Scientologist Danny Masterson gets life in Jail

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last 20 years, odds are that you may have heard, or even watched, a television program called “The 70’s Show”. The ensemble cast found great success in the early 2000’s with a hit sitcom, and they all eventually became big stars in their own rights. Many of the cast were scientologists, with Danny Masterson being the most high profile. With fame often comes trouble, and Danny’s sexual proclivities seem to have included some sexual assault on the side. Three women recently came forward accusing Danny of rape. Now, because the crime has occurred so long ago, the statue of limitation had expired. However, because of a special law in California that makes it so that any crime committed that carries a life sentence cannot fall under the statute, the fact that Danny was a recidivist meant that he was not facing trial.

When the prosecution first presented its case, it was largely barred from being able to mention Scientology, despite the fact that the church had been responsible for not only covering up the crime, but also punishing the women who came forward as well. This first trial ended in a mistrial as a result. The prosecution pursued a new trial, and this time, Scientology was “fair game”. Well, when it was all said and done, Danny was found guilty by a jury of his peers, and was sentenced to life in prison, with the possibility of parole when he ironically turns 70.

Now, not only is this the highest profile Scientologist to face serious prison time, it’s also only the beginning. A civil trial is brewing, and Lia Remini has also joined in and filed a lawsuit against Scientology for it’s various crimes, including human trafficking’s, child labor violations, and kidnapping. It’s very likely that the discovery alone for these trials is going to put the battered religion in the hot seat. There are many ex-Scientologists that are convinced that we are witnessing the end times for the religion, as a huge variety of lawsuits could be incoming once the facts of the cases are presented.

It’s an exciting time for those of us that have been waiting for their downfall. Stay tuned for more incredible news in the coming months!

The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 312

This week, part 2 of our “History of Scientology” podcast. Ryan joins me as we talk about Miscaviage’s weird obsessions, Cardinal Cruise and his helm of Charisma, and why Indiana Jones is a murderer.

– 62 of 157 reported zero book sales
– Website by Mike Rinder criticizing the pyramid scheme of Orgs
– Scientology members leaving because of pressure of over-regging (over taxing)
– The incredible amount of waste that results in poor renovation, use of unskilled labor, and unpaid contractors
– The perfect synergy of Cruise as a pitchman for a Hollywood cult of celebrity
– Tom Cruise was thirsty for religious experience. Energetic, and exuberant to the point of naiveté, Miscaviage enjoys the cool factor Cruise gives him, but also enjoys the humiliating details of the actor’s sex life, something he uses to feel superior
– Miscaviage is not particularly educated, and seems to react violently to criticism. He may believe that the Org program is working, even though they are taxing their members to the breaking point, holding 8 hour fundraising sessions, several times a year to pay for renovations

The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 312

The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 311

This week, Ryan joins me for a very special 2 part episode about Scientology. First up, we discuss the early history of the church, some of its scandals, and the way it operates. We also discuss what the different elements of a cult are, and I try to break Scientology down with it.

The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 311

Scientology wants to fight the Internet

Man, I never realized Katie Holmes marrying Tom Cruise would be such a blessing in disguise. While I figured she would eventually break away from the cult, I never realized it was going to turn into a Lifetime movie version of Not Without My Daughter. Tom’s carefully crafted public image is crumbling under increased media pressure, curious about Scientology and increasingly unafraid of the consequences of criticism. This is a fairly recent phenomenon. There was a time when their army of lawyers could crush any tiny article or TV report which cast a critical eye on their organization or their messiah, L.Ron Hubbard (don’t be fooled: he is indeed revered in a way usually reserved for gods).

Part of the reason they are so weakened is Scientology has been unable to fully grasp the power of the Internet, and as such they have failed to contain the perpetual tide of information leaks that seem to be escalating. The latest is a series of emails between members effectively freaking out over the split, and attempting to do some damage control. One email, from the ‘Office of Special Affairs’ (they’re in James Bond villain territory with that one) details how church members are to hit the Internet and try to suppress any negative bit of trolling the Internet is shouting. Because most major websites have a Code of Conduct (their version of laws), and because Scientologists love to use rules to squash resistance, it’s a strategy perfectly matched to their M.O.

Of course, the general rule about the Internet is when you try to control it, you flirt with the possibility of becoming the target of some very powerful people who navigate this cyberspace as effortlessly as an eel navigates the currents. Do not awaken the God of the Internet, for they will crush you!

The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 260

This week, we talk about the success of the Kickstarter campaign so far, and what that means for the future of TGA. We also discuss Katie Holmes and her split from Scientology, and how the ‘VatiLeaks’ scandal is helping erode the power of the Vatican.

The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 260

Woman held captive by Scientologists for 12 years

Scientology is messed up. What else do you expect from a “religion” created by a poor science-fiction writer with delusions of grandeur? There’s so much wrong with it, it’s hard to know exactly where to start the list of fucked up shit they do. Convince people with mental disabilities or brain imbalances that drugs are bad, vitamins are the answer and psychiatry is evil? Check. Find a way to take more and more money from your members from bogus auditing that costs more and more cash? Check. Have “work-camps” where people essentially do slave labor in exchange for more stupid auditing, and refuse to release people who want to leave? Oh, you better believe that’s a check.

A former Church of Scientology member has claimed she was held against her will aboard the Church’s cruise ship, The Freewinds, for 12 years.

Valeska Paris, an Australian resident, said she was forced onto the ship by the Church’s leader, David Miscavige, when she was 17 after her mother tried to dissociate her from the organization.

Yeah, totally not creepy at all: They effectively hold a young woman captive for a decade, and then claim she was there of her own free will. Too bad some of her fellow members actually have the guts to back up her story, or that there are loads of similar complaints. I’m beginning to wonder if any prosecutor with a set of balls is going to bother to try and bring this evil organization to justice. Here is a clear group of deranged psychos with a shit-ton of money doing anything they want with impunity since given the magical status of religion. Why is it we’re always willing to suffer the worst offenses against people if it’s done by an organized body of nonsense?

Scientology’s Sex Scandals

You know, with all the sex scandals within the Catholic Church, we sometimes forget there are plenty of other religious organizations who have a similar disregard for the wellbeing of their congregation. The latest incident involves the Church of Scientology, where a senior member of their Australian branch is accused of trying to intimidate an 11 year old girl into providing a false statement regarding her step father’s abuse.

Ms. Rainer has alleged that Ms. Eastgate, who was then head of the church’s citizens’ commission on human rights in Australia, told her she should deny any charges of the sexual abuse or she and her brother would be taken away by social services.

Ms. Rainer’s mother Phoebe has also admitted Ms. Eastgate told both of them what to say and to lie to police and in an interview with the Department of Community Services. Ms Eastgate previously called the allegations “egregiously false”.

What’s the easiest way to coerce one of your flock? Just use your stupid nonsense against them!

Ms Rainer had previously said that she was told by senior Scientology members that abuse was punishment for being bad in a previous life.

“She said, ‘Just say no, keep repeating that’,” Ms. Rainer told the ABC in an interview last year.

“They told me it was my fault because I’d been bad in a past life. I believed them.”

Man, people who spew bullshit for a living sure have a wealth of techniques to get their sheep to fall into line, don’t they? How often do you think this, or some other similar lie, compelled a victim to remain silent in the face of abuse?

Hilariously enough, Jan Eastgate had recently been the recipient of a humanitarian award by her own sinister organization, proving just how dedicated these clowns are the the “betterment” of mankind.

In response to these allegations, a senior government official by the name of Nick Xenophon (yes, that’s a real name) is calling for the Church to lose their tax exempt status. Now if only we could do the same thing for the Catholic Church and every other institution that tries to cover up sexual abuse, then we’d be cookin’!

The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 188

This week, Jeff joins me as we talk about Scientology; its origins, its mandate, and how the organization operates. You won’t want to miss out. Plus, we make fun of Bill O’Reilly for good measure.

The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 188

Spaceology is the future!

Have you ever looked up at the sky,
seen all the lights and wondered why?
Well my friend, ponder no more,
Spaceology is what you’re looking for!

The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 134

This Week: why Tom Cruise needs to leave Scientology as fast as humanly possible, and how America needs to stop worrying about ‘the gays‘ (like George Rekers) and fix their damn shit!

The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 134

Scientologists arrive in Haiti

Looks like John Travolta is a man of his word; a few days ago he spoke about flying a bunch of his weirdos in yellow shirts to this devastated country, and a news report has surfaced stating a “private donor” has sent 80 volunteers (along with 50 real doctors) down there.

The problem right now is the huge influx of volunteers in the country has actually slowed down aid relief. Some are just showing up without a plan, and simply end up having to leech off aid that would otherwise be going to Haitians. They need money, not volunteers (especially not the proselytizing kind).

Right now the only thing they’ve done is gone around “touching” people, claiming this has healing properties. This bullshit practice is so ludicrously stupid, I’ll have to let one of their zombies describe it for me:

“We’re trained as volunteer ministers, we use a process called ‘assist’ to follow the nervous system to reconnect the main points, to bring back communication,” she said.

“When you get a sudden shock to a part of your body the energy gets stuck, so we re-establish communication within the body by touching people through their clothes, and asking people to feel the touch.”

You know, Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world; the last thing they need is a “religion” that charges exorbitant amount of monies to become “clear” of thetans. The 400,000 it costs to send these clowns there could have been better spent on food and water, honestly. When are people going to learn that sometimes, the best way to help is to get the fuck out of the way?

Desperate Haitians need e-meters, stat!

I complain about Christian charity organizations all the time, but since most of the population in Haiti actually believes in the same religion (with a few added voodoo rituals), I’m not really worried about their incessant need to proselytize. What I AM concerned about, however, is John Travolta and his merry band of Scientologists making a surprise flight to the devastated country. I guess Haiti is in desperate need of e-meters or something, and the yellow shirted weirdos will be going around giving vitamins and “touch assists” to people in need.

Why don’t you stay out of everyone’s way John? The last thing they need is another religious organization trying to peddle their ridiculous beliefs; they need water, food, and most importantly, money. Instead of spending all that dough to send your thetan peddling zombies to the country, why don’t you write the Red Cross a big fat check and stay the fuck out of Dodge. Of course, I’m forgetting the possibility that perhaps his plane might crash into the Ocean on the way there…a man can dream, can’t he?

Scientology is creepy

So apparently Scientology is trying to secretly raise money to begin their “Crusade” (their choice of words, not mine) to build a ton of their creepy “Orgs” around the country. They made a video, and it was recently leaked (man, do I love the Internet), so now you get to have a first hand look into their weird and distorted picture of the world. These delusional idiots really believe that the world needs to be “clear” and alien engrams are causing them all kinds of problems. One woman in the video admitted to waking up one day and hating her husband. I guess the thought her hatred wasn’t the result of alien soul interference might have made her feel like a pretty shitty person, no?

I love in the first few minutes how they start ranting about how messed up the world is today: Oh no, there’s tons of scary things out there in the world, and it’s so FUBAR that only a religion started by a terrible science fiction writer can possibly save us! These Scientologist scumbags have the audacity to claim no one except for them have any decency and morality. These are the same individuals that actually charge you money to “cure” you of your self doubt. So here we have a cult of greed pretending they are a charity. Incredible.

Best line of this whole mess of a video: “Without us actually doing something and changing the course of [the]future, with us like…ARRGG…getting in there, it’s a no go, and I don’t want to live like that for the rest of my eternity”. The runner up: “Every eternity to come starts with a single step”

I think after watching this video, you can come to two very simple conclusions: #1, Scientologists are obsessed about the thought of living forever, and #2, they are incredibly creepy regarding this singular obsession.

France gives Scientology the finger

It’s a good day, people. This morning I was flooded with emails and links concerning a French court that found 6 members of the Church of Scientology guilt of fraud. Each member on trial was fined 400,000 euros and  sentenced to no less than two years in prison.

I’m actually pretty surprised they’re sending these guys to jail while still allowing the Church to continue its operation in the country with impunity. I guess they found insufficient evidence that this fraud was perpetuated by the church. These guys played by Scientology’s play book, so why did they not bring the whole scam down once and for all? It’s a shame really. Scientology is a pyramid scheme designed to extort people out of their money, all under the guise of “freeing” a person from fear, doubt, and every other normal human emotion people find unpleasant.

Unfortunately, I doubt this decision is going to do much to slow down the growth of this beast. The Church recently opened up a chapter in Rome, and it attracted well over 6,000 suckers people.

Hey everyone, if you are feeling depressed, unhappy, and generally unfulfilled, try to do something creative and fun rather than get suckered in by a bunch of money hungry fuckfaces. Go for a bike ride, talk to a friend you lost contact with, or better yet, take a drill and shove it deep inside your brain tissue if you even feel slightly compelled to go get audited. Trust me, you’re way better off as a vegetable.