Little Girl Dies When Babysitter Attempts Baptism

The way religion makes people behave is abohrant. The level of entitelment of people who are convinced they are in possession of some divine truth is truly breathtaking. Sometimes it’s even deadly. That was certainly the case for a young child by the name of Klover Miyanee Symphonee Hawkins, who was tragically killed in a stupid and pointless religious ceremony.

In September of last year, she was being babysat by her second cousin, a 39 year old woman named Nakia Martin. While giving Klover and her siblings a bath, she began to hold their heads underwater in an attempt to “baptize” them. Six year old Klover drowned while this occurred, and the surviving children were threatened with banishment to Hell if they dared to tell anyone what happened. Martin then went into hiding, but was eventually arrested and charged with murder.

I simply can’t fathom the pain of her poor mother, who had trusted a family member with the lives of her children. Martin’s obvious mental illness had been masked under the guise of faith, meaning that it would have been impossible for other believers to know the danger she posed.

I feel like this story is emblematic of what is happening in America. A bunch of mentally diseased people, cloaked in religion, are acting in psychotic ways and other believers don’t even understand the scope of the problem. They instead think that because they share the same faith (on paper) that they have the same interests. They do not. Keep it up America, and you’ll be drowned in a bathtub during a botched baptism.

This is Just Sad and Gross

There has only every been one compelling reason to believe in religion: the promise of the afterlife. It’s essentially the spiritual Disney World of the faithful, and it’s little wonder that all religions tend to be fairly vague about the details. It’s best to let people’s imagination run wild. Some people want to have sex with a bunch of virgins. Others want to live in mansions.

For the most part, it all seems pretty self indulgent, but the element that does have sway is the idea of being with your loved ones once again. The pain of loss is all too real, and irreversible. It’s traumatic. For some, the hope of being reunited with them is enough to ignore all the other problematic or nonsensical elements of the faith. This desire is not something that can easily be overcome, and until we mature out of this need excessive love copium, what is on offer from faith will continue to have its strong appeal.

When you believe in absurdities, however, you are bound to behave in some pretty inappropriate ways. Take this poor Minnesota woman named Charice Antoinette Goude as an example. Her mother died, and she had been her caretaker for some time. When the 55 year old went to check up on her one morning, she found her dead. Any normal person would have called the authorities, and the process of settling their loved one’s affairs would have begun. Not in this case. Charice is very religious, and was convinced that her mother would soon be resurrected. It took 2 months until someone finally reported that there was something going on, and police responded thinking it was a person in distress. What they found instead was a rapidly decaying corpse.

Now, before you feel bad for Charice, keep in mind that her mother was suffering from diabetes, but this idiot failed to give her proper medication, as she wanted to treat her “naturally”. When her mother died, she also sealed up the windows so that no one could see what was inside. Her ex-husband, who owns the home but lives in the basement like a cave dweller, noticed a terrible smell and eventually made the call to police.

If you’re hoping for some kind of justice, you can forget about it. Charice won’t be charged with negligence, since the corpse was so badly decayed that an autopsy was impossible. Instead, she’s only being charged with interfering with a body, which is a class 6 felony; the lowest someone can be charged. I doubt she’ll even do jail time for this. Isn’t religion grand?

Measles About To Devastate West Virginia

There are a myriad of ways that religions make the world worse. First, they create division amongst families. How many people have been torn apart simply because of a difference in belief? Secondly, they makes us stupider. When you are convinced that Bronze Age myths are reality, it makes it near impossible to tell what is real and what isn’t. Countries where religions rule usually have the worst quality of life, the lowest education standards, and the highest rates of domestic abuse. In short, religion is a gigantic pile of dogshit that ruins your society.

Speaking of which, in West Virginia, the Senate has just passed a bill that would allow parents to not vaccinate their kids against the Measles. This “philosophical and religious exemption” means that tons of children will now be going without the life saving vaccine. Measles have been making a big comeback, and it’s only a matter of time before it gets out of control. With MAGA morons busy dismantling health organizations that are responsible for stopping these types of outbreaks, the situation will soon become critical.

So long as religions continue to have a say in how societies are run, these kind of stupid and dangerous laws will continue to be passed. How many more states will follow suit? How many children will die because their ignorant parents watch Right wing youtubers tell them that vaccines are killing kids? The situation is going to get out of hand fast, and when it does, the United States of America will be in no position to stop this.

As a Canadian, the only solution I see in the future is to convince everyone living there to stop visiting. We’re bound to be affected by this gross negligence. It’s probably best to prepare ourselves ahead of time for what is inevitably going to be the biggest health crisis the country will have ever faced. Good luck, America. You’re going to need it.

Egyptian Attacks 12 Year Old Atheist

The religion of peace has a problem. Islam seems incapable of living in harmony with other beliefs. In countries where the faith is the majority, religious minorities live in constant fear of retaliation over the slightest provocation. It’s not unlike the situation in Mediaeval Europe during the time of the Jewish pogroms. Now that Christians have taken a back seat to physically attacking people for not sharing their beliefs (which I’m sure there are many in America who feel it’s time for a violent comeback), it’s up to Islam to bully people for being different, old school style.

In Italy, a 12 year old boy was attacked when an Egyptian man overheard him tell his friend that he was an atheist. It was then that this coward decided that it would be a good idea to punch a young child in the face. Luckily, after he tried to escape, he was stopped by a brave woman until the authorities arrived.

It’s almost impossible to learn more about what happened, since the only news outlets to cover this incidents are both Italian, and seemingly uninterested in the details of the assault. The boy is fine, physically, but who knows what kind of lasting damage this random assault will have on him. This kind of behavior has become the norm for Muslims. Every other day, someone is assaulted, shot, or mutilated simply because the world’s most insecure faith chooses violence on a regular basis.

Just imagine the outrage if a 12 year old Muslim child had been randomly punched in the face simply because they told their friend they were a believer. There would be massive protest on the streets. Consulates would be on fire, and Italian flags would be burning. Instead, we sweep this under the rug, call it a day, and pretend that these types of incidents are rare. They are not, and we are fools for continuing to bury our heads in the sand.

MAGA Christians Dislike Jesus

One of the reasons that Donald Trump won the presidency (other than the massive amount of voter suppression and fraud of course), was because he appealed to the hatred and racism that has long plagued the United States. The legacy of Confederacy never really left, and so a significant portion of the population is filled with a burning animosity towards those that are different from them.

Part of Trump’s plan was drawn up by the Heritage Foundation, whose aim is to transform America into a theocracy. The only real obstacle at this point is that the Christianity they espouse has a little bit of a “pussy” problem, as reported by Amanda Marcotte of Salon, who has been following MAGA’s and interviewing their “thought” leaders.

“One of their pastoral leaders is a guy named Lucas Miles. He’s described the social gospel as heretical… He argues that Christianity started to go off the rails in the 17th century. He is elevating pro-slavery theologians like Robert Lewis Dabney and James Henley Thornwell. It was a time when many Christian pastors defended slavery as God’s established order.”

Ah yes, the good old days when all that talk of charity and good will towards men was a distant memory. The 17th century was one of witch burnings, brutal slave masters, and who could forget the Inquisitions? Certainly they haven’t. If anyone has any doubts that the cult of Trump wants to move the country back a few hundred years, here is the proof. The modern world just has too many bleeding hearts for them. It would be better if the days of killing people over stupid and pointless differences in eschatology returned in their eyes. Make America Grotesque Again!

Australian Muslims Double Down on Antisemitism

It can sometimes appear, to the very naïve, as though differing religions have a great deal in common. Islam and Christianity are offshoots of Judaism, and despite the occasional proclamation that they all have high regards for one another (saying they are all “People of the Book”), in truth these are all lies meant to draw focus away from the daily conflict the intersection of these faiths create. While it would be fair to say that the recent conflict in Gaza has only worsened the situation, only a fool believes that the so-called “Great Monotheistic Faiths” have anything but murderous intent for the other.

In Australia, authorities are investigating two Muslim nurses who posted a video online claiming they had purposefully killed Jewish babies in hospitals. This comes on the heel of multiple acts of vandalism at schools and synagogues, capping in a record year for anti-Semitic crimes in the country. The death of countless Palestinians is a perfect opportunity for vengeful theists to recruit more soldiers in their relentless sectarian crusade, and it seems as though there are plenty of believers willing to take things very seriously indeed.

Now, with such a dreadful admission, you would think that the Muslim community would distance themselves from such an obviously deranged person. They did the opposite, of course, claiming that the nurses who maid the sick comment are the real victims in the situation, since they have been placed on a leave of absence pending the investigation.

You could pretend that these are just bad eggs. I believe it is only the tip of this shit iceberg. Religious folks are perfectly fine lying to the faces of infidels, as there is no obligation in their belief system that they need to be truthful with the rest of us. I believe this sentiment is felt by the majority of Muslims, who think they have been humiliated and “wronged” for hundreds of years. They want the demise of western democracies, whom they see as being allied with their mortal enemy, and think that living under a theocracy is the best way to live.

The tragedy in all of this is that there will probably be soft headed idiots trying to defend the very people who despise them. All they see is a marginalized group, rather than a sick death cult that is secretly trying to destroy the foundations of their government to claim power for themselves. My advise to them is this: stop seeing only the color of their skin, and start listening to what they preach about. You will be shocked, to say the least.

Pastor Stabs Family, Sets Home on Fire

You have to wonder what the criteria is for becoming a pastor. Considering how many times we’ve reported on these sickos raping and abusing kids, it almost feels as though the only people interested in becoming priests are moral degenerates. That’s certainly the case for Mathew Lee Richards, a 41 year old man who was the pastor at Crossroads Christian Church in Shawnee. Richards and his family were in financial dire straights, and fearing eviction, he felt that the only way to solve the problem was by killing his family and setting the house on fire. You know, normal stuff…

When firefighters arrived, they found the home’s basement on fire and were able to quickly extinguish it, while officers found three people outside the home with stab wounds.
According to court documents, one of them was a child who suffered stab injuries to the upper right chest, as well as a significant cut across his abdomen that exposed internal organs. A second child suffered multiple stab wounds to his colon, liver, neck and back.

The good news is that Richards is an incompetent boob, and everyone survived his pathetic assault. They helped to testify against him, and Richards pled guilty to two counts of attempted murder. He will be sentenced in a month.

You really have to shake your head at situations like this. Religious morons are always quick to accuse other groups of all kinds of heinous acts, and yet are oddly silent every time one of their own commits horrible acts. In a sense, I can understand why. If Christians ever had to do any soul searching every single time that a pastor harmed or abused anyone, they would barely have time to do anything else. It’s better to just ignore the countless crimes they commit and accuse others of doing the same thing you’re doing. It’s been working for 2000 years, so why would they stop?

Indonesia Forbids Atheism on Official Documents

Every day, religious folks complain about being oppressed. In America, this pathetic complaint is usually the result of them not being able to force their religion down other people’s throats. This, they call “Anti-Christian Bias”. While it’s true that in some parts of the world, it can be dangerous to profess a faith that it different from the norm, there is way more danger in being labelled an atheist than other beliefs. Not only are we in danger of being attacked for simply rejecting the ridiculous claims of their religions, in places like Indonesia, they can’t even admit that we exist at all.

Last month, two activists attempted to petition the Constitutional Court to allow non-believers the right to include their lack of faith on government documents. The Court refused, saying that religions are “a necessity”, and that this is mandated by their constitution.

Let’s not forget that this is a country that has strict blasphemy laws. Even sharing atheist content there could get you jail time. It’s yet another pathetic example of how believers have to do everything in their power to deny our existence. The idea that faith is a necessity is something only religious fools believe. Their own fragile understanding of the Universe may be contingent on a big sky daddy, but the rest of us are unimpressed. I feel for my brothers and sisters in a country that wants to jail them for lacking a belief in the ridiculous. Until they are free to profess their lack of belief, the world will continue to be a dangerous place for non-believers.

Hey religious folks that think they are being oppressed: what do you think of the way we’re treated? 10 bucks says you think we deserve it…

37% of Americans are Creationists

We live in a world of incredible technology. In an instant, I can call someone half a world away, and speak with them as though they were next to me. We have decoded the human genome, and put people on the moon. We have reached a level of technological sophistication never reached before, and yet, in the United States, over 37% of their people are convinced that evolution is a lie, and that a magical super-being created it all only a few thousand years ago.

The reason for this tragedy is obvious: religious groups have been working diligently to gut education, out of the legitimate fear that learning more about the world has corrosive effect on faith. How else could you explain that more than half of the population can’t read at a 6th grade level? With such pathetic numbers, it’s actually surprising that creationism isn’t more popular than it already is.

Now, with Trump in power, the religious right is having a renaissance. They are gutting governments of anyone who isn’t loyal, and their plan is to destroy secular education, only to replace it with their useless Christian education. We are at war with these morons, and unfortunately, they are winning big. What percentage of Americans will deny evolution in a few years? We could see this number climb as more and more religious schools start popping up.

It’s a depressing time to be a non believer, that’s for sure.

4 Pakistani Men Sentenced to Death for Blasphemy

Pakistan has been on a tear recently. In 2023, the country had over 50 people locked up on blasphemy accusations, and those numbers seem to be growing. In most cases, the courts barely get involved: the names of the accused are published, and then a violent mob follows, wanting revenge.

In this instance, it’s 4 men who are accused of writing something critical of Islam online. It seems as though the religion of peace turns into violent murderers as soon as their religious feelings are hurt. The posts, which have not been released, were apparently meriting of a death penalty, according to the Pakistani government.

These laws, primarily enshrined in Sections 295-298 of the Pakistan Penal Code, criminalize acts such as insulting the Prophet Muhammad, desecration the Koran, or offending religious sentiments.

Offending religious sentiments? This is just code for hurting the little feelings of people who think that they are correct on how the world operated. In reality, these feckless morons are easily hurt, since there is nothing that proves their ridiculous assertions. If you point out that no, Muhammad did not “ascend” to heaven on a winged horse, you risk having a mob of people stone you to death.

When people tell you that not all cultures are equal, this is what they are referring to: medieval traditions that have continued on into the modern age have no place in our societies. If Pakistan wants to prove to the world how intolerant and dangerous Islam is, they’ve succeeded. Anyone who has any doubt how fucked up this religion is should take a trip to the country, and scream at the top of your lungs that the Koran is a bunch of stupid bullshit. We’ll see how big of a fan you are of the “culture” then.

Man Kills Sister, Says He Followed “God’s Law”

What do you get when you combine the solipsism and psychopathy? You get religious wackos like Anthony Louis Lopez, who recently made a bizarre confession during his initial court appearance a few days ago. Lopez is accused of murdering his sister, Lisa Rosenzweig on November of last year, after he struck her in the head with an unidentified object. When court proceedings began, he waived off his council, claiming that he would be representing himself. He then followed this up by yelling in court that he was simply following “God’s Law” before being escorted out.

On December 6, police revealed that 39-year-old Anthony Lopez was a suspect in the case. Lopez was apprehended by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police in North Carolina on a fugitive warrant. Following his extradition to South Carolina to respond to the murder charge, Lopez faced the judge on Friday.

Neighbors expressed their disbelief and hoped it was a tragic mishap. “She didn’t deserve that. She didn’t,” said Betty Taylor, Rosenzweig’s next-door neighbor, referring to the abuse she suffered.

Now the question is, how long has Lopez been a danger to society, and how much of his mental illness was hidden behind a mask of piety? It’s likely impossible to tell, which should really be all you need to know about religion in general. In my estimation, belief in God is merely a displaced sense of supreme authority, externalized to make it appear less psychotic. How many times have you heard a religious person claim that God is on their side? This is merely their own belief in the themselves, masquerading as obedience towards a higher power.

Lopez thought that he was the ultimate authority over the life of his sister. Now, as reality comes crashing down around him, he will soon face the consequence of his psychotic belief. Unfortunately, a woman is now dead because the signs of this man’s mania were hidden under the guise of religious fealty.


Bangladeshi Muslims Attack Christians and Hindus

If you ever see people of different faiths getting along, you can be sure that this is only happening in the West. Because of our tradition of secularism, faiths that are deeply incompatible with one another are able to live in relative peace. In countries where sectarianism rules, however, is a different story. Religious minorities are often victims of pogroms over perceived incidents of “blasphemy”. The latest news comes out of Bangladesh, where Christians and Hindus were attacked during a protest they organized wanting equal treatment. The response from the Muslim majority was violent and swift. Within minutes the groups were attacked in broad daylight.

The catalyst for this was a pogrom that occurred in mid December. a young man was accused of posting negative things about the Koran on social media, and word quickly spread around the community, who gathered weapons and began destroying the homes of religious minorities.

A young Hindu man, Akash Das, had allegedly posted an insulting comment about the Quran on Facebook. The comment quickly spread across social media, igniting protests and escalating tensions, particularly in the predominantly Muslim community of Dowarabazar, about 270km (168 miles) from the national capital Dhaka.

Religious representatives were quick to downplay the violence, claiming that randomly attacking innocent people is really no big deal:

…Meher Nigar Tanu, the top bureaucrat for the subdistrict in which Monglargaon falls, downplayed the scale of the violence, arguing that “only a few homes and shops had been slightly damaged”.

Don’t worry folks, it was just a run of the mill mob attack. Nothing to see here, folks! What a load of horseshit! It didn’t take much for people to turn to violence, and then pretend that it was just a silly misunderstanding. This is what happens when you allow religious assholes to have power: they abuse it, and then pretend that they have God on their side. It’s the kind of shit straight out of the Inquisition, and it’s happening on a constant basis in religious countries.

This did little to reassure these religious minorities, who went to the streets to protest how they are being treated. The response? Another Muslim mob formed, and began to attack peaceful protesters in the open. There are videos of the attacks circulating, and it’s not a pretty sight. It’s just yet another example of the religion of peace demonstrating the kind of tolerance that awaits anyone who dares to question them. If you aren’t disgusted and convinced that this faith is a bane on mankind, then I just have to ask: what would it take for you to see the light?

Catholic Church Spent over 5 Billion on Abuse Allegations

It must be nice being disgustingly rich. It seems that when you have enough money, there’s little you can’t get away with. How else could you explain how an organization can continue to exist when over 18 thousand credible abuse charges which led to settlements totaling well over 3 billion dollars? According to a new study, that’s what the Catholic Church has shelled out over the last 2 decades in compensation for their demented employees having destroyed the lives of countless individuals.

What I find particularly disturbing is the part of the study that found over 86% of the perpetrators died before ever facing justice. It burns me inside that these monsters not only got away with their crimes, but that the organization they worked for did everything in their power to ensure this was the case. Let’s not forget that Pope Benedict XVI had issued a decree (while a Cardinal of the newly renamed Inquisition) that any priest discussing abuse with police would face excommunication for doing so. Keep in mind none of the people ever found guilty were punished so.

Considering that the church makes roughly 1 billion a year in donations and various business ventures, the money represents only a small fraction of their true wealth. The Church should have been stripped of their special status long ago. How the Vatican, a construct of a fascist Italian dictator, is allowed to maintain it’s sovereign status is beyond me. They are guilty of all manner of crimes, from money laundering to child abuse, and yet they act as though they are a legitimate government. Ridiculous. They day we tear up that agreement will be a victory for humanity.

Why Religions Are Winning

Before I try and explain why I think that religions are currently kicking our butts, I’d like to make one thing abundantly clear: one does not need to be right to win an argument. It’s becoming evident that facts are dead, and the only thing that matters now is how loudly you can say something. Is there anyone that yells more loudly than religion?

Take the insane situation in England. There is a significant Muslim population that lives there. Like all Western nations, the birthrates are in massive decline, which means that they must look to immigration for help. The influx of large groups of foreigners has fundamentally shifted the population, which means that any politician that wishes to keep their jobs have to appeal to a demographic that has its own customs, and more importantly, its own beliefs about how the country should be run. It’s why when the scandal of rape gangs broke out, the response was to try and broom it under the rug, lest the facts “offend” a religious community. This will have serious future implications for the country. Once I am not sure most Brits are ready for.

We’ve all seen this kind of thing before. It used to be the Catholic Church burying information regarding their chronic abuses. They were a sheltered group once. Now, the protected minorities are those of a religious denomination that views the secular world as its enemy, primarily because their adherents have a darker shade of skin color. Their allies are naïve young people willing to fight racism in any form, real or perceived. They react as though revealing the truth about how Islam views women is an abhorrent act. To call this kind of behavior suicidal would be an understatement.

The tradition of liberalism is now at risk, because the experiment of tolerance is now being truly tested. Once, it had the advantage of a relative homogenous society. The paradox of toleration wasn’t apparent until now. What is to be done when newcomers to their nations do not share the values of the society that harbors them? What makes matters even worse is the fact that religious fundamentalists use laws meant for victims of oppression as a shield to spew hatred and lies, and they do so with increasing belligerence. They push the very limits of our own values of free speech without consequence. Then, as soon as there is any pushback to what they say, accusations of racism and hurt feelings quickly arise, which instantly attracts soft minded people, who want to believe in the good intentions of everyone, to their defense. It is a losing battle we are ill prepared to fight.

The inability to see the truth of how Islam is undermining our societies because of political biases is what has given the Christian right so much power. Most people are apolitical, and I would argue areligious as well. They are swayed by whatever side offers them reassurance and safety. The left has proven itself unable to properly deal with the threat that Islam poses to the West and its institutions. Christianity has declared itself as the only panacea against the threat, while the remnants of the tradition of the Enlightenment argue about whether something is racist or not.

This is not dissimilar to the fight Germany had between Communists and Fascists in the 1930’s. Fascists offered themselves as the only solution to Communism, and the Center folded to the Right thinking they were the lesser of two evils. The same thing is occurring now. The Left, having used up all of it’s political capital trying to argue about the definition of a woman, the center is now ready to fold to the right and their supposed “solutions”. To say this is a disaster for reason is an understatement. This is the death of truth, which will soon be ushering a new Dark Age, where facts are hidden under a mountain of falsehoods, and truths are indiscernible from lies.

Malala Yousafzai is Confused About Islam

If you don’t remember Malala Yousafzai, she was the young woman who was shot in the head by a Taliban extremist while she was on her way to school. She survived, and was the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize for her activism in promoting education for young women.

Now, there’s no doubt that she is brave: she continually receives threats on her life, and despite this, she continues to fight for what she believes in. The problem, however, is that she is lacking in self awareness, as many religious adherents are. While she rightly criticizes the Taliban for its treatment of women, she is in complete denial that the second class status of the fairer sex is not an aberration of her faith, but rather the expression of it. Just listen to her latest criticism of what’s going on in Afghanistan:

“In Afghanistan, an entire generation of girls will be robbed of its future,” she said. “As Muslim leaders, now is the time to raise your voice, use your power.”

They are using their voices, and the message is clear: if you’re a woman, get your asses home, and shut your fucking mouths. It seems as though barefoot and preggers is the only future they see for the opposite sex.

It’s not only the Taliban that hates to see little girls learning to read. Just look at countries like Iran, or Yemen, where every day women are losing more and more rights. The solutiuon is not to ask Muslim leaders to step up. They already have, and the results are not good. Gender apartheid is a not simply a religious problem of extremists. It is symptomatic of the entire faith. Malala is unknowingly promoting the very thing she despises. She’s simply too caught up in her faith to realize that it’s the fundamental issue at hand.