Christian Nationalists Now 1/3 of American Voters

If you want to be terrified, than look no further than this report by the Public Religion Research Institute, also known as PRRI, that demonstrates that roughly 1/3 of American voters identify or support the agenda of Christian Nationalists.

The findings of just who these people are should surprise no one. They are populated by a significant portion of old, white, evangelical Christians, although there seems to also be quite a few black and hispanic religious groups in the mix as well. In total, when you add up people who identify as Christian Nationalists, or who have sympathy for their cause, it amounts to over 30% of the voting population.

The reason that this should terrify people is that this number is an almost perfect parallel to what occurred in Weimar Germany before it was taken over by the Nazi party:

[T]he July 1932 elections brought the Nazi party 37.3 percent of the popular vote, making it the largest political party in Germany… In the ensuing elections in November 1932, the Nazis lost ground, winning 33.1 percent of the vote. The Communists, however gained votes, winning 16.9 percent. As a result, the small circle around President Hindenburg came to believe, by the end of 1932, that the Nazi party was Germany’s only hope to forestall political chaos ending in a Communist takeover.

The fragile democracy of Germany was broken by the time the Nazi party had a significant share of government power. It didn’t take a majority for them to simply take over. All they needed to do was ensure that everyone was more scared of their opponents, and when the moment was right, they literally executed their rivals, and declared themselves the only power. The destruction of Germany, and the deaths of hundreds of millions of people, was the result.

Now, the only main difference between 1930’s Germany and America in 2024, is that the economy has not (yet) collapse, or have a crisis. If it did, no doubt the number of people identifying as this frightening new minority would surely grow. The growing instability around the globe, and the renewed conflict of old enemies can be a catalyst for these religious psychos to try and grab more power.

The only solution to this disaster is for the “None”, the religiously unaffiliated, to take the mantel of power, and to act like a cohesive political group. Instead of just sitting by the sidelines and watching their country dissolve into a theocracy, the Nones will need to create political alliances with other groups that are fearful of this new development.

The alternative is to allow the most powerful military in the world to be controlled by people who pray every night for their God to destroy the world so that only their little pathetic religion can dominate.