You die because you sin!

Alright, it’s time for Ray Comfort to explain the mysteries of life to you. Here he is explaining to people why you cannot go to heaven based on your own goodness, since all human beings are inherently evil. Like the rest of his evangelical ilk, he believes the only way to ‘secure’ your place in magic land is by believing in Jesus, who had to be tortured and killed as blood atonement for the curse God (who is also supposed to be Jesus) placed upon all of us from birth.

He also claims it isn’t aging that kills us; it’s sin. So, the reason we get old and die is because our bodies decay like the Emperor in Star Wars. As you can guess, this is not the reason we die, and it certainly sends a pretty bleak message about how terrible we are as people, since salvation is impossible for anyone who isn’t into blood sacrifice. Pretty sick ideology if you ask me.