ranks.

God is a shitty provider

What’s better than a bunch of white, middle class yahoos singing rap lyrics? How about a rap about how God needs you to give him 10 percent of your income, even if it means not buying your groceries or paying your rent?

“Before I buy groceries or pay the rent,
I’ve got to give God his full 10 percent,
He gives me a Hundred and I give him back ten
and I’m blessed all day from beginning to end

Why does God need money, you ask? Well, apparently the ‘great provider’ has a serious problem balancing his checkbook, and only a huge chunk of your income can solve his cash flow problems. But don’t worry: even though giving so much of your income might put you in debt, or make you unable to make all your payments on time, you can take comfort in the fact that God loves people who allow his representatives to drive in Cadillacs instead of taking the bus.

At least when TGA asks you for a tithe, it’s actually closer to .0001% of your income, and you know exactly where it goes: I don’t pretend that it’s used for any other purpose than to sustain me.

Eric Hovind gets his ass kicked by 6th grader

So, what’s more embarrassing: not being able to properly answer the challenges of a 11 year old, or needing to try and bully your way out of answering his question? Here is Hovind’s argument in a nutshell:

1) If you don’t know everything, you can’t be sure of anything
2) God knows everything and tells me things
3) Therefore all true knowledge comes from God.

The kid’s response cuts through his second and third point and just re-iterates the first broken assumption:

1)If you can’t know anything without knowing everything, how do you know God exists

And what’s Eric’s response? Rolling up his sleeves and basically dodging the question to avoid answering it, belittling the kid for not being very old (making himself look even more pathetic), and shuffling around hoping this embarrassing moment will soon be over. The lesson here folks is creationists can be brought down easily. You just need to call them out on their dumb shit and watch them squirm.

God’s greatest gift…an empty box

Can you imagine hiring these lamers for your kid’s birthday party? I’m not sure they realize this, but tantalizing kids with the prospect of puppies, ice cream or sports memorabilia, only to show them an empty box that turns into a cross is the mother of all lame finales. “Look kids, the greatest gift God has ever given us is invisible!”.

The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 246

This week, Jeff Jones joins me after a 2 year absence to have a super disjointed Podstravaganza, clocking it at 2 hours! We cover everything from Freddie Mercury’s sexy mustache to how science fiction changes our future.

The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 246

If TV existed in Biblical Times

I love the way this video is put together: it combines sharp visuals with brilliant satire. Be sure to read some of the captions at the bottom. My favorite so far is “Paper Just a Fad says Scribe.” Classic.

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