The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 326

This week, Ryan joins me as we talk about the Pope excommunicating the Mafia, and how the Vatican Bank (more correctly known as the Institute for the Works of Religion) and its long history of corruption. We also discuss some of my challenges selling the e-book in the wild west of publishing! Don’t miss out!

The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 326

New Pope elected and surprise, he’s a bigot

After the first day of indecision, an old, antiquated bunch of clowns dressed in silly costumes finally elected their new infallible leader: Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio from Argentina. His new name, Francis the First, is in honor of St. Francis of Assisi, the guy who renounced wealth in order to feel more connected to the poor. Now you might think it’s a little ironic that a man sitting on 50 billion dollars and eating on gold plates should give himself such a name, but to be fair, Assisi did start out rich, so I’m sure this ‘humble’ servant of God will too, right?

Unsurprisingly, Cardinal Bergoglio is the kind of Pope you would expect a group of repressed, self-hating homosexuals to elect: despite his statements that gays should be treated with respect, he nevertheless is of the opinion that adoption by gay parents is child abuse. This kind of indefatigable respect notwithstanding, it was a brilliant move by the church to finally elect someone who comes from a country where people actually give a shit about Catholicism, and the Pope in general. Survey after survey in industrialized nations have shown no modern Catholic actually gives a flying fuck what the Pope says, since like every other religious believer, they simply pick and choose which parts of the Bible they like and want to follow.

As for the rest, we just need to wait a little longer until some other fucking scandal breaks and more insane news comes out, say, like the church owning one of Europe’s most prominent (and I’m assuming steamiest) bathhouses.

Pope’s butler gets 18 months in jail for leaked memos

So, what do you get for exposing the corruption of an organization like the Vatican? Well, how about an 18 month prison term handed down by the very institution you were trying to expose? Oh, and you can add the cost of the trial to the list of his expenses:

The pope’s former butler, Paolo Gabriele, was convicted Saturday of aggravated theft for leaking confidential papal documents and sentenced to 18 months in prison.

He was also ordered to pay the costs of the trial at the Vatican City courthouse.

Well, he could have spent a full three years in jail, but the judge felt there were ‘extenuating circumstances’. Like what, the fact that your organization is so corrupt it would rather jail tattle-tales than actual child rapists? Or how about the fact you aren’t legally your own state, having achieved ‘independence’ from Italian fascists in the 1920′s?

I suppose you could argue that it’s Paolo’s fault for getting involved in a creepy cult that seems to be able to create its own laws, jail its own adherents for daring to expose corruption, and do so as the rest of the world watches on.

Pope’s butler faces jail time for leaked memos

OK, so remember how the US finally jailed their first priest for covering up sexual abuse? We all felt as though this was a positive sign of things to come, didn’t we? Well, as great as that felt, it seems as though justice is slow in coming to the Vatican. Jailing the Pope’s butler for leaking damning memos demonstrating the extent of corruption is a bigger priority for these fuckers.

Pope Benedict XVI’s butler will be tried on an aggravated theft charge over the leaking of hundreds of secret papers from the pope’s personal apartment to an Italian journalist, a Vatican spokesman said Monday.

The butler, Paolo Gabriele, acted out of a desire to combat “evil and corruption everywhere in the Church,” according to a prosecutor in the case.

And what kind of reward do you get for trying to fight corruption in one of the oldest organizations in the world? Why, a possible 6 years in jail, that’s what!

The Vatican has promised a ‘public trial’, but it’s already pretty messed up that as a semi-sovereign state (with no actual official status) it can send their own people to jail for having the guts to try and do something about all the evil shit the Vatican does.

I do hope it’s public, since these morons don’t seem to realize the rest of the world is taking Paolo’s side. I can’t wait until you jail this man and show the world what a corrupt, malignant organization you are…

Papacy finally OKs condom use

It was only a matter of time before the millions of African men, women, and children slowly dying of AIDS would shame the Catholic Church into changing its stance on condom use. In a new book set to be released, based on conversations with the Pope, Benedict said in some cases, using a piece of rubber on your dick would not make God angry.

When he was asked if his church was against condom use, he said:

“It of course does not see it as a real and moral solution. In certain cases, where the intention is to reduce the risk of infection, it can nevertheless be a first step on the way to another, more humane sexuality.”

If you’re wondering why a sexless adult should have anything to say about sexuality, remember that the ‘humane’ interpretation of sexuality usually involves not having any. St. Paul was famous for his hatred of sexuality. As far as he was concerned, it was far better never to have sex than procreate. He saw celibacy as more pure, more divine. This sick attitude towards sex has since infested our world and made masturbation, one of life’s few enjoyments, a sin.

All of this is coming way too late. The majority of Catholics have been pro-birth control for a while now, and as usual, it’s the top brass who are late to the reform party. How many millions of people died needlessly because of some bullshit interpretation of Onan jizzing on the ground? How many unwanted babies were aborted, with their mothers bleeding to death in back alleys because of the church’s stance on contraception? Fucking ridiculous.

But wait, there’s more!

His language in attacking the use of recreational drugs in the West and its impact on the rest of the world is particularly striking.

Do they have to ruin everything that’s fun?

Pope denounces Maryland legalizing gay marriage

Pope Benedict XVI, a celibate man who controls a vast fortune and an army of delusional homophobes, has criticized Americans for granting all their citizens the same rights in the state of Maryland.

“He added that the traditional family and marriage had to be “defended from every possible misrepresentation of their true nature” because, he said, whatever injured families injured society.

So many ruined lives because gays are marrying one another! Think of all those poor heterosexuals who have to live knowing that somewhere, out there, a gay person is having gross butt sex with another man. Can’t you understand that families can’t possibly survive this “assault”?

Benedict called on American bishops to continue their “defense of marriage as a natural institution consisting of a specific communion of persons, essentially rooted in the complementarity of the sexes and oriented to procreation”.

If you aren’t straight and fucking to produce children, you’re sinning against God! It’s that simple folks. You see, once upon a time, a man named Onan refused to ejaculate in his brother’s widow, and magical sky man killed him instantly for this transgression. Since that day, all sex that isn’t about producing babies makes God angry. Luckily, his sexless avatars are here on earth to ensure that no one is having a good time.

Over the last few years, the Vatican has been busy trying to scoop up any remaining bigots that feel uncomfortable with their own church’s lenient stand on homosexuality. So far, this wedge issue is the Catholic Church’s main focus, and while they’ve made some new friends, their strategy is bound to continue to marginalize this outdated institution. The trend is clear: enlightened societies recognize that same sex attractions are normal. Anyone who wants to continue to preach ignorance and hatred knows where to go…

Pope attempts to recruit German bigots

Over the weekend, the Pope arrived in Germany on a tour designed to try and recruit Protestants and other estranged Christians who have grown tired of their religion’s increasing acceptance of homosexual marriage.

Knowing, too, the value of family and marriage, we as Christians attach great importance to defending the integrity and the uniqueness of marriage between one man and one woman from any kind of misinterpretation,” he said, according to the Associated Press. “Here the common engagement of Christians, including many Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Christians, makes a valuable contribution to building up a society equipped for the future.”

You wouldn’t want marriage to be “misinterpreted” by allowing your fellow human beings to enjoy the same rights as everyone else, right?. This could send a dangerous message of acceptance and tolerance that the Catholic Church has vowed to combat.

A society equipped for the future – according to these assholes- is one where gays and lesbians are marginalized and clearly not worthy of the same rights as heterosexuals. The Bible tells them so, and even though they’ve chosen to ignore all the other laws that make it a sin to eat bacon or to wear clothing made of two different fabrics, the ones they focus on tend to provide theological justification for whatever ignorant bullshit they’re trying to peddle.

I find it hilarotragic (my new word for anything both tragic and hilarious) that an organization that shelters thousands of child rapists has the audacity to claim to have society’s best interest in mind. I think their long history of repression, abuse and murder severely undermines this idea. I encourage the Catholic Church to keep fighting against the civil rights of gay people; it’ll be just one more reason for people to abandon their fucking nonsense.

German legislators plan to boycott Pope’s speech

When abuse allegations started popping up against the Catholic Church, Germany was one of those countries that, like Ireland, had suffered mightily at the hands of the clergy. When they opened up a hotline for victims of sexual abuse, they received 2700 calls after only 3 days. The Vatican, aware that it’s about as popular as mouth herpes, is setting off to Germany in a vain attempt to discuss how Protestants and Catholics can “work together”. While the Chancellor urged Germans to be wary of the growing “trend” of secularism, the ones with their heads still screwed on tight have decided to boycott the Pope’s visit out of protest that it violates the separation of Church and State in the country. Officials speaking on the behalf of the Vatican had this to say:

“The parliamentarians ought to consider how this will look from abroad,” Walter Brandmueller, who is German, told the mass-circulation daily Bild.

“They’ll boost the image of the ‘ugly Germans,’ which sadly still exists,” the cardinal added.

Yeah, pulling out the Nazi card isn’t the greatest idea when you were willing to forge an alliance with them (also, excommunicating Hitler would be a good start). Besides, why do they always seem shocked when some people don’t feel like going to their little parties? Recall that their current “mascot” sheltered known pedophiles from prosecution (as did his predecessor), and has done nothing to purge the organization of pederasts. What a surprise that no one wants to show them any support.

Here’s the core problem folks: the Catholic Church, more than any other religious organization, seems to have a serious pedophile problem within their ranks. Because of their rather disturbed idea of celibacy and sexual repression, Catholic priests don’t properly develop their sexual maturity, often staying in a child-like state. Obviously it’s not the sole reason the Church has such an infestation, since their strict rules about secrecy is an attractive options for pederasts hoping to avoid jail time. And while the Vatican may deny these allegations, you don’t see any other organization going to the same lengths they do to protect child rapists; withholding evidence, paying off families to stay quiet and moving around offending priests when accusations arise is not the kind of behavior we would tolerate from ANY other private or public institutions. Yet when these same assholes make a trip to a foreign country and get the cold shoulder, they act surprised that not everyone welcomes them with open arms.  The funny thing about people is that they tend to get upset when you start fucking their kids. Go figure!

Can we just jail these fuckers and call it a day already?

The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 186

This week, we talk about the volatile situation in Egypt, the bullshit of 9/11 conspiracy theories, and how the Pope’s visit to the UK took money out of the mouths of starving people.

The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 186

Interfaith dialog at its finest

It’s pretty rare I agree with the Pope, but he’s recently been calling on Pakistan to repeal their insane blasphemy laws, and I’m behind him on this one. His calls were met, unsurprisingly, with a friendly “mind your own fucking business”:

The pope has given a statement today that has not only offended the 180 million Muslims in Pakistan, it has also hurt the sentiments of the entire Islamic world,” said Hafiz Hussain Ahmed, a senior leader of Jamiat-e-Ulema-e-Islam.

Man, Muslims are the most overly sensitive annoying jackasses, aren’t they? As soon as you tell them “hey guys, could you turn down the barbarism a notch?” they start flipping the fuck out. It kind of reminds me of a petulant and spoiled child that’s allowed to get away with everything because their parents are divorced. The difference is these childish idiots sentence people to death for talking smack about their dead prophet.

The problem isn’t just the government though: the whole country is pretty messed up, and as soon as a politician tried to open the blasphemy law for debate, he was gunned down while his guards stood by watching.

“There would be an unprecedented reaction in Pakistan if any attempt was made to amend or repeal the law,” Hussain Ahmed said, Reuters reported.

No shit. Remember how religious apologists say it’s politics and not religion itself responsible for all the violence? If the majority of your population thinks murdering individuals who don’t share your faith sensibilities, and slaughter any politician who tries to change the status quo, how can anyone make the claim the problem is with the politics rather than the faith itself?

Pope blames pedophilia on society, not church

Here’s a typical Vatican strategy: when scrutinized, employ a tactic of obfuscation, and outright lies in order to avoid having to accept responsibility for immoral acts. While report after report continues to find the Vatican secretly harbored known pedophiles to keep them safe and out of jail, the world’s largest religion is busy trying to blame everyone else for the child abuse that happened under their watchful gaze.

As an avalanche of cases of pedophile priests came to light, church officials frequently defended their previous practice of putting abusers in therapy, not jail, by saying that was the norm in society at the time. Only this year did the Vatican post on its website unofficial guidelines for bishops to report pedophile priests to police if local laws require it.

In the 1970s, pedophilia was theorized as something fully in conformity with man and even with children,” the pope said. “It was maintained – even within the realm of Catholic theology – that there is no such thing as evil in itself or good in itself. There is only a ‘better than’ and a ‘worse than.’ Nothing is good or bad in itself.

I don’t know what kind of 70′s experience this fucking guy had, but I don’t recall society suddenly embracing pedophilia. The reason the Vatican never really sent any of its child rapists in jail has NOTHING to do with society, and everything to do with the way the organization functions. Ever since they first realized the sexual abuse of minors was rampant in their organization (during the 2nd century), they’ve always considered it something internal. Their own Canon Law has specific rules to “punish” this behavior, which includes community service (some even were put to work in children’s hospitals), a retreat in New Mexico where they can repent their sins, and occasionally, defrocking. You can count on one hand how many of these guys were excommunicated. It’s pathetic.

Benedict has previously acknowledged that the scandal was the result of sin that the church must repent for, and make amends with victims.

Here’s a thought: you could make amends by sending all these child rapists to jail, fuckface. Empty words don’t mean shit!)

This is the real problem: The Vatican thinks child abuse is a sin, while the rest of society thinks it’s a crime. And because this organization is given pseudo-statehood, known criminals have been allowed to escape prosecution on countless occasions. Oh, but it’s society’s fault though, cuz the Pope said so, and he’s infallible!

It’s rather hilarious that on the same day the Pope issues this statement, the Italian government seized over 23 million euros from the Vatican Bank they suspect was being laundered for crooked businessmen and gangsters. The Catholic Church has plenty of experience laundering money: they got plenty of practice doing it for the Nazis, although I’m sure they would also claim it was society’s fault they did this too.

The Pope goes on the offense

The best defense is a good offense, and no one knows this like the Catholic Church. The Vatican is busy trying to get everyone to forget they’ve been raping kids en masse, so they’re going for the same strategy they’ve always employed when things get dicey: Find a scapegoat.

The key to finding a good scapegoat is to first find someone who is less popular than you are. What’s less popular than child molesters? Well, not much really, but it depends on where you live. There’s still one group around the world generally despised for no good reason: non-believers.

Pope Benedict voiced the Catholic Church’s deep concern over “hostility and prejudice“ against Christianity in Europe on Thursday, saying creeping secularism was just as bad as religious fanaticism…The Pope put what the Vatican has termed “aggressive secularism”, such as gay marriage and restrictions on religious symbols such as crucifixes, nativity scenes and other traditions, on the same level as religious fanaticism.

You hear that, gay marriage advocates? You’re on the same level as the terrorist who straps C4 and shrapnel to his body and blows himself up on a bus full of school children! By trying to get the rest of the world to stand by your deep anal dicking, you’ve thrown the whole world in peril, and it could even start a full blown global conflict. These recent attacks on nativity scenes remind me of when those poor girls in Afghanistan had acid thrown in their face for daring to educate themselves. The two are morally equivalent, don’t you know. Seriously, what did that little plastic baby Jesus ever do to you, atheists?

“The same determination that condemns every form of fanaticism and religious fundamentalism must also oppose every form of hostility to religion that would restrict the public role of believers in civil and political life,” he said.

“It should be clear that religious fundamentalism and secularism are alike in that both represent extreme forms of a rejection of legitimate pluralism and the principle of secularity.”

Yes, the Church should know a thing or two about pluralism. Their belief in the supremacy of their own religion has never caused genocide, torture of women, random murder of thousands of Jews periodically in Medieval Europe, and a host of other terrible shit, right? Truly these religious leaders are the guardians of plurality! Secularism has never allowed people of different faith (regardless of how dumb they are) to coexist peacefully. No, for that to happen, we needed monotheistic religions to be in charge.

Seriously, can you fucking believe this guy?


I’ve gotten a few emails asking me why I bothered to feature a comic section when most of them appear to be dated last October. Well, that’s because the comics are making a comeback in 2011, and I thought I might give you a little preview. Since I talked about Joseph Ratzinger on my last Bonus show (I refuse to call this guy by his role-playing nickname, Benedict XVI) in light of all the new revelations of priestly abuse in Germany, this comic needs to go up.

Pope says condoms are “ok” in some situations

No, you aren’t dreaming or suffering from hallucinations; in a new book, the Pope has admitted that condom use may not be the big scary soul-sucking bogeyman the Vatican has claimed it is. Of course, it’s not like the Pope promised to distribute condoms to AIDS riddled Africa anytime soon, even though their own moral blindness on this issue has caused the death of untold millions.

The Pope gives the example of the use of condoms by male prostitutes as “a first step towards moralization”, even though condoms are “not really the way to deal with the evil of HIV infection”.

He says that the “sheer fixation on the condom implies a banalization of sexuality” where sexuality is no longer an expression of love, “but only a sort of drug that people administer to themselves”.

I’m so sick of this bullshit the Catholic Church fights to ensure that sex is merely an expression of love. They want everyone to have their kind of sex: missionary, for procreation only, and not with anyone of the same sex. Sounds pretty dull, am I right?

As for his statement that condom use isn’t the best “solution” for the evils of AIDS, what the hell else is supposed to work? Telling people they are going to hell for slamming their private parts together doesn’t do the trick. You need to stop living in a fantasy land and realize human beings are built to fuck like bunnies, and plan accordingly, jackass.

The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 136

This week: How the Vatican is changing tactics and trying to distance themselves away from pedophile priests, why I dream of swimming in a bevy of bitches (even if it means getting eaten in the process), and why the human race is ultimately doomed! It’s 54 minutes of TGA goodness, so don’t miss out.

The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 136