Ray Comfort is hilarious

Someone on r/atheism found this Ray Comfort flyer entitled Scientific Facts in the Bible: 100 Reasons to believe the Bible is Supernatural in Origin. The ironic title demonstrates the true stupidity at work here. Check out these awesome excerpts:

Try to think of any explosion that has produced order. Does a terrorist bomb create harmony? Big bangs cause chaos. How could a big bang produce a rose, apple tree, fish, sunsets, the seasons, hummingbirds, polar bears – thousands of birds and animals, each with its own eyes, nose, and mouth?

See, a terrorist explosion can’t make a polar bear. Checkmate!

Try this interesting experiment: Empty your garage of every piece of metal, wood, paint, rubber and plastic. Make sure there is nothing there. Nothing. Then wait for ten years and see if a Mercedes evolves. Try it. If it doesn’t appear, leave it for 20 years. It that doesn’t work, try it for 100 years. Then try it for 10,000 years. Admittedly, it is pretty hard to believe that it could appear. However, here’s what will produce the necessary blind faith to make the evolutionary process believable: 250 million years.

I love his stupid, try-this-at-home experiment that no one in their right mind would even attempt. As far as Ray is concerned, evolution is a magic force that assembles inanimate objects together given enough time. While this has nothing to do with the actual science of what he’s trying to denigrate, it does speak to the level of ‘research’ this moron has been conducting.

If you are of the opinion that there is scientific evidence for the theory of evolution, go to our website at www.raycomfort.com. There you will find a link to the website of Dr. Kent Hovind, an authority on evolution. He will give 250,000 to anyone who can present any scientific proof of evolution. If you have some, take him to court. Become famous. Make this another Scopes trial. But you can’t, because there isn’t any evidence.

Kent might have a hard time paying you, since he’s currently serving a jail sentence of failing to pay his taxes (he claims he owed the money only to God, and not the U.S. government). His doctorate, by the way, comes from a shitty diploma farm. You too can be as credible as Hovind for the low price of 100 dollars! This ‘evolutionary expert’, convinced that the Earth is less than 10,000 years old, believes dinosaurs lived with Humans and the Earth was surrounded by a gigantic ring of water (his explanation of the fairy tale of Noah’s Flood and why the antediluvian patriarchs lived so long). If you want to waste your time trying to get money from a stone, be my guest.

Evolution is really a religion. The Funk & Wagnall dictionary defines “religion” as “a set of beliefs concerned with explaining the origins and purposes of the Universe.” That sums up the religion of evlution. It even has its own religious language: “We believe, perhaps, maybe, probably, could’ve, possibly.” The founding father of the faith is Charles Darwin. The god of the religion of evolution is ‘nature”, often referred to by the faithful as ‘Mother Nature’.

I’ve never heard of this Funk & Wagnall, although if that is indeed their description for ‘religion’, then I can see why I haven’t used them as a reliable reference. A religion is not really about trying to explain the origins and purpose of the universe. It’s more a collection of ancient stories and superstitions that – while occasionally offering pathetic cosmogonies – are really primarily interested in people (and more importantly, their money). They have implacable dogmas and ‘articles of faith’ which is a nice way to say “no proof for believing in this bullshit”.

Evolution, on the other hand, is interested in the mechanism that drives life to change and adapt to its environment over time. Sexual reproduction, for example, is one such mechanism. To hear Ray talk about this science, you would think that evolutionary biologists wear funny hats trying to get everyone to stop masturbating.

I’ve always found it funny how profoundly ignorant people like Ray, while espousing their own religions, suddenly turn on the concept when it applies to others. Science is a religion, they say. Well, even if that was true (which it most certainly isn’t), don’t they think religion is a good thing? Don’t they praise ‘blind faith’ as being above reproach? It’s funny the kind of schizophrenic relationship they have with their own belief system, isn’t it?