Madonna of Orgasm Church gets the shaft

Remember these guys? Last time they were in the news, the government of Sweden had given it the right to register as a faith community. Since then, however, they’ve had a change of heart, saying the name is purposefully offensive to the Christian faith, and it has therefore been bitch slapped back to ‘weirdo’ status.

Personally, I find it hilarious that the only reason they deny these guys the title and privileges of religion is because of their general prudishness. For some reason, all world governments are intimidated by orgasms. Does it really seem that far fetched someone would end up worshiping pleasure? I’m not a religious man, but I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: if there’s one religion I could get behind, it’s this one!

If you live in Sweden, you need to support these guys. Why? Well, I believe major religions have way too much sway in people’s lives. Why does Christianity get to be a religion but Madonna of Orgasm doesn’t? I say we let those smaller religions to get a bit of face time. The more alternatives there are, the less people end up believing in any one of them. Let’s water down this concept they call ‘religion’, shall we?