Religious Nationalists are Annoying

If you thought only America was having problems with religious nutbags making normal life unpleasant, than you can take some comfort that you’re not the only one suffering. In India, Hindu Nationalists are becoming emboldened, and like their Christian counterparts, they are always clutching their pearls at anything that offends them, which is just about everything.

In West Bengal, a local zoo is being harassed for daring to give one of their tigers a name that Hindu extremists do not like. Worse still, the zookeepers had the temerity to put this beast in an enclave with another tiger with the name of a 16th century Muslim ruler named Akbar. There you have it: religious people are dangerous babies who want the whole world to bow down to their little temper tantrums.

If that wasn’t ridiculous enough, Akbar had been renamed after their original had been criticized by other Hindu extremists. And now, to avoid harassment, the two tigers are being kept in separate enclaves.

When is the world going to stop kowtowing to these idiots? I can’t imagine anything more stupid than protesting the names of these majestic animals. I mean what’s next? Are the Zoroastrians going to demand that the car company Mazda to abandon their brand?