This Christian video is terrible

Here’s a Christian video trying to pretend that they understand anything about rock and roll gods. It feels so real that you could swear it was taken right from “Behind the Music”. Somehow I never seem to get tired of Jesus-Junk.

My favorite part of the video is when the blond haired guy asks God-boy: “How do you know the book is true?” and he’s given the non-answer of: “My book is the Bible. Ever since I started living by what it says in there, my life has changed so much.”

That’s not really an answer, bro. In any case, I would never deny that a person’s life can change when they start reading the Bible. If you aren’t busy trying to ensure that you’re not wearing clothes made of two different fabrics or trying to cook your bread using your own feces, there’s tons of confusing stories to find a way to somehow make relevant in today’s modern world.