Pope Visits New Guinea, Laments Their Superstitions

Has there ever been an organization with less self awareness than the Catholic Church? For starters, it is the wealthiest organization in the world. In terms of real-estate holdings alone, they dwarf the British Royal Family in terms of sheer volume and size. St. Peter’s Basilica is estimated to be worth around 33 billion dollars, but this is merely from the cost of the materials. It does not factor the actual artistry, or the rarity in the skill needed to even try and replicate such a masterpiece. They also own over 5000 other churches and investment properties, and so no one really known the total actual worth of this sinister organization.

It’s why I’ve always found their call for charity to ring hallow. When their pontiff eats, he does so on gold plates, which is all you really need to know whenever this same jackass makes a visit to a poor country stressing the need to help the poor.

It’s not only poverty that these morons like to lecture about. Just the other day, this hypocrite visited New Guinea, where a significant portion of the population is Catholic. Ignoring the methodology in which this conversion happened (it was not a peaceful event, to say the least), the latest stupid comment made by the most overrated human on earth also included a call to end superstition that put women in harm’s way:

Francis urged the church leaders in Papua New Guinea to be particularly close to these people on the margins who had been wounded by “prejudice and superstition.” I think too of the marginalized and wounded, both morally and physically, by prejudice and superstition sometimes to the point of having to risk their lives,” Francis said. He urged the church to be particularly close to such people on the peripheries, with “closeness, compassion and tenderness.”

Anyone unfamiliar with history will fail to understand the profound irony in that statement. Let’s not forget that it was the church that burned alive so many women due to accusation of witchcraft. Not only that, but in countries like Nigeria, the toxic mixture of local superstition, and the Bible’s own commandment to destroy witches, has caused the suffering of countless women and children. They bare the responsibility of having introduced these societies to their poison, and yet seem completely oblivious to the harm they cause.

The church would like you to also forget the misery they continue to perpetuate by misinforming people on the benefits of condom use. So, whenever you hear one of these sanctimonious assholes who love the smell of their own farts, you should politely tell them to fix the problems in their own house before going to other places to lecture them,