The Pope is a liar

The Vatican has been considering canonizing Pope Piux XII, and this has created tensions within the Jewish community. You see, back in 1933, the Vatican signed an agreement (called the Reichskonkordat) that officially recognized the Nazi party, effectively legitimizing its anti-Semitic stance. It was the only religious institution to do so, and this fact still haunts the Catholic Church. It’s seen by many as a giant betrayal, and with Benedict now claiming the Vatican “helped Jews in a discreet way“, he’s effectively trying to rewrite history without so much as a shred of proof (the help was so discreet there isn’t a shred of evidence to back it up).

It’s a pretty popular tactic nowadays to just say shit and not have to back it up. Some in the Jewish community are asking the Vatican to make public their records on Pius XII, but of course they’ll do no such thing; why should they? Here is an institution which claims to be infallible, so as far as they are concerned, Popes are always doing the right thing.  Pius’ appeasement of the Nazis, and his failure to denounce the Holocaust is a sore wound that will probably never be healed.

I’m not suggesting the Catholic Church and the Jewish community shouldn’t keep working on improving their relations, but why is this coming at the cost of the truth? Benny can try to bullshit his flock into buying the idea they were “discreetly helping the Jews”, but the rest of us who aren’t blinded by faith goggles can see through the steaming pile of bullshit he’s peddling.