Scientology is creepy

So apparently Scientology is trying to secretly raise money to begin their “Crusade” (their choice of words, not mine) to build a ton of their creepy “Orgs” around the country. They made a video, and it was recently leaked (man, do I love the Internet), so now you get to have a first hand look into their weird and distorted picture of the world. These delusional idiots really believe that the world needs to be “clear” and alien engrams are causing them all kinds of problems. One woman in the video admitted to waking up one day and hating her husband. I guess the thought her hatred wasn’t the result of alien soul interference might have made her feel like a pretty shitty person, no?

I love in the first few minutes how they start ranting about how messed up the world is today: Oh no, there’s tons of scary things out there in the world, and it’s so FUBAR that only a religion started by a terrible science fiction writer can possibly save us! These Scientologist scumbags have the audacity to claim no one except for them have any decency and morality. These are the same individuals that actually charge you money to “cure” you of your self doubt. So here we have a cult of greed pretending they are a charity. Incredible.

Best line of this whole mess of a video: “Without us actually doing something and changing the course of [the]future, with us like…ARRGG…getting in there, it’s a no go, and I don’t want to live like that for the rest of my eternity”. The runner up: “Every eternity to come starts with a single step”

I think after watching this video, you can come to two very simple conclusions: #1, Scientologists are obsessed about the thought of living forever, and #2, they are incredibly creepy regarding this singular obsession.