Denver Pastor Scammed flock with Cryptocurrency

I feel bad for today’s young people. When I was entering my adulthood, the Internet was coming into itself, which meant that there were real opportunities for people to succeed with the invention of new technology. Today, however, all that’s been invented is new ways to scam people. The creation of cryptocurrency has tanked an estimated 2 trillion dollars from the economy. That’s not counting the 3 billion that is stolen annually by hackers, which account for almost half of their own losses. This is the grifted generation, to be sure.

Imagine now what happens when you combine the scam of crypto, with the fraud of religion? Why, you get something called INDXcoin. The brainchild of Rev. Eli Regalado, an online only pastor that congregates his virtual flock on a (former) website called The site has since been taken down, as Regalado is currently in a legal battle with State regulators, for his little scam.

Regalado and his wife did what all of these crypto hucksters do when they have people’s money: they spent it. So, while easily manipulated people sent him their savings under the promise that the proceeds would be donated to “orphans and widows”, it went instead into purchasing handbag, snowmobiles, a Range rover and countless other luxuries. Almost 300k of it went to their “church”, which again was simply a way for these people to pay themselves.

Both of these bozos were also not very experienced coders which meant that their crypto and virtual exchange were sloppy messes that was given a “zero out of 10” grade by a company that specializes in evaluating crypto security. It mattered little, as all of the transactions were done via Regalado’s Venmo account, or by direct money transfers. Since they were both spending the money so quickly, they routinely had to close their exchange to avoid running out of money. They were essentially operating as a bank, and then spending any deposits they received. The virtual coin they were given was merely a representation of what they thought was in investment in new technology. In reality, it was nothing more than a basic con with a fresh coat of virtual paint.

What’s crazy in all of this is the fact that the 3.9 million they stole from their own flock is a civil matter, and not a criminal one. This means that they face no jail time for this huge scam. All the victims can hope for is that some of the money can be recouped. Judging by how quickly these bozos burned through the funds, it’s not looking too good.

Connecticut Youth Pastor Guilty of Sex Abuse of Minors

The hits just keep on coming. Yet another youth pastor has plead guilty to cohering minors into sexual service. Jean Bernard, a 45 year old had been moving around to various cities in Connecticut, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.

In one arrest warrant affidavit, he is accused of repeatedly sexually assaulting a 10-year-old boy at the boy’s home in Bridgeport and in the parking lot behind Madison School. The boy later told police that Bernard… would kill him, his sister and his father if [he] told anyone what Bernard had done to him, the affidavit states.

He plead guilty to other crimes, which include driving a bunch of kids to his place, and paying each of them 50 bucks to have sex with him. He would do these abominable acts around 2-3 times a week. It was, quite literally, routine for this pervert to sexually abuse children. Bernard’s new routine will involve attempting to survive the confines of an institution that tends to make quick work of such “men”.

When he was finally arrested, a number of other victims started coming forward, each story more heartbreaking than the last. I’m sure this is merely the tip of the iceberg. Considering that many of his victims were also recent immigrants, he knew that many of them would be too afraid to approach law enforcement for fear that they might be deported.

Each time I write about these stories, I’m continually baffled by the depravity of these sexual predators. The manipulation, the threats of violence, and the targeting of the most vulnerable human beings is sometimes more than I can bare. Think of the emotional scars that this vile human being has left on all those people. How many collective years of torture will they endure reliving their trauma? If there was any real justice in the world, those same tortures would be visited upon him. Tenfold.

Until we actually invent some form of empathy machine that would force these reprobates to experience the nightmares they inflict upon others, we must rely on locking them away, far from the innocents they love to torment.

New Hampshire Official Quits after Religiously Motivated Harassment

By all account, Jim Gleason is a good man who always wanted to do right by his community. For over three years, Gleason had acted as town manager for Littleton, N.H., working diligently to serve his fellow neighbors. All of this changed recently after a row with one of his constituents over a number of paintings that had been commissioned by a local LGBTQ group.

It began first when one of the board members, Carrie Gendreau, had labelled the paintings as “demonic”. Her responsibilities as a state senator are, in her words, “informed” by her religious faith, which simply means that she has theocratic justification for spewing hatred. If this would have been the only pushback, it would not have been sufficient to merit a resignation. After all, religious people are always calling things they dislike “evil”. The unpleasantness that led to him quitting was the result of something far nastier. A woman by the name of Jean Chouinard visited him, and things did not go well:

Jean Chouinard came to Gleason’s office in October to complain about a production of La Cage Aux Folles by Theater UP at the municipally owned Littleton Opera House. She wanted Gleason to shut it down. He said he couldn’t because it would be an infringement of First Amendment free speech rights but told Chouinard she could exercise her own rights by protesting the show. She then called him weak and asked if he was pleased that his son Patrick, who died of cancer in 2016, “was in hell with the devil where he belonged.

Not long after the incident, this hateful bitch also sent a picture of him with the words “Queer Bastard” written across it. The fact that she admitted to sending it allowed Gleason to file a restraining order against her.

Meanwhile, state rep Carrie Gendreau defended her actions, and has zero sympathy for a man being harassed for allowing the citizens he worked for the opportunity to express themselves. It’s just another sad example of how religion makes people into hateful monsters with no understanding of just how messed up their behavior is. Now, the city of Littleton is a poorer for losing such a committed member of government. This is how Christian nationalists win: they make the world unpleasant for everyone, and when there’s no one left to rule, they simply take over and impose their faith on the rest of us. Expect this kind of thing to happen more and more.

Russia Wants to Build Conservative Paradise

Are you tired of living in a country with freedom of expression? Does the thought of having to live near people with different beliefs terrifying you? Than why not move to one of the countries with the lowest freedom index in the world, with the possible exception of North Korea.

You see, according to Timur Beslangurov, an immigration lawyer from Russia, dozens of American and Canadian families have expressed their horror at having to live in a free country, and Timur has the solution: he’s trying to construct a special village outside of Moscow for anyone stupid enough to move there.

The Russian lawyer claimed that some of those tens of thousands want to move to Russia because they are traditional Catholics who “very strongly believe in the prophecy that Russia will remain the only Christian country in the world.”

Now, who is going to pay for the construction of this Christian paradise? Why, it’s the very people who they are trying to attract there to begin with. Keep in mind that county where 2/3 of it’s rural population doesn’t even have access to indoor plumbing. I guess Jesus isn’t really a fan of modern amenities.

Considering that this same county is jailing people for years for daring to even call their “special military operation” in Ukraine a war, there’s the very strong possibility that these moronic immigrants might be forcibly recruited to go fight in their protracted conflict. What a deal! Where do I sign up, already?

If you’re a Canadian or an American that’s tempted to move there, I have only one thing to say to you: Dasvidaniya, bitches.

Evangelicals Think Jesus is Weak

If you’ve ever attended church in the south, odds are you may have heard the song “Give me that old-time religion”. If you have, you might remember these lyrics:

It was good for our mothersAnd it’s good enough for me,

Makes me love everybodyAnd it’s good enough for me

It seems that this message of love is no longer resonating with Evangelicals, specifically those that have been spoon-fed the recent rhetoric of Christian Nationalists, who see Donald Trump as their new messiah. They now see this Jesus character as a bit of a pussy.

Moore told NPR in an interview released Tuesday that multiple pastors had told him they would quote the Sermon on the Mount, specifically the part that says to “turn the other cheek,” when preaching. Someone would come up after the service and ask, “Where did you get those liberal talking points?”

The whole, “turn the other cheek”, and “judge not lest ye be judged” sounds like liberal hogwash to them. They want that REALLY old time religion, the one where there was lots of smiting from God, and where his enemies were routinely destroyed. This is the great wish of Evangelicals of today. Even though they have won major victories, such as the Supreme Court repealing Roe v Wade, they are still convinced that the world of the future is a terrifying secular hellhole that needs fixing, and only their special brand of crazy is the solution.

Unlike the election that first won him the presidency, Trump’s new strategy is bound to blow up in his face. Sure, he has the loyalty of the Religious Right, but it’s impossible to win the office without getting a lot of independent voters on your side. The first time he ran, these voters were already sick of Democrats in the White House, and they felt a change was needed. It didn’t last long. Now that he’s literally referring to himself as the new messiah, the messaging is proving quite distasteful to pragmatic voters who have no real party affiliation. The Republican party used to understand this, but because of how much Trump loves to be worshiped, it’s doubtful he’ll change his tune to appeal to a broader base.

He’s even slowly eroding his base, by essentially acting as a false prophet. When he loses the presidency, there’s no doubt that there will be a need for the Evangelical community to do some serious soul searching. As new sexual abuse scandals erupt, the hyper focus on Trump will spell disaster for their membership in the long term. If there’s any comfort to be had, it’s the fact that this is decimating churches all over the country. It’s a reckoning that’s been a long time coming.

Bad Math Tries to Prove God Exists

Of all the professions in the “STEM” fields, mathematicians are the most religious. Compared to physicists, astronomers and biologists, about half of all mathematicians have some from of faith, while people who study the physical world, unsurprisingly, barely register on the faith radar.

If you are wondering why that is, look no further than this website, which purports to have a mathematical proof that God exists. Here’s the basic breakdown:

  1. God is defined as a uncaused causer
  2. Infinite regression isn’t logical
  3. The Universe must have some from of logic
  4. The only explanation is God.

Of course, the formula this guy uses is a little more complex, but when it all boils down to it, it’s the same pathetic First Cause argument you’ve heard a hundred times already, and it’s just as unconvincing. You see, the first point of the argument, that “God is beyond the laws of physics”, means precisely squat. The notion that there can be an “uncaused causer” violates the very principle this individual uses to prove their premise in the first place. Simply asserting something does not make it true. I would just turn around and argue that the Universe itself could be proof that there needn’t be a first cause to begin with.

Incidentally, there’s no proof that this Universe isn’t part of an infinite regress of other Universes. We simply don’t know. That’s the problem when you are using something as mysterious as the Universe as your basic proof. It’s way beyond our current and perhaps future comprehension, so it isn’t something I would recommend you try and use as rock solid “evidence” of something.

When you see this kind of pathetic math, then you know you’re talking to a believer desperate to try and prove the unprovable. They want their God to exists outside of the known laws of the Universe, but yet somehow still be bound by its logic. All that is being accomplished here is the equivalent of a word game, and when you boil it down, even their own definitions make no sense. If there is no infinite regress, it does not follow that there is therefore a power beyond logic to resolve this definitional problem. It simply means that your formula is incomplete. It’s back to the drawing board, boys.

I suspect that so long as people hold on to superstitious, they will continue to try and use every tool at their disposal to try and prove that the Universe was the product of what amounts to a magic trick. So long as there are bad faith arguments, so too will there be bad faith mathematicians eager to prove the existence of their imaginary friend.

Reformed Baptist Pastor Set Free After Rape Conviction

The wheels of justice do not always turn. Sometimes, they get stuck in the mud, and there’s no getting out of it. In Wisconsin, a pastor by the name of Tom Chantry had been sexually abusing his constituents for nearly a decade before prosecutors finally attempted to bring this man down. His first trial ended in a hung jury (although the only holdout was found guilty of perjury). In the second trial, he was found guilty and sentenced to 25 years, only to later have the case thrown out on a technicality. His victims, already exhausted from both trials, declined to go through the experience again, and so the case was dismissed without prejudice (which means that they may try again at a later date).

I should stress that the church, Christ Reformed Baptist Church, had been established by his father, did everything it its power to cover up these crimes. You can read all about it more in detail on a blog called “Thou Art The Man“, which goes into detail about how much of a coverup there was:

Little did I know when I began covering this story that I was dealing with a corrupt inner corp of ARBCA men who tightly controlled the reigns of power within the Association. I had gathered enough information to believe the charges against Chantry were credible and I naively believed that Reformed Baptist pastors would all be godly, upright men who cherished the truth.

As a result, this organization has essentially collapsed, as members have left the church in droves, especially when it came to light that church elders had known that Chantry had been abusing kids for years before it all came out. Naturally, like all sinister and secretive organizations, they believed that abuse is an internal affair, and subsequently should be dealt by church authority. The public, it seems, disagrees.

What I find unsurprising and frankly disturbing is how much effort these kinds of churches put in protecting pedophiles rather than their own congregants. Sure, their membership is decimated, but there are still believers out there that support these kinds of institution. What would it take for people to stop giving money to these people? Obviously raping kids is not enough. Do they need to shoot a bunch of puppies in the face on a daily basis before people finally realize just how evil they are?

Scorsese Says New Jesus Film Isn’t “Preachy”

Christians are always falling over themselves when it comes to praising their main guy. There isn’t a second on this planet where one of these poor brainwashed idiots won’t say his name, declaring him to be a “prince of peace”, and other such nonsense. As far as having a glowing reputation, there are few that benefit as much as this bearded weirdo.

However, if you’re a non-believer, Jesus just isn’t that impressive as a moral teacher. For starters, the man was always speaking in riddles. Most of the time, it was difficult to really pin his morality down, since there was always a confusing parable waiting to be recounted. Even religious folks are often unsure of what exactly the man was trying to say, though it doesn’t stop people from trying, often to pathetic results.

Well, I am not a child, and I am not one of the apostles, but let me admit it publicly, “I don’t think I understand Jesus’ parables.” And you know what? I think that is EXACTLY what Jesus wants. In fact, confusion is the goal of the Jesus’ parables. Did you know that? So if you are confused by what Jesus says in His parables, you are on the right track.

That’s some high level of copium right there. Morality is based on clarity, not interpretation. If I tell you that murder is wrong but them refuse to define murder, it doesn’t serve any higher moral purpose to state that.

So when brilliant filmmaker Martin Scorsese says that he’s releasing a new movie about Jesus that is meant to “take away the negatives associated with religion”, he doesn’t realize that his golden boy is actually quite lame when it comes to being a great moral leader. I can name on one hand the positive messages he conveys, while running out of digits for all the weird, inconsistent, and even morally repugnant things he says.

Everyone like to blame organized religion for corrupting the message of religion, but this is honestly just a copout. The founding documents of the three major Abrahamic faith are quite irredeemable, and it’s not surprising that any organization that adopts the Bible, or the plagiarized Koran as their primary foundation is bound to reflect the evils of these ancient tomes.

It’s sad that in Martin’s waning years that he is wasting his time making Christian propaganda. Unless he wants to completely rewrite the character, Jesus isn’t the kind of guy you should be basing your life on. He was purposefully aloof, occasionally violent and seemed more interested in fulfilling prophesy than actually doing any good. He left zero moral impact on the community he was trying to change to begin with. It was only decades after his supposed death that anyone started to pay attention to what he had to say, and even then, it was only when the religion was officially adopted by the very empire that had previously rejected it.

So, at best, the most positive thing I can say of “the prince of peace” is that more people have died in his name than any other human in history. Is that really something to be proud of?

Christian Nationalists Want Gay Kids Attacked

Christian Nationalists are a cancer on American society. Not only do they want to transform the country into a theocratic hellhole by using the legal and political system, they also want children to join them on their violent crusade to rid the world of people who don’t share their zealotry.

You see, when it all boils down to it, when you can’t win an argument with someone, you terrorize them. Christian nationalists pine for the days when people were ritualistically beaten for being different. For instance, in this podcast called “Crosstalk”, the host and guests were tripping over themselves reminiscing about the good old days:

“There used to be a day and age, we beat up the kid at school who had two dads. And we weren’t jerks for that,” Szall says laughing. “That’s just what we did.”

Ah yes, those halcyon days when people were getting their asses kicked because they were loved by two same sex parents. These were also the good old days when people were dying of easily treatable diseases, and when black people had to ride in the back of the bus. I’m sure they would love for those nostalgic days to come again, wouldn’t they?

Since Christian Nationalists are so busy trying to infiltrate the government to impose their worldview, they naturally assume that other groups are doing the same. The fact that more and more Christians support same sex unions has convinced them that it’s a giant conspiracy, and they think that by allowing children to violently attack vulnerable minorities, more people will come around to their way of thinking.

If this all sounds familiar, it should. This is the kind of Brownshirt politics that extremists love. In the 1920’s, when Hitler needed an army of thugs to terrorize the populous, he claimed that this force was the only solution to the mounting problem of communism. These mindless zombies would routinely beat and kill anyone in opposition to their twisted beliefs. Ironically, the leaders of the Brownshirts were eventually murdered for their efforts, as Hitler was convinced that they would eventually try and usurp him.

This is what happens when you try an use violence to enforce your beliefs. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Will America wake up from it’s coma and put a stop to these dangerous cretins before it’s too late? If history is any indication, that’s a resounding “NO”.

Don’t Follow Your “Dreams”

One a quiet night in Ipatinga, a medium sized municipality in Brazil, an old man had a revelation. He dreamed that a mountain of gold was located under his kitchen. Now, most of us would interpret this as merely a trick of the mind. After all, who wouldn’t want to find a treasure right where they live? Unfortunately for him, instead of laughing it off, he took this to be a sign from God. For months, he began to dig a massive hold under his kitchen floor.

The hole had reached a depth of 40 meters before tragedy struck. While he was removing water and mud from his massive excavation, the old man slipped, falling to his death. The fire department retrieved his body, and from the condition of the corpse, it was obvious that he had suffered a great deal before expiring.

Is there a lesson to learn from this? Well, let’s start with the fact that there is a finite amount of gold that can be mined. Some estimates suggest that we might “run out” of minable gold by 2050. Let’s also keep in mind that dreams are no substitute for mineral surveys. Lastly, even if there were a God, I highly doubt that this entity gives a flying crap about that shinny metal we’re all obsessed with.

Michigan State Rep Declares War on Church of Satan

As many of my listeners will remember, I have always been a big fan of the “Church of Satan”. As an institution, its primary purpose is essentially to expose the hypocrisy of Christians, and it does so with gusto, primarily by making afterschool programs to compete against the Unconstitutional religious groups that take up valuable time that should be devoted to actually learning something.

The existence of this church has rattled a few feathers, such as Republican Rep. Josh Schriver of Michigan who is making it his mission to bringing it down:

Schriver announced his intention to target churches that he doesn’t believe deserve equal treatment with Christianity under the law…“I actually am working on a policy right now… to really focus on making a distinction between the the church of Jesus Christ and this, quote unquote, Church of Satan,” Schriver announced. “You really have an issue where they’re seen as equal in the eyes of the state, and that doesn’t seem right to me for many, many legitimate reasons. And so removing tax exempt status from non-theistic churches such as the Church of Satan, I think is very, very well in order.”

This moron believes that he doesn’t work for the people who elected him. No, instead he thinks that he works for God, specifically the Judeo-Christian one that murderously hates masturbation, and it’s his goal to rid the country of those pesky religions that he doesn’t like.

Unfortunately for him, it’s almost impossible to remove the tax exempt status of any faith. That’s because the IRS isn’t in the business of determining what religions are “authentic” and which ones aren’t. In fact, so long as an organization complies with the IRS rules concerning tax exempt status, the actual content of the religion is meaningless. You could be worshiping a dead goat for all they care.

Consider how many religious organizations are already violating some of the terms that allows them tax exempt status to begin with. Here’s one of the rules that I know for a fact that the Church of Satan has never broken, while hundreds of smaller churches have:

Under the Internal Revenue Code, all section 501(c)(3) organizations are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office.

So, who is it that deserves to get their tax exempt status removed then? Did I mention he also wants to ban pornography? Good luck with that, you prude jackass.

Hate is Bad for your Health

Did you know it’s unhealthy to be hateful? I’m not being glib. There is strong medical evidence that the act of holding hatred in your heart can actually lead to long term health problems. Don’t just take my word for it, here’s what medical professionals think about this emotion’s effect on our bodies:

Hatred negatively impacts the nervous system, immune system, and endocrine system. Extreme emotions trigger the release of stress hormones in the brain. Over time, these stress hormones lead to increased inflammation throughout the body, resulting in significant health consequences. The more intense an emotion becomes, the more physically demanding it is to contain it. Holding on to hate can be exhausting.

If only Turkish lawmaker Hasan Bitmez had known of this, perhaps he could have avoided his recent health scare. You see, Bitmez is a politician in his home country, and during one of his recent speeches condemning the actions of Israel in the recent Palestinian conflict, he exclaimed that the “Jews would not escape the wrath of Allah” right before collapsing from a massive heart attack.

A superstitious man might see this as a sign that perhaps their beloved deity did not approve of the message. Traumatic events can often act as a catalyst for change. Personally, I believe that it has far more to do with how much anger and hatred is in this man’s heart. His political career benefits from his near constant animosity towards Judaism, so its doubtful that he will ever be able to let go of his murderous hostility towards the faith. If there is any comfort, it’s that his body is quickly giving up on him as a result of his poor life choices.

I have a suggestion for Mr. Hasan. It would appear that your hatred towards your fellow man has made you unwell. You would do well to take a cozy retirement, and spend time with your loved ones while there is still life in you. I’m sure there are plenty of other Muslim politicians who would gladly take up your abhorrent mantle and openly call for the death of their enemies. You should learn to enjoy the good things in life before it’s all over. Our time on this earth is brief, and despite your belief that another life awaits you, I wouldn’t take the chance that the future affords you much time with the ones you care about. Focus on love. You’ll live longer for it.

Texas Approves Chaplains in Schools

When are religious people going to stop shoving their faith down our throats? The answer is never. Just ask non-Christian parent at Grapevine’s Independent School District in Texas. The board recently approved the hiring of chaplains at the school, a move that’s angered many parents. During one recent meeting, a number of them were kicked out, or walked out in protest.

They are angry that these men, who have no training as councilors, are being paid with state funds to proselytize to students during school hours. Despite all the protest, the National School Chaplain Association thinks there is nothing wrong with the move:

“School chaplaincy, just like chaplaincy in other U.S. institutions, is perfectly legal and consistently upheld by the Supreme Court. School chaplaincy programs follow specific regulations that prohibit proselytizing, offering services based on consent. Simply put, chaplains don’t represent religion or the church, they represent God.”

That doesn’t mean anything to people who don’t share your embrace of an imaginary lord. The fact of the matter is that the faithful are in the business of converting people and asserting their dominance, and this is just another form if it. It also is an open visitation for lawsuits, which in the end is only going to cost the taxpayers more money.

Why can’t they just keep their religion to themselves, you may wonder. It seems that while one side of their mouths pretends to want to live and let live, constantly going on about how loving their god is, the other side openly prays for our destruction. The Supreme Court has upheld chaplaincy programs only because its members have capitulated to religion. Their oath to the Constitution is a joke, a minor inconvenience in the quest to make America into a Christian nation. They are slowly succeeding, despite the fact that more and more of Americans are departing from religion. This is the reason why they are fighting so hard to shove it down our throats: they figure that unless they take action now, the demise of religion is inevitable.

French Teachers on Strike over Fears of Muslim Violence

The “religion of peace” has a problem. Various PR departments of Islam are busy trying to convince naïve idiots that the religion is your average, run-of-the-mill faith that is just trying to live and let live. The truth is far more sinister than that. Islam is only interested in one thing: the complete subjugation of free thinking people into their cult of death. It’s in the name itself: Islam means submission, and what good is it when there’s no one to control?

In France, teachers at a school in Paris are on strike, not because they have financial demands, but because they fear for their lives. When one of the teachers of a school near the city of Paris dared to show a nude painting dating from the 17th century as part of their art appreciation class, and the results were catastrophic: mass demonstrations, and threats of violent retribution for the crime of showing this “forbidden” image (which in these parts, we generally just call art).

In order to act even more outraged, students and parents started to spread rumors that the teacher had singled out Muslim students and had made racist remarks. They did this precisely because they knew that by lying, they would stir up sympathy from the left of the political spectrum, which is now dominated by young people who have no real understanding that they are political tools in a clash of civilization. For over a decade, they have used criticism of their faith to be labelled as racist by coining the term “Islamophobia”. When this word is used, they can count on an army of soft headed do-gooders to fall over themselves coming to the defense of Islam, even when the interests of both sides fundamentally conflict.

Let’s keep a few things in mind to give context to this fight. More than 40% of French Muslims support the idea of replacing our legal system with their own twisted one, called Sharia. The situation in most western countries is exactly the same. This is a worrying trend for democracies, who rely on the people to reach a consensus as to how they wish to be governed. The values of that society must be maintained in order for it to survive. The fact that one religious group so thoroughly despises these values should be of great concern.

There is a special word for the deceit used by Muslims when it comes to pretending to share the same values as your neighbor: taqiyya. This is a religious concept that eases the psychological torment of constantly lying to people that are not part of your “clan”. It is this belief that allows extremists to live covertly and unassumingly in our society.

It should be noted that the only way to truly know who honors our society’s commitment to free speech is to continue to express it, and wait for the overreaction from those that do not share these values. What we shouldn’t do as is follow in the example of Denmark. The country is trying to criminalize or censure any behavior that “offends” the worthless religion of Islam. If anything, we need more insults, not less. Let the religious psychos reveal themselves, so that we can see through their lies of wishing to live together with us in peace.

Iowa Capital Satanic Display Causes Outrage

It’s been a banner year for Satan. Not only has he been helping to shut down countless school promotions of religions, but in his spare time, he’s been helping to freak out some poor Iowans, but making them have to put up a display in order to contravene the nativity one that was allowed in the Capitol Building.

The state Governor was less than enthusiastic, but as her Republican colleagues reminded her, the very first amendment of their beloved Constitution does not allow for the establishment or specific endorsement of one religion, and so in order to have their display, there would have to be allowance for others.

“Today, faithful Iowans gathered in the Capitol rotunda to display the Nativity and pray for peace,” she wrote on social media. “Free speech is a right afforded to all. But how we use it matters. Today’s event is proof that in the battle between good and evil, good will always prevail.”

The way religious people speak always drives me crazy. This isn’t a battle between good and evil; it’s a fight to keep religious nonsense out of government. The whole reason this satanic display exists in the first place is to act as a counter to all the Christian propaganda that pops up every holiday season. These morons actually think that the folks who put up the Satanic display praise the dark lord. They can’t fathom that it’s simply epic trolling.

How can we ever win when people are that deluded? Sometimes it all feels like a gigantic waste of time trying to change their minds. Still, there’s bound to be a few people that realize the hypocrisy at work. It might be the push they need to throw off the shackles of this ancient superstition. That’s all we can hope for at this point!