Trump Supporters Claim Harris Will Bring About Apocalypse

How do you know you’re in a death cult? Well, for starters, your first clue would be that everything you dislike is always characterized in apocalyptic terms. Don’t like rock music or rap? It’s the work of the devil, you see! Painting everything with this brush ensures that you are constantly afraid, which is another important aspect of death cults. If you’re not scared all the time, you’re doing it wrong.

Most Christians out there have no idea they are in a death cult. That’s because it’s been around for so long that folks are just accustom to it. It’s a bit like how people in wars get used to the constant bombardment around them. Eventually, they are just blind to it, despite the fact that the real danger of death has not fundamentally changed. Merely their perception of it has.

So we can’t be surprised at all by conservative christians who support Donald Trump from behaving in some very strange ways. Since they have adopted the orange turd as their messiah, the departure of Joe Biden from the presidential race, and his biracial female replacement has sent waves of fear among their most loyal supporters. Seeing the writing on the wall, many are now claiming that she is the personification of all the evils in the world:

In just the past week, popular MAGA pundits warned that Harris is “Hitler and Stalin combined but times 200,” and also a “commie” who will choose a running mate who supports “allowing men to beat up women in the Olympics.” They also expressed outrage over the opening ceremony at the Paris Olympics as the end of “Western civilization,” and singled out one woman on a Zoom fundraiser call for Harris’ campaign as another harbinger of end times.

Their list of grievances is perhaps some of the most pathetic braying in history. Transgender athletes and artistic depictions of The Last Supper are not exactly barnburner issues. If anything, it only demonstrates that the things that Christians fear as demonic is pretty milk toast. Meanwhile, this is the same group of people that want to outlaw all abortions, force the Bible to be taught in schools, and essentially blow up the separation of church and state in order to officially make America into a theocratic nightmare.

The only bit of good news in this is that Harris is genuinely terrifying these weirdos. The thing to remember is that the country is a vastly different place than when Donald won his presidency is 2016. Over 22 million baby boomers, which make up the vast majority of his base, have died since the last election. That’s a significant number, and with more young people being energized, this election is beginning to look like it could go Harris’ way. This means that as election night gets closer, you will begin to see the true desperation of these Christian Nationalists on full display. When the stakes are risen to the point of apocalyptic language, it’s difficult to predict exactly what will happen, but it’s safe to say that people should be extremely worried. Never forget that those who believe in absurdities can be easily convinced to commit atrocities.