Superstitious Idiot Cancels Autism Awareness in Private School

Christians keep coming up with ways to alienate their own flock. It’s like watching a car crash in slow motion. It’s impossible to look away, despite all the carnage.

In Palm Beach County, Florida, there is a school called Trinity Christian Academy. The private school was planning on celebrating World Autism Day by encouraging parents and kids alike to wear the color blue on their person. It could be something as mundane as a pair of socks or a tie. Think St. Patrick’s Day, but no one is pinching you for not participating. There are also no “kiss me I’m on the spectrum” shirts, although this might be because the holiday is still too new for people to figure out how to make money from it.

The planning was then abruptly cancelled by the lead pastor named Matt Baker. He sent out this little gem of an email to parents, many of whom were looking forward to the celebration as a way of making their special needs kids feel included. This was something that Pastor Baker was not going to let slide:

[A]ny philosophy, teaching, or program that teaches our precious children that their identity is found in anything other than Christ is idolatry and demonic. Period.  The world, in its rejection and hatred of Christ, often devises programs such as ‘Autism Awareness’ (and cultural figures like the Easter Bunny and Santa Clause, etc.) to get the benefits of His teachings (compassion, kindness, feeling love, and self-worth) without acknowledging Jesus as the ultimate authority and the source of all life.

Please allow me to translate the crazy out of this statement: “Anything that is good and not Jesus is the devil”. Parents like Andrea Gallik were less than impressed. One of her children id autistic, and when she read the email, she was left in tears.

“I’m offended as a Christian because I feel that he is using the Bible for his own interpretation. And his interpretation is offensive. Not just to my son but to any child, adult afflicted with autism… It breaks my heart.”

Newsflash lady: people have been interpreting the Bible to service their own needs ever since it was put into print. That’s the nature of religion. It’s not about truth. It’s about power and control. Simple as that.

Gallik has since pulled her kids from the school. She may not be the only one who leaves because of this fiasco. How many other parents were disgusted at this offensive email? If Christianity is trying to self destruct, then I’m all for it. Keep pushing your own people away, guys! It’s making my job a lot easier!