Bible Museum Closes Due to Lack of Interest

Do you ever get tired of religious conservatives telling you that the Bible is the most popular book in the world? Sure, it’s the most “sold” book in history, but considering how illiterate most Christians are about the “good book”, it seems as though religious people are not really big fans of the Bible. I Speak from experience here on this matter: no one gives a shit about it. Sure, people say they do, but in the same way someone might say that if someone was having car troubles on the road, they would stop to help. The stats on that don’t lie: must of us wouldn’t. We just like to think we would.

This would explain why in Philadelphia, the American Bible Society’s “Faith and Liberty Discovery Center” is closing after only 3 years of operation. The “museum”, if we can generously call it that, costs roughly 60 million dollars to build. The ABS was convinced that they would attract a flood of tourists, but predictably, no one showed up. It might have something to do with the pathetic attempt at scholarship, or the boring attractions. In any case, this monument to failure is on its way out, and no one in Philly gives a shit. It’s beautiful.

You can judge for yourself if their sales pitch has any mustard to it:

“We’ve created a massive digital platform, disguised as a museum,” said Pat Murdock, the center’s former executive director. “It feels like a museum — we’ve got artifacts and all that, but really it’s a digital platform that is ripe for the way people are learning today. They want to learn from the media. They want to learn from a story. And they also want to collect things, and they want to create. That’s why we created the maker space.”

Wow, I’m convinced.

Anyone with a head on their shoulders could have told them it was a bad idea. Would they have even listened? When you build your whole life and identify on a lie, it’s hard to know what the truth is. These clowns thought huge crowds of people would rush to a museum where they are told that they are sinners, because that’s what they were told by people trying to be polite, or nice. In reality, they received 2% of their projected visitors. They didn’t even come close to meeting any of their projections, no matter how many times they prayed to their sky daddy.

If you’re worried that the 60 million dollar price tag of this monstrosity was paid for by taxpayers, I can at least confirm that this ode to the worst book in history was actually paid for by the ABS, who had sold their New York building for a cool 300 million, and moved to Philly because it was cheaper there. So cheap, in fact, that no one had the money to go visit this bloated establishment. If these morons want to keep wasting money building exhibits no one wants to see, I’m all for it. Just don’t expect anyone to give a shit, that’s all.