World Net Daily lambasts Conservative Bible Project

It’s weird to admit I am in almost complete agreement with Joseph Farah of World Net Daily over the issue of Conservapedia’s attempt to remove the “liberal bias” of the Bible. Their desire to remove Jesus’ supposed “softness” on crime, and disdain for money is particularly telling of their general philosophy. There are plenty of Christians who absolutely hate the whole “easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God” passage. Some people really do love money, and it’s quite clear in the New Testament that Jesus really isn’t a big fan of it.

Of course, Farah and I don’t see eye to eye about the relative worth of the King James Version, but I’d rather be stuck with that sadistic filth than a version that’s even less charitable. At least it’s good to know not everybody on the conservative side has totally lost their marbles. Maybe there is hope for these people after all…

Child Abuser too Fat for Jail

What happens when you abuse a young girl for years, and you eventually get caught? You go to jail, right? Well, not if you’re too fat to fit in the cell! That’s what’s happened with child abuser Church Elder John William McConaghy, 66, who was convicted of all but 1 of the 21 charges against him. After receiving an anemic 12 months in jail, the judge was reluctant to send this fat piece of crap to jail.

His obesity, diabetes, ulcerated legs and MRSA infection were held to be exceptional circumstances.

Luckily, the prison was able to show that they could accommodate the fat fuck, and he was eventually sent to the slammer.

A Universe that Came from Nothing

If you’ve ever wanted to answer that annoying question, “how could the universe have formed from nothing”, then watch this video. Lawrence Krauss is funny, informative, and if you watch the entire video (it’s over an hour long, so you might need to pause it a few times), he will blow your fucking mind. Lawrence seems like a pretty cool guy. Turns out he wrote a book called “The Physics of Star Trek“. Sounds pretty awesome to me. If you’re a fan of the show, go check it out!

Man runs over daughter over “Western Influence”

There are some pretty shitty parents out there. If you want to see some hilarious examples of terrible child-rearing, you can always check to see some truly hilarious examples.

Of course, this guy might actually top them all thanks to his ridiculous religious traditions. Police are looking for Faleh Hassan Almaleki, 48, after he ran over his 20 year daughter who he felt had become “too westernized”.

So, while the police are busy trying to find Faleh to show him his new digs, his daughter is in the hospital with life threatening injuries. I imagine he doesn’t really care if she lives or dies at this point. In Faleh’s mind, he would rather his child die than let her enjoy her own life with modern secular values.

Our Webs are under Attack!

Australia, be warned! It seems as though the latest efforts of your country’s atheists have attracted the attention of theologically minded hackers. The Global Atheist Convention’s website has been flooded, and the Atheist Foundation of Australia’s site was attacked also.

It’s not known who is doing this exactly, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was some religious nutbag hoping to prevent people from attending this year’s atheist convention. It’s the type of typical, “it’s not wrong if I do it for Jesus” tactic that fundamentalists seem so fond of employing.

As usual this kind of thing only galvanizes people even more, so I imagine this probably won’t stop people from going; if anything, I’m willing to bet the event will be an even bigger success. In your face, religion!

The Bible gets the Robert Crumb treatment

If you’re unaware of Robert Crumb and his underground cult hit, Frizt the Cat, you might want to read up on this iconic character before proceeding further. Frizt has the distinction of being the most successful independent animated feature of all time, grossing 100 million dollars worldwide, despite the fact it received an X rating in the US (If you’re a Simpson fan, you may recall the Itchy and Scratchy tribute episode).

Crumb’s recently turned his attention to the Bible, specifically the Book of Genesis, and decided to make an illustrated comic book graphically depicting all 50 chapters. So, how long before Christians go apeshit over this? Take it away Mike Judge of the Christian Institute:

“If you are going to publish your own version of the Bible it must be done with a great deal of sensitivity. The Bible is a very important text to many, many people and should be treated with the respect it deserves.

“Representing it in your own way is all very well and good but it must be remembered that it is a matter of people’s faith, their religion.

“Faith is such an important part of people’s lives that one must remember to tread very carefully.”

They want us to walk on eggshells again. Problem is, Crumb hasn’t taken anything out of context. He’s just taking his cues directly from the Bible, and of course people would be offended; it’s a fucking offensive book! Lot getting raped by his daughters, Onan being slaughtered by God for spilling his semen on the floor; the list just goes on. Let’s just say that anyone who reads the Bible as a bedtime story for their children would probably scar them for life.

Personally I’m adding this book as part of my religious collection. I’ve always had a strange fascination with Crumb’s artwork. He seems to have the ability to make everything look dirty and inappropriate. Go check it out!

Texas jury uses the Bible to convict man to death

The law scares me. It’s not because I think justice is impossible, or I’ll somehow end up victimized by it. However, there is always a moment in our lives when we may run up against it, and if such a moment ever arose for me, I am utterly terrified at the prospect of being judged by a jury of my peers. Reading stories like this one reminds me only a small minority of people actually bother using their logical minds when trying to decide something as important as a man’s fate.

In 1999, Kristian Oliver was found guilty of bludgeoning an elderly man to death during a botched robbery. When it came time for the jury to decide his fate, a number of them decided to consult the Bible (specifically the Book of Numbers) for guidance. One of the jurors, Donna Matheny, had highlighted this passage:

And if he smite him with an instrument of iron, so that he die, he is a murderer: the murderer shall surely be put to death.

10 years later and Oliver’s lawyer is still trying to get the sentence overturned, arguing the Bible had no place in the jury room during deliberation. But because this is fucking Texas, a judge found insufficient evidence that the Bible significantly influenced the jury’s decision. Of course, this same judge also strictly forbade Oliver’s lawyer from directly asking jurors if the Bible had been used to influence their ruling, so how anything was properly determined, I have no idea.

So if you live in Texas and you don’t believe in God, do everything in your power to avoid being involved in the legal system. You’re likely to get totally fucked over by a bunch of Neanderthals who think the Bible is an instrument of law. This is the same book that commands you stone your children to death if you catch them swearing.  Feeling terrified yet?

I hacks yur Webs!

I received this comment on one of my posts, and I just had to put it up for you guys to see:

I visited your site to challenge you to learn about ‘contiguous dimensional worlds’ and how they show Christian belief and its command to love to be understandable, logical and evidenced in a technical sense. But your site uses vulgarities and slogans indicative of anger and not of reasonable thinking. ”Techie Worlds’, available at, explains this concept in detail. But some sites like yours are set up to attack the computers of those who wish to comment, so I will hit delete and shut down my system as quickly as possible.

I guess George thinks atheists are a bunch of trojan-infested sinners or something. He saw a few “fuck you’s” and assumed TGA was some kind of spam site. This guy was shocked to discover that dissent about religion could get a little colorful, and I guess that puts me in the same corner as those annoying scam websites you occasionally run across..

So to be fair to this guy, I decided to check out “Techie World” on Amazon, and hilariously enough, this book (written by a guy called Dr. George Richer) tries to explain where God is “physically” in the world:

This book explains physically where God is. It explains why you can’t see God. Nor can you see the angels. It explains how they can be right next to you, and can see you and know your every move, while you have no knowledge of their presence. The book outlines a theory, just as Darwin outlined a theory. And just as any scientist supports his theory by checking with physical facts, so this book’s theory about why we can’t see God is tested against the ‘impossible’ ideas of Christianity…. and finds that they support the dimensional hypothesis. So any intelligent, logical materialistic modern thinker can support the Christian teachings about God.

The only person who reviewed the book, “Bob Nelson”, happens to live in the same town and share the same IP address as GeorgeRic (hmm, now I wonder…could be the same person?). So basically this clown comes on the site and recommends his own idiotic book (which he’s the only one to have read and enjoyed thoroughly), trying to pass it off as some sort of explanation for how Christianity is the one true faith. Do these guys ever get tired of their own bullshit?

Man convicted in botched home circumcision of infant son

There is still a frighteningly large segment of the population that believes the Bible is a useful guide for every day living. Luckily, most of these misguided fools have never actually read the fucking Bible, so for the most part, we’re spared from the ill fate of anyone trying to live by the “Good Book”.

Once in a while, though, you run across a human being who hasn’t quite understood the concept of modern Germ Theory, and attempts to circumcise his 4 year old son on his kitchen floor with a razor blade. In case you want to know just how fantastically STUPID this particular human being is, consider the fact he had already tried it on himself and was admitted to the hospital when his foreskin turned black.

The father had been doing some research online for performing this kind of “surgery” (yes, sometimes the Internet really is shitty). His fundamentalist buddies encouraged him to use a product called Blood Stop, which sounds great until you realize they use this stuff on dogs. This douchebag (who can’t be identified for fear of embarrassing his children to death) couldn’t afford that medicine, so he bought the shit they give to horses instead.

The doctors eventually had to properly circumcise the child, because after a few days of the wound festering, they had to also remove a black, thick tarry substance from the boy’s penis. The dad has his wish, but in reaction the state took away his kids and put them in protective custody. So what does this guy do? He turns around and claims this is religious discrimination. He followed the logic of the Bible, and he wants this to be his constitutional right as a Canadian citizen.

You know what buddy? Fuck you. Seriously, you can’t almost kill your child with a botched attempt at circumcising him and then complain the government is unfair in protecting your other kids, too. You’re obviously not a smart man, and your religious mania places everyone around you at risk. No one stopped you when you fucked up your disaster of a circumcision. If you hate your own penis so much, so be it. The problem we have as a society isn’t how you practice your religion, it’s how you practice it on other people. When you forget about their welfare and place the desires of some invisible deity above those of your children, you’ve failed as a parent. It’s really that simple.

Get your shit together, America!

You keep hearing America is a divided nation. What that means is a certain portion of the population still believes homosexuals should be beaten or killed, the Government should be ruled as a theocracy, and only free market principles can help take care of people’s health issues (it’s been working great so far, right?).

Legislators in America have been attempting to get hate laws amended to include homosexuals, but so far, they’ve met with fierce opposition. House Minority Leader John Boehner says only “immutable characteristics” should be included in hate laws. This means he believes religion is something you are born with, but not homosexuality. That, according to him, is entirely a choice.

Yeah, it’s quite clearly a choice, John. I’m sure this guy, who was savagely beaten by two men (one of which has a tattoo of Leviticus 18:22), chose to be gay. The attackers are also claiming it was completely justified, saying that Jack Price (the victim) had “come on to them”.

What is frustrating here is that no one is calling out these people for the bigoted pieces of shit they really are. Boner Boehner gets away with his homophobic ranting because the majority of his constituents feel the same way he does. It’s time we put these kinds of people to shame; there’s no other way to go about it, America. Either you do something about the fact a significant portion of your population is dangerously stupid, or these same assholes will drag you down to the Dark Ages. Is that what you really want?

Yeehaa, it’s a good old fashion book burnin’!

Remember how Jimmy Carter quit his Baptist faith because he said they were getting way too hardcore for him? Continuing their fine tradition of being crazy fuckers, a small Baptist Church near Asheville, NC is having a Halloween book burning BBQ, complete with food, music, and reading materials; all of it scheduled to be grilled to perfection.

Pastor Marc Grizzard seems like a totally reasonable guy, believing the King James Bible is the only true interpretation of the Bible, despite being written in 1611 by the Church of England (before then, everyone had a wrong copy I have to assume). I guess to a crazy, uneducated white guy, the Bible HAS to be in English, or it’s a bust.

They also seem to think that any other version is actually the work of the devil, so their little bonfire is their way of showing everyone just how reasonable and level headed they all are. That, or they are just a bunch of white trash morons who think everything that expands your mind is connected to Satan. Why don’t you guys progress out of the 18th century and come join us at the grown up table, ok?

Sex it up with Jesus!

How many of you believers out there are tired of not being able to have anal sex or a hot threesome with your wife because she’s a Christian? Well, have no fear you poor sexually frustrated bastard, a theological solution is here. Just go to to know everything you need to know about how God permits that kind of wonderful sodomy.

Now I know what you’re going to say: “Jake, surely it’s too good to be true. Are you sure I can have my chastity and my orgiastic parties at the same time?” Who fucking cares? This is probably the only way you can finally convince your spouse that God commands his followers to shave their bikini zones.

Honestly, my favorite chapter was the one on how strong erections are a gift from God, which therefore makes Viagra a gift from God. You hear that, ladies? When I take this pill invented by a bunch of scientists, my penis gets harder than granite because God wills it. Hallelujah!

What’s the CARM?

You have to love Christian apologetics. These are the guys who dedicate their lives trying to explain away all the stupid, awful, or just plain terrible stuff from the Bible. The Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry is the saddest example of the need many Christians have of a supposedly rational world view. The site dedicates itself to trying to prove the Bible is consistent and truthful, which is about as fruitful as trying to prove  rainbows really DO have a pot of gold on the other side.

Here is CARM’s mandate directly from their website:

Why this site? – To equip Christians with the truth, to expose the error of false religious systems, evolution, to teach apologetics, help Christians defend the faith, and to glorify the Lord Jesus.

They have a section on atheists (which is relatively harmless and amusing), but the crown jewel of the site has to be the gargantuan effort of trying to prove that the story of Noah’s Ark in Genesis was a literal event. The author decides to try and “scientifically” break down the distribution of all the various species to prove it would be possible to hold all these animals on just one boat. It’s like trying to fit an entire bag of marshmallows in your mouth; even if you can do it, who the fuck cares?

I’ll start by telling you that the article, though attempting to be fair, bungles up the numbers right away. The author places the amount of different insects species at about 850,000, which is only off the mark by roughly 6-10 million. He grossly underestimates the amount of mammalian and avian species currently known (ignoring all the ones we actually haven’t discovered yet), and fails to explain something as simple as their “redistribution” after the flood (**note** I wrote that marsupials were found only in Australia, but I was mistaken. They may have originated in Southeast Asia, but the point is still the same).

Of course the most obvious question (other than “are you an idiot, sir?”), is “how did all these wild animals not eat each other? It’s kind of what they do. OK, Mr. Science man, tell us how they did it:

It should also be considered that many animals can hibernate. Additionally, predators and prey have been known to live peacefully together during situations of stress like fire, flood, or earthquake. In the Ark, animal behavior probably would have been different from normal daily life. Specialists in animal behavior have noted that animals can sense danger and have often migrated to escape it. Perhaps God used their migratory instincts to get them to the Ark.

Though this is only a brief analysis, it should present enough evidence that the Ark account is certainly within the realm of possibility.

Replace brief with ridiculous, and we’re in complete agreement, buddy.

More proof Pro-Lifers live in a fantasy land

Are you not tired of people refusing to believe in reason? I know I am. Scientists keeps finding shit out, and morons keep ignoring what they say. The latest in a series of major studies no one will listen to is on whether or not restricting legal abortion reduces the number of women trying to end their pregnancies. The result, unsurprisingly, is that it doesn’t do jack-shit.

I want to speak directly to any pro-lifer who may have stumbled upon this site right now. While you might be naïve enough to think that by making a stupid law, you’d somehow “make the world safe for babies”, the only thing you would do is create more problems. Laws invariably creates scofflaws (are you seriously going to jail women for getting abortions?), and since women seek abortions even when they aren’t legal, they would be taking huge health risks terminating their pregnancies. Same amount of abortions, just a lot more deaths and jail sentences. Great job.

So here’s the thing, boys and girls. Abortions aren’t pleasant, but they happen. You have to deal with the fact life isn’t some Disney bullshit, and by trying so hard to ignore reality, you’re just making everything worse. It might be hard for you to accept, but the rest of the world grew up and realized the best way to avoid human suffering and misery was by being smart, not indignant.

Study finds women are more religious than men

A couple months ago, I recorded a podcast explaining that women were far more superstitious than men. I cited Michael Shermer, author of the book The Science of Good and Evil: Why People Cheat, Gossip, Care, Share, and Follow the Golden Rule, and his study that found while men try to rationalize their beliefs, women use emotions to justify theirs. This, in turn, makes women far more susceptible to the lure of religion.

I got a few emails from fans criticizing these statements, accusing me of generalizing. Well, for those of you who doubted me the first time, check out this latest study that supports everything I had previously said.

If you’ll recall the show, I also admitted women were less likely to attack, kill, or steal from you, but no one accused me then of “generalizing”. Here’s the thing I want everyone to understand; when you’re talking about people in a broad sense (like whether or not men are more violent than women), you HAVE to generalize. If you tried to incorporate every single exception in your model, you’ve learned absolutely nothing about the subject matter you are studying. It’s also stupid to assume such studies are sexist; women are more religious than men on average. Get over it.

Obviously it doesn’t mean that if you’re a woman, you automatically believe in God. This is why I find atheist women so damn attractive; statistically they should be more likely to believe, but their own critical faculties, intelligence and independent mindedness has allowed them to break free of the bubble of religious delusion. How wonderful that these women have chosen to cast off the often repressive and submissive role religion had in store for them. It’s hot I tells you!