Aspiring Priest Caught with Disturbing Child Porn

When atheists say that the Catholic Church attracts pedophiles, we aren’t just making a crass joke. The way the Church has shielded it’s members from prosecution, the effort its put into lobbying governments to lower the statues of limitation on sexual crime, and the amount of money they have given away to keep mouths shut sends a clear message that if you are attracted to innocent children, you should join their ranks.

It seems as though Broderick Witt got the message. He was studying to become a priest, until he was eventually arrested after the police were tipped off that he possessed a bunch of really disturbing child pornography, including images with victims as young as 6 years old.

The Archdioses of Cincinnati released this rather amusing statement:

“The seminary and the Archdiocese of Cincinnati have strict policies against, and take significant precautions to prevent, anyone from possessing or accessing material of this type, regardless of whether they are a student, faculty, or staff. Discovery of such material will result in immediate termination or dismissal and notification of law enforcement,” Rev. Anthony R. Brausch, Rector said in a letter to the seminary community.

They’re finally notifying law enforcement now? That’s a pretty big departure from their regular mode of operation. You may recall that former Pope Benedict XVI had issued a memo during his tenure as the head of the Inquisition (renamed “Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith” as it seems the centuries of bloodshed had somewhat tainted the name). It specified that Church leaders were to keep any information of abuse secret, and authorities were not to be contacted without approval from the higher ups (which they never would). I guess when you haven’t yet joined the club, they take a bit of a different approach to dealing with child predators. That means we just have to catch them before they can benefit from the protection of a trillion dollar organization. Good to know.

Kenyan Pastor Pleads Not Guilty for Death of 400 People

Africa has become the wild west of religion. Every other day, there’s a tragedy happening on the Continent, all because of a toxic mixture of traditional beliefs and Abrahamic faiths.

When Pastor Paul Nthenge Mackenzie and 29 of his other accomplices were arrested in connection with the death of over 400 of his followers, 191 of them being children, they seemed unusually calm and cool, all things considered. His ministry, Good News International, had told their followers that the End Times were just around the corner, and that only through starvation could they meet the bearded hippie. When these followers inevitably died from a lack of food, they were buried in mass graves and simply forgotten about.

Mackenzie was a taxi driver before becoming a preacher. He quickly gained a following with his fiery sermons, and with his uncanny ability to predict events before they would happen (no doubt a result of simply reading the newspaper). His brainwashed followers were so convinced that he had special powers that when he told them to stop eating, they refused to do so even when they were dying at the hospital:

Several emaciated children escaped from the forest and locals alerted the authorities. Police found many followers close to death and took those still alive to nearby hospitals, where medical staff tried to feed the group. Many refused food, however, and as the situation grew more dire, the director of public prosecutions charged almost 65 people with attempted suicide for refusing to eat.

That’s the level of control that someone can have over others, thanks to the submissive nature of believers. Now the survivors of this cult have the difficult task of being deprogrammed. There’s bound to be more tragedy before this thing is all over.

No Justice for Young Woman Stabbed by Father

If I were to tell you that a young woman was stabbed for dating someone outside of their religion, do I even need to specify what faith it was? We all know that Islam has a severe violence problem, and it’s only getting worse. In the UK, honor killings have increased by a staggering 81%, but even this figure is estimated to be a gross underestimation, as victims are either unlikely to come forward, or they simply “disappear”.

Australia is now reporting that it too is seeing the practice on its home soil. In November of last year, a young woman in Adelaide was attacked by her own family. She had begun dating a young Christian man, and this outraged her pea brained father. It wasn’t just him that was angry. Her entire family participated in the barbaric ritual:

During Thursday’s sentencing submissions, prosecutors told the court that family members worked together to track down the woman, 21, and help hold her down as her father stabbed her with a large kitchen knife at Sefton Plaza Shopping Centre in November 2021… The woman suffered a perforated kidney, lacerated liver and significant internal bleeding and was “bundled into the back” of a car after the attack occurred.

The whole thing played out like a scene from Scarface, leaving the young woman on the brink of death. Her family had originally been charged with attempted murder, but for whatever reason, the prosecutors decided to lower the charges to aggravated charge of causing serious harm, which carries a maximum sentence of 25 years. Her mother, who held her down while she bled in the shower, was given the lesser charge of on-aggravated charge of causing harm with intent, which has a maximum sentence of 7 years. And while I know it’s always important for any criminal to get a good defense, I can’t help but shake my head in disbelief at his lawyer’s defense strategy:

“His daughter was with a man … a man who he did not know and he also had concerns that the man might of not had his daughter’s best interests in mind,” Mr Weir said. “It was his intention to remove her from that situation and bring her home.”

In what, a body bag? The father was essentially given a slap on the wrist all things considered. What kind of message are we sending to other fundies who think that they are above the law? Honor killings are on the rise, and why wouldn’t they be when the perpetrators face such pathetic sentences. This girl will be physically and mentally traumatized for the rest of her life, all because these people put their faith above their families. It’s distasteful, disgusting, and a bunch of other D words I don’t want to repeat right now.

Belgian Church seems mass exodus over Abuse

A television series in Belgium has recently exposed the Catholic Church and their history of abuse in the country, and this has left many Catholics upset, so much so that many have requested that they be “debaptised”.

The documentary series called “Forgotten by God” is what we’ve come to expect: it’s a exposé about the church’s coordinated attempts to cover up child sexual abuse. It centered around a man named Roger Vangheluwe, who had been abusing his nephews since 2010. The church was aware of what was going on, and because the statues of limitation has expired on the crimes, Vangheluwe was free, and had even retained his job as an ordained bishiop. The people were not pleased.

The Belgian Church, facing rising protests after a television film on sexual abuse and cover-ups in its ranks, has appealed against a government data protection agency ruling that the Diocese of Ghent must let a person be “debaptised”.
The Church considers baptism a permanent act that cannot be done away with, but the agency ruled in December that the plaintiff’s personal data record overrides the Church’s interest in preserving its records.

The reason that the church is appealing the decision is that they never like the idea of ever removing someone from their little registry. It’s how churches around the world operate: once you’re in their little cult, they never want you to leave. Plus, it help them to pretend that there are way more active Catholics than there really are.

Oklahoma Senator wants to jail you for Sexy Selfies

Are you feeling strangled by religious conservatives? Are you tired of zealots trying to control every aspect of your life? Well, too bad if you are, because these religious nutballs are just getting warmed up.

Oklahoma Senator and all around ballbag Dusty Deevers has introduced a bill that would outlaw sexting to anyone other than your spouse. This is all part of a larger effort to try and outlaw pornography altogether.

How he plans to accomplish this reminds me of bounty posters in the Wild West. You see, a person can file a lawsuit against someone they suspect of enjoying their freedom as an American, and they can receive up to 10k for snitching. The person you accused of witchcraft, I mean sexting, would face up to 25 years in jail, and a fine of up to 25k (presumably to help fund this sick game of tattle tale).

You might be wondering how broad this ridiculous and unconstitutional law is. It’s so broad that just about anyone who participates in any remotely sexual activity would instantly become a criminal:

This bill is broad enough to include any person’s, like butt selfie for example, it includes live performances in play. So that would seem to include strip clubs definitely and maybe also burlesque and drag performances and things like that,” Nolan Brown said.

The good news is that there’s no way in hell is this thing going to pass. Even in some Christian Nationalist nightmare world, I find it hard to fathom that any prosecutor would dare go after people for living their best life. Considering that Oklahoma is considered one of the worst states to live in, it sounds like there are more important priorities to focus on, like ranking 48th in healthcare, or almost dead last in educational standards.

Apart from crazy, unpredictable weather, the study said Oklahoma has one of the nation’s highest rates of drug abuse, and the second highest rate of people without health insurance. Homelessness is another big issue.

You know, there are way more serious problems in your state than people sending themselves sexy pictures, Dusty. If you want to help improve your state, maybe don’t create ridiculous laws that create dangerous witch-hunts.

Border Trucker Convoy Cancelled due to Paranoia

Well, that didn’t last long did it? Just a day ago, TGA reported on a convoy of truckers calling itself “God’s Army” that was supposedly headed to Texas to “defend the border”. The event was cancelled, because many of the organizers started to think that the whole thing was an FBI operation, and that they were going to get coaxed into violence so that the feds could put cases on them.

According to Vice’s report, the less-than-stellar turnout was likely due to theories circulating in right-wing circles that the convoy could be a “psyop” or “honeypot” trap laid by the federal government to coax people into committing violence.

At least these guys were aware enough to know that when you put a bunch of these clowns together, people start getting hurt, or even killed. I also have a bit of news for these weirdos: people are not “coaxed” into acts of violence when they bring weapons to a protest. That shows that they are planning on getting their hands dirty.

We’re getting to an inflection point in Q-Anon it seems, where there’s a smattering of self awareness brewing at the service. Conspiratorial thinking is like a snake eating its tail. When you base all of your thinking in the idea that you can’t trust anything, eventually it all breaks down.

Here’s hoping that the Q-Anon people take the same approach to everything else in their lives. Maybe now instead of causing disturbances, they will all just stay home, since the outside world is just a giant conspiracy against them.

American Religious Wackos Headed to Border

American conservatives have it all backwards. When you hear about evangelicals going nuts about all the illegal immigrants that are entering the country, there’s an important variable that I think they are ignoring due to their overwhelming distaste for different skin colors: they are chasing away the last group of religiously minded folks. Allow me to explain:

In Canada, my home country, the conservative side of the isle love immigrants. That’s because in an overwhelmingly secular nation, the people who wish to make the Great White North their new home are usually quite religious, especially when compared to their counterparts. These recent immigrants tend to be anti-abortion, have a deep hatred of LGBT people and their issues, and tend to dislike liberal policies. This means that the conservative parties are always trying to solicit their support. It’s very rare that you will hear them speak ill of immigration, and they would rather attract the votes of these religiously minded people than ire.

So when conservative Christians decide that they are going to show up at the border in Texas intent on trying to take the law into their own hands, they are chasing away the only people that “mostly” support their religious agenda. One such group planning on adding to the chaos south of the border is called “Take Our Border Back”.

The group said that one of their goals is to stop illegal immigration immediately and close the border. It is not clear how the group plans to confront migrants at the border and stop them from entering the country.

My guess is that they will show up with weapons, and someone is going to get hurt, or possibly killed, all because of the fear that they have for people who literally believe in exactly the same God that they do. They do this, while also believing that they are preventing an “army of darkness” from entering their country. What they really mean is “an army of darkies”, but that would be an unsavory thing to say in this day and age. Better to just imply it and shoot your guns at people.

It’s inevitable that if religious voters want to maintain their power base, they are going to need to dip outside of the white, evangelicals base that they’ve historically counted on for votes. In fact, this group is shrinking so fast that the Republican reliance on them as their voting base is going to blow up in their faces spectacularly. The face of America is changing. Religious “Nones” now outnumber white evangelicals, and the gap is only going to increase.

Still, we cannot be complacent simply because our enemies are slowly dying. A cornered animal is at its most dangerous. Before we are free of religious interference in our lives, these wackos will try every trick in the book to force their faith down our throats.

Russian Scientist Fired for Creationist Beliefs

Creationism is always rearing up it’s ugly head where it doesn’t belong. In America, schools are always being bombarded by creationist propaganda masquerading as science. Religious folks know how devastating evolution is to their pet theory of how life originated, which is why they will do anything to undermine it. They will lie, obfuscate the truth, and make wild claims without evidence, all to further their pathetic agenda of turning the world into their little religious playground.

In 2023, a Russian scientist by the name of Alexander Kudryavtsev, did a presentation for his colleagues that left many of them in disbelief:

Kudryavtsev, who headed the Russian Academy of Science’s Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, made a presentation at a conference in 2023 in which he said people had lived for some 900 years prior to the era of the Biblical Flood and that “original, ancestral and personal sins” caused genetic diseases that shortened lifespans.

What I wouldn’t give to have been a fly on the wall for that conference. I can picture his colleagues squirming in discomfort as he tried to argue that the claims of the bible have scientific merit. It’s one thing to have a religious nut in the soft sciences; it’s another completely when it’s in the one profession that so clearly demonstrates that we are the product of natural selection.

This notion that death is caused by sin, or causes genetic disorders is so backwards that the Academy had no choice but to sack Kudryavtsev. This caused his beloved Orthodox Church to cry discrimination as a result. The irony of an institution that regularly blesses missiles headed to kill Ukraine children crying foul should be lost on no-one. A scientist being fired for not doing his job isn’t “discrimination”. It’s called standards, and without them, there is no discovery and progress.

Besides, it seems to me that Kudryavtsev should change his career to pastor. It sounds like making shit up and trying to make other people feel bad is in the job description, and from the look of it, that’s right up this guys’ alley.

West Virginia Senate wants Creationism in School

In American politics, the only thing their government is capable of, is trying to pass laws that serve the religious community. Forget about actually trying to balance the budget, or reform immigration. The most important thing is to make sure that kids are protected from all that secularism in schools!

For example, in West Virginia, their state senate has been a bunch of busy bees. Not passing any bills that are meaningful mind you. No, they were too busy passing bills to introduce creationism in classrooms, only to top it off with a bill to mandatorily display “In God We Trust”.

Sen. Amy Grady, R-Mason, chair of the Senate Education Committee, said SB 280 would prohibit public school boards, public school superintendents and public school principals in K-12 from preventing teachers from “discussing or answering questions from students about scientific theories” related to the origins of the universe and how life came to exist.

This kind of vague language is meant to introduce creationist propaganda into the classroom. They like to pretend that “intelligent design” is a scientific theory, which only demonstrates how little they understand the term. Its vagueness could also spell tons of lawsuits for violating the Establishment Clause of the constitution.

So what was the point in all of this? Again, religious people are so scared that they are in danger of becoming extinct that they are doubling down on forcing religion on the rest of us. My guess is that this will actually blow up in their faces. The more we see this type of encroachment, the more people will react negatively. Hopefully, this will have some influence in the polls, especially for people who want meaningful legislation, no showboating for their imaginary friend in the sky.


Religious “Nones” In the Majority Now

Religion has certainly lost its luster. Slowly but surely, people have been abandoning organized religion in droves in the western world. The combination of sex abuse scandals, and the ability to research the claims of the church has created an information was that religion is losing. It’s gotten to the point where those that profess no religion are now the majority of the population. In less than 2 decades, we went from being 16% of the population to 28%. That’s a few percentage more than the evangelical population. Let that sink in for a second.

There are a few consequences for not being affiliated with a church, and some of it is not ideal. For instance, the “Nones” say they have less of a connection to their community. That’s because there hasn’t yet been something to replace it. Eventually we might figure it out. For now, religious people can boast this one benefit we still lack.

The only sad news is that the movement is still predominantly white, and male. We’ve always known that this group was always prominent in the community. It had been hoped that there had been some improvement, but it still looks like there’s a lot of work to be done, especially in Black and Hispanic communities.

The other thing to note is that despite now being a majority, they have yet to exercise their political power, due mainly to the fact that they do not show up at the polls:

However, Smith points out that Nones are also less civically engaged than those who identify with a religion – they’re less likely to vote. So, while they identify as Democrats, getting them to the polls on election day may prove to be a challenge.

Now, part of the blame does lie in the apathy of voters. However, the other part of the blame goes to both parties who have been unable to find a way to reach this group, too frightened that doing so might alienate their base. Considering how massive this population is, it’s a mistake to ignore them, especially as this number is bound to keep growing.

Denver Pastor Scammed flock with Cryptocurrency

I feel bad for today’s young people. When I was entering my adulthood, the Internet was coming into itself, which meant that there were real opportunities for people to succeed with the invention of new technology. Today, however, all that’s been invented is new ways to scam people. The creation of cryptocurrency has tanked an estimated 2 trillion dollars from the economy. That’s not counting the 3 billion that is stolen annually by hackers, which account for almost half of their own losses. This is the grifted generation, to be sure.

Imagine now what happens when you combine the scam of crypto, with the fraud of religion? Why, you get something called INDXcoin. The brainchild of Rev. Eli Regalado, an online only pastor that congregates his virtual flock on a (former) website called The site has since been taken down, as Regalado is currently in a legal battle with State regulators, for his little scam.

Regalado and his wife did what all of these crypto hucksters do when they have people’s money: they spent it. So, while easily manipulated people sent him their savings under the promise that the proceeds would be donated to “orphans and widows”, it went instead into purchasing handbag, snowmobiles, a Range rover and countless other luxuries. Almost 300k of it went to their “church”, which again was simply a way for these people to pay themselves.

Both of these bozos were also not very experienced coders which meant that their crypto and virtual exchange were sloppy messes that was given a “zero out of 10” grade by a company that specializes in evaluating crypto security. It mattered little, as all of the transactions were done via Regalado’s Venmo account, or by direct money transfers. Since they were both spending the money so quickly, they routinely had to close their exchange to avoid running out of money. They were essentially operating as a bank, and then spending any deposits they received. The virtual coin they were given was merely a representation of what they thought was in investment in new technology. In reality, it was nothing more than a basic con with a fresh coat of virtual paint.

What’s crazy in all of this is the fact that the 3.9 million they stole from their own flock is a civil matter, and not a criminal one. This means that they face no jail time for this huge scam. All the victims can hope for is that some of the money can be recouped. Judging by how quickly these bozos burned through the funds, it’s not looking too good.

Connecticut Youth Pastor Guilty of Sex Abuse of Minors

The hits just keep on coming. Yet another youth pastor has plead guilty to cohering minors into sexual service. Jean Bernard, a 45 year old had been moving around to various cities in Connecticut, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.

In one arrest warrant affidavit, he is accused of repeatedly sexually assaulting a 10-year-old boy at the boy’s home in Bridgeport and in the parking lot behind Madison School. The boy later told police that Bernard… would kill him, his sister and his father if [he] told anyone what Bernard had done to him, the affidavit states.

He plead guilty to other crimes, which include driving a bunch of kids to his place, and paying each of them 50 bucks to have sex with him. He would do these abominable acts around 2-3 times a week. It was, quite literally, routine for this pervert to sexually abuse children. Bernard’s new routine will involve attempting to survive the confines of an institution that tends to make quick work of such “men”.

When he was finally arrested, a number of other victims started coming forward, each story more heartbreaking than the last. I’m sure this is merely the tip of the iceberg. Considering that many of his victims were also recent immigrants, he knew that many of them would be too afraid to approach law enforcement for fear that they might be deported.

Each time I write about these stories, I’m continually baffled by the depravity of these sexual predators. The manipulation, the threats of violence, and the targeting of the most vulnerable human beings is sometimes more than I can bare. Think of the emotional scars that this vile human being has left on all those people. How many collective years of torture will they endure reliving their trauma? If there was any real justice in the world, those same tortures would be visited upon him. Tenfold.

Until we actually invent some form of empathy machine that would force these reprobates to experience the nightmares they inflict upon others, we must rely on locking them away, far from the innocents they love to torment.

New Hampshire Official Quits after Religiously Motivated Harassment

By all account, Jim Gleason is a good man who always wanted to do right by his community. For over three years, Gleason had acted as town manager for Littleton, N.H., working diligently to serve his fellow neighbors. All of this changed recently after a row with one of his constituents over a number of paintings that had been commissioned by a local LGBTQ group.

It began first when one of the board members, Carrie Gendreau, had labelled the paintings as “demonic”. Her responsibilities as a state senator are, in her words, “informed” by her religious faith, which simply means that she has theocratic justification for spewing hatred. If this would have been the only pushback, it would not have been sufficient to merit a resignation. After all, religious people are always calling things they dislike “evil”. The unpleasantness that led to him quitting was the result of something far nastier. A woman by the name of Jean Chouinard visited him, and things did not go well:

Jean Chouinard came to Gleason’s office in October to complain about a production of La Cage Aux Folles by Theater UP at the municipally owned Littleton Opera House. She wanted Gleason to shut it down. He said he couldn’t because it would be an infringement of First Amendment free speech rights but told Chouinard she could exercise her own rights by protesting the show. She then called him weak and asked if he was pleased that his son Patrick, who died of cancer in 2016, “was in hell with the devil where he belonged.

Not long after the incident, this hateful bitch also sent a picture of him with the words “Queer Bastard” written across it. The fact that she admitted to sending it allowed Gleason to file a restraining order against her.

Meanwhile, state rep Carrie Gendreau defended her actions, and has zero sympathy for a man being harassed for allowing the citizens he worked for the opportunity to express themselves. It’s just another sad example of how religion makes people into hateful monsters with no understanding of just how messed up their behavior is. Now, the city of Littleton is a poorer for losing such a committed member of government. This is how Christian nationalists win: they make the world unpleasant for everyone, and when there’s no one left to rule, they simply take over and impose their faith on the rest of us. Expect this kind of thing to happen more and more.

Russia Wants to Build Conservative Paradise

Are you tired of living in a country with freedom of expression? Does the thought of having to live near people with different beliefs terrifying you? Than why not move to one of the countries with the lowest freedom index in the world, with the possible exception of North Korea.

You see, according to Timur Beslangurov, an immigration lawyer from Russia, dozens of American and Canadian families have expressed their horror at having to live in a free country, and Timur has the solution: he’s trying to construct a special village outside of Moscow for anyone stupid enough to move there.

The Russian lawyer claimed that some of those tens of thousands want to move to Russia because they are traditional Catholics who “very strongly believe in the prophecy that Russia will remain the only Christian country in the world.”

Now, who is going to pay for the construction of this Christian paradise? Why, it’s the very people who they are trying to attract there to begin with. Keep in mind that county where 2/3 of it’s rural population doesn’t even have access to indoor plumbing. I guess Jesus isn’t really a fan of modern amenities.

Considering that this same county is jailing people for years for daring to even call their “special military operation” in Ukraine a war, there’s the very strong possibility that these moronic immigrants might be forcibly recruited to go fight in their protracted conflict. What a deal! Where do I sign up, already?

If you’re a Canadian or an American that’s tempted to move there, I have only one thing to say to you: Dasvidaniya, bitches.

Evangelicals Think Jesus is Weak

If you’ve ever attended church in the south, odds are you may have heard the song “Give me that old-time religion”. If you have, you might remember these lyrics:

It was good for our mothersAnd it’s good enough for me,

Makes me love everybodyAnd it’s good enough for me

It seems that this message of love is no longer resonating with Evangelicals, specifically those that have been spoon-fed the recent rhetoric of Christian Nationalists, who see Donald Trump as their new messiah. They now see this Jesus character as a bit of a pussy.

Moore told NPR in an interview released Tuesday that multiple pastors had told him they would quote the Sermon on the Mount, specifically the part that says to “turn the other cheek,” when preaching. Someone would come up after the service and ask, “Where did you get those liberal talking points?”

The whole, “turn the other cheek”, and “judge not lest ye be judged” sounds like liberal hogwash to them. They want that REALLY old time religion, the one where there was lots of smiting from God, and where his enemies were routinely destroyed. This is the great wish of Evangelicals of today. Even though they have won major victories, such as the Supreme Court repealing Roe v Wade, they are still convinced that the world of the future is a terrifying secular hellhole that needs fixing, and only their special brand of crazy is the solution.

Unlike the election that first won him the presidency, Trump’s new strategy is bound to blow up in his face. Sure, he has the loyalty of the Religious Right, but it’s impossible to win the office without getting a lot of independent voters on your side. The first time he ran, these voters were already sick of Democrats in the White House, and they felt a change was needed. It didn’t last long. Now that he’s literally referring to himself as the new messiah, the messaging is proving quite distasteful to pragmatic voters who have no real party affiliation. The Republican party used to understand this, but because of how much Trump loves to be worshiped, it’s doubtful he’ll change his tune to appeal to a broader base.

He’s even slowly eroding his base, by essentially acting as a false prophet. When he loses the presidency, there’s no doubt that there will be a need for the Evangelical community to do some serious soul searching. As new sexual abuse scandals erupt, the hyper focus on Trump will spell disaster for their membership in the long term. If there’s any comfort to be had, it’s the fact that this is decimating churches all over the country. It’s a reckoning that’s been a long time coming.