Denmark is failing as a nation. It is failing for the same reasons many other European countries are struggling right now: the rapid influx of Muslim immigrants has ramped up sectarian tensions, and now, as a response, the government has reacted in the most cowardly way possible to the mounting violent rhetoric of Islamic fundamentalists: they are kowtowing to the faithful, ensuring that hurt feelings take precedence over liberal values. So, now if anyone has the balls to express their free speech right by burning the Koran, they face up to two years in jail for causing a disturbance that could lead to violence.
The purpose of the law is to counter “the systematic mockery” that, among other things, has contributed to intensifying the threat of terrorism in Denmark, the Ministry of Justice said.
Allow me to translate this sentence, as it failed to properly provide context to what is happening: in order to prevent Muslims living in their own country from committing violent acts of retribution, the government has decided that instead of honoring its commitment to free speech, it would rather cower to a religion that respects neither free speech nor secularism. What are we fighting for, if not our own downfall?
Denmark had previously gotten rid of its blasphemy laws, but it seems now that their society is regressing, thanks to an immigration policy that puts their own values at risk. This means that the counter-reaction of the population will undoubtedly make matters worst. We are sure to witness the resurgence of far right political candidates, who favor anti-immigration stances in response to these kinds of laws. This will be especially true after the next terrorist attack, which given the current political climate, seems almost like an inevitability.
The broader problem in my opinion, is that progressives are too naïve to understand the threat that Islam poses to modern civilization. The conflict in Israel has created a litany of confusing and contradictory alliances, such as “Gays for Palestine”, who unknowingly betray their gay brethren for the sake of appearing welcoming and open minded. The fact that Hamas has openly called for, and participated in the murder of young gay men seems more than a minor inconvenience. Even a few decapitated heads doesn’t seem to register much of a response from the LGBT community, if only because it threatens to make everyone’s lives messy by acknowledging it. The world is a complicated place. The idea that gay Palestinians often seek asylum in Israel, out of fear that they will be killed by their fellow man because an ancient barbaric tome claims that same sex attractions are wrong, conflicts with the narrative that there is a good guy and a bad guy.
I’ve often said that liberalism is under attack; not by without, but from within. Soft-headed liberals who sacrificed integrity for intersectionality have allowed vile religions like Islam to benefit from their protection, all the while oblivious that their benefactors secretly plot to destroy them. If countries like Denmark are an indication of how things are going, the news is not good.