Scorsese Says New Jesus Film Isn’t “Preachy”

Christians are always falling over themselves when it comes to praising their main guy. There isn’t a second on this planet where one of these poor brainwashed idiots won’t say his name, declaring him to be a “prince of peace”, and other such nonsense. As far as having a glowing reputation, there are few that benefit as much as this bearded weirdo.

However, if you’re a non-believer, Jesus just isn’t that impressive as a moral teacher. For starters, the man was always speaking in riddles. Most of the time, it was difficult to really pin his morality down, since there was always a confusing parable waiting to be recounted. Even religious folks are often unsure of what exactly the man was trying to say, though it doesn’t stop people from trying, often to pathetic results.

Well, I am not a child, and I am not one of the apostles, but let me admit it publicly, “I don’t think I understand Jesus’ parables.” And you know what? I think that is EXACTLY what Jesus wants. In fact, confusion is the goal of the Jesus’ parables. Did you know that? So if you are confused by what Jesus says in His parables, you are on the right track.

That’s some high level of copium right there. Morality is based on clarity, not interpretation. If I tell you that murder is wrong but them refuse to define murder, it doesn’t serve any higher moral purpose to state that.

So when brilliant filmmaker Martin Scorsese says that he’s releasing a new movie about Jesus that is meant to “take away the negatives associated with religion”, he doesn’t realize that his golden boy is actually quite lame when it comes to being a great moral leader. I can name on one hand the positive messages he conveys, while running out of digits for all the weird, inconsistent, and even morally repugnant things he says.

Everyone like to blame organized religion for corrupting the message of religion, but this is honestly just a copout. The founding documents of the three major Abrahamic faith are quite irredeemable, and it’s not surprising that any organization that adopts the Bible, or the plagiarized Koran as their primary foundation is bound to reflect the evils of these ancient tomes.

It’s sad that in Martin’s waning years that he is wasting his time making Christian propaganda. Unless he wants to completely rewrite the character, Jesus isn’t the kind of guy you should be basing your life on. He was purposefully aloof, occasionally violent and seemed more interested in fulfilling prophesy than actually doing any good. He left zero moral impact on the community he was trying to change to begin with. It was only decades after his supposed death that anyone started to pay attention to what he had to say, and even then, it was only when the religion was officially adopted by the very empire that had previously rejected it.

So, at best, the most positive thing I can say of “the prince of peace” is that more people have died in his name than any other human in history. Is that really something to be proud of?