Pastor Defrauds Congregation with Crypto Scam

You have to shake your head sometimes over the fact that religious folks are constantly abused by their own church leaders. We atheists love to joke around and call them sheep, but it would be more accurate to describe them as pigs at a slaughterhouse. The way they are bled and hung up to dry, you would swear that their spiritual leaders were all trying to make sausage out of them.

The latest slaughter comes from the wacko state of Florida, where a 51 year old man named Francier Obando Pinillo is being indicted on 26 counts of fraud for his involvement in a crypto scam he pushed on this 1500 church members. Pinillo claimed to have had a dream about a coin he called Solano Fi (not to be confused with Solano), and that his God had promised returns of nearly 35 percent, claiming it would yield monthly compounded interest. Pinillo and his accomplices then created fake ledgers showing the victims the supposed gains they were making, although everyone was forbidden from withdrawing their money while the perpetrators did a rug pull.

This isn’t the first scammy pastor to use crypto to defraud his flock. TGA reported of another pastor who had done this a few months ago. These kinds of things are bound to happen more often. Christians are easy pickings. All you need to do is pretend that you have some special connection to God, and religious idiots will fall over themselves throwing money at whatever bullshit scam your peddling. They are already primed to believe in lies. You need only alter the falsehood enough to capitalize, and voila.

Now this moron is facing 20 years in jail. It wasn’t enough that he was taking their money for spewing nonsense. He just had to get greedy and in so doing, he killed his golden goose. You see, that is why you should always familiarize yourself with Mother Goose fairy tales: they are filled with life lessons that don’t get your ass sent to prison.

Texas Church Hires Registered Sex Offender

Do you remember the show “America’s Most Wanted”? It’s a show that began in 1988, running for 24 seasons. Hosted by John Walsh, a man who lost his son to a serial killer, the show brought attention to criminals that would otherwise have gone unnoticed. His quest for victim’s rights made his show a hallmark of American television. It would feature profiles of criminals on the run, asking viewers to contact their hotline if they had any contact with the individuals featured on the program.

One episode featured a man named Chuck Adair, a dangerous sexual predator that had kidnapped an underaged parishioner. He was eventually caught, and sentenced to 10 years in jail. He was released in 2006, and not long after, he began to be involved in church activities. He has since been hired by the Grace Place Church of Christ, acting as a minister, despite his sordid past.

As I’ve said in the past, Christians will fall over themselves to forgive a sexual predator, believing them when they claim to have “repented”.

“Mr. Adair has no legal restrictions preventing him from any of the activities which occur at either Grace Place Properties or the Grace Place Church,” the church said. “Both the Grace Place Church and Grace Place Properties families believe in these principles and are active in forgiving and encouraging those who seek restoration.”

The problem is that “repentance” is not really a thing. It’s just a way of pretending to change, all the while claiming that an all powerful entity has given them the power to stop their problematic behavior. It never works. Instead, this is how sexual abuse continues in these institutions: sexual convicts are ushered back into the fold, only to eventually offend again. When the inevitable happens, they will blame external forces for the “slip”, and yet more lives will be destroyed because moronic religious folks are easily fooled.

I share in the same sentiment that many feel: the parishioners would do well to leave this pathetic organization that puts their children in danger. Of course, if everyone left every organization that’s placed their kids in the sights of these rapists, there would be no one left in the pews.

Pervert Pastor Hides Cameras in Bathrooms

What does it take to be a pastor these days? It would appear that the criteria is quite low, since every day I have the displeasure of reporting on the countless perversions from men of the cloth. Today, it’s a depraved old man named Arturo Laguna, who sounds more like a drug dealer than someone who should be in charge of people’s spiritual lives.

Laguna had installed a number of cameras in the women’s bathroom, one of which was discovered by a woman who was changing her child’s diaper. Because of how crude the setup was, the device was easily found because it fell from it’s concealed location. The woman then sought out the police, who recovered the device and found the culprit who installed them using the footage on the cameras. Laguna is now in custody awaiting his first court appearance in a few days.

The religious analogy of sheep is fitting. The faithful are lead by wolves who pray on them, feasting at will. It is only because they are so numerous that they feel safe. These poor fools fail to understand that the powers of the institutions they create are a breeding ground for abuse, and so many continue to be victimized, while those who are spared either ignore what is happening around them, or make excuses for their predators. Who is willing to bet that after a period of “repentance”, this same congregation would be willing to take him back on “promises” of better behavior?

“I promise to become a vegetarian” said the wolf in front of the flock, his mouth salivating at the sight of so much food. “I prayed for my love of meat to leave me, and the good Lord made it so.”

Abuse Isn’t Just For The Boys

With all the countless articles TGA has reported on over the decades (ouch, it feels weird saying that), one could easily be forgiven for thinking that the abuse of children is strictly a male phenomenon. The reason for this is quite simple; it’s only the minority of faiths that allow women to hold any form of power, and thus, fewer women can abuse of said power.

Well, the glass ceiling of child rape is being smashed, let me tell you! In Mississippi, a woman by the name of Lindsey Whiteside is facing 30 years in jail for the sexual abuse of a young girl that was under her tutelage. Whiteside was a former Division I basketball player turned coach, who wanted to “teach” people about Jesus the same way she learned:

In her since-removed profile on Getwell Church’s website, Whiteside, who lost her father Robert “Shan” Whiteside in 2006, said she was committed to getting everyone to experience Jesus the way she did.

Seems these days a lot of kids are learning about this supposed god the hard way: that no matter how many times you pray, it won’t stop his representatives from raping you.

Naturally, the church Whiteside belongs to is keeping silent. What could they say anyways? Sorry that our organization attracts sociopaths? It’s worth a shot. Perhaps they could try to say sorry for how a culture of control and power makes this kind of thing inevitable. At least then, when yet another incident occurs, none of their parishioners will be surprised. I know we aren’t.

The Vatican’s New Mascot Is Pathetic

Desperation is a stinky cologne. It’s also responsible for their pathetic attempt to try and appeal to young people with an anime-like character they call “Luce”, which is Italian for “Light”.

Archbishop Fisichella said on Monday that Luce was chosen because the Church wants “to live even within the pop culture so beloved by our youth” and she represents “a symbol of the hope of the heart.”

Who do they think they appeal to anyways? Do they really think that people who like anime are going to be enticed by this obviously ripped off character? Is this supposed to make us forget that they are perhaps one of the most evil organizations in the world? Does a cute face erase the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of sexually and physically abused children? Or does a little cross make you forget the billions of dollars of money laundered for organized crime?


Heritage Foundation Lies Like it Breathes

If there is one thing that is consistent with religious organizations, it is the tendency to lie, and expect their followers to believe in these lies. The reason for this is simple: so long as the lie achieves what they want, it’s seen as acceptable.

Recently, the Heritage Foundation, which is responsible for drafting the famous “2025 Project”, is desperate. They know that there is a good chance that Vice President Kamala Harris will win the presidency, and as a result, they are hoping to use fear to motivate their loyal supporters to go vote for Donald Trump. Their latest lie is that if she wins, she will ban all forms of prayer.

“We’re going to lose our ability to worship, we’re going to lose our religious liberty if the Harris-Walz campaign prevails,” he asserted. He cited the vice president’s suggestion to attendees at one of her recent rallies who shouted phrases including “Christ is King” that they were at the wrong rally as an example of her hostility to religion.

It’s easy for those of us with our heads on screwed tight that this is just a bold face lie. Not only is Kamala religious, she also has no reason to do this. This is just a blatant attempt to sow hatred among their faithful followers, who have been feeling the pressure of no longer being the dominant voice in American Politics.

The Christian Post, which is not an institution known for it’s liberalism, has a divided comment section. Half of the responses are what you would expect: Trumpers who have been fully brainwashed into believing that their God has anointed a convicted felon to be their leader. The other half, however, are not buying it, and there is a strong chance that believers that are sick of these types of lies will use their vote to send a message to the Republican Party: change or die.

If [Christian Post] wants to support Project 2025 and its Christian nationalist agenda, it is certainly entitled to do so. But it should at least be honest enough to make its case forthrightly, without resorting to a devious and misleading framing of the issues.

Couldn’t have said it better myself.

Taliban Bans Women From Talking to each other

the Taliban has been busy. Just a few weeks ago, they had just finished banning images of living creatures. When that genius plan was done, they moved on to Ban music and dancing. With all the joy gone in their lives, they have now moved on to banning women from talking to each other.

Feeling abandoned and alone, many women are now so desperate that they have begun to kill themselves in protest.

“I feel depressed. The world is advancing in technology and having fun with their lives, but here we cannot even hear each other’s voices… They want us not to exist at all, and there’s nothing we can do about it,” another woman in western Herat province said.

Things are getting so crazy that Moderate Taliban Leaders (whatever that means) are worried that the citizens would eventually rebel against these extreme restrictions. They think that these unpopular decisions are bound to have the reverse effect. How many dead women will it take for everyone to wake up from this religious fever dream?

Islamic Terrorists Kill 150 in Burkina Faso

There is a war of ideologies happening all over the continent of Africa. The conflict between faiths mimics the conflicts of old. It is the final parting “gift” of colonialism, with the added tragedy of local superstition to add to the misery. Countries like Mali, Nigeria, Kenya and Somalia are all regularly home to sectarian conflicts, and now, Burkina Faso is anxious to top that list. Over the years, both Islamic and Christian group have been regularly attacking each other periodically. Just in April 2023, a group of militants (suspected to actually be the armed forces) attacked a mosque in the village of Karma, killing the imam and a suspected 160 others. This had been a retaliatory attack of 40 soldiers that had been killed during a Jihadist attack.

Now, yet another tragedy has occurred, all part of the endless cycle of violence that plagues the country. The town of Manni was attacked, and over 150 people are dead.

Local sources told ACN that the terrorists first cut off all telephone communications before attacking the market, where many people had gathered after attending Sunday Mass. They then fired indiscriminately, looted shops, and set fire to several buildings, burning some victims alive.

The next day, the terrorists returned to attack medical staff and kill the wounded who were being treated. Then, on Oct. 8, they returned to the village again, this time killing all the men they could find.

There’s something very familiar about all of this violence, isn’t there. It’s exactly the kind of behavior that the Bible and the Koran encourage: crush your enemies, and kill all the men in the village, leaving the women who have not yet “known” a man alive to take for yourselves. They aren’t violating any laws in their holy book. They are in fact following them. This is why religion is so terrifying. It openly encourages people to kill each other over their imaginary friend. How many more will die before we finally stop listening to the life advice of Bronze Age morons?

Priest Arrested for Abusing Train Passenger

What is with all of these abusive priests? From the sounds of things, it seems as though religious leaders are so insatiable that any opportunity to abuse people must be acted upon. How else can you explain this guy: Father Daniel Doherty, aged 61, was arrested after he admitted to abusing a man who was passed out from drink. When staff confronted him about sticking his grubby hands inside a stranger’s pants, claiming he was “affirming him”

…(one woman) saw the accused lean forward and start to kiss the complainer on the face and lips. The accused then began rubbing the complainer’s hand before holding his foot and rubbing it. He started grabbing the complainer’s genitals over his clothing. The behaviour continued and by this time she thought something was not right about this and was increasingly concerned. The accused continued his behaviour on and off over the next hour or so and did not appear to care that anyone could see his behaviour.

So brazen! Given the fact that when the incident first occurred, the victim was initially reluctant to testify as to his experience out of embarrassment. This is why these pieces of human trash often get away with it: victims are too afraid to come forward out of humiliation. Thankfully, the man found his courage later on, and now police are involved. Considering there are witnesses, this is a pretty open and shut case.

Naturally, the Church that employs him has issued their standard press releases and claimed they are committed to the safety of their parishioners. Not so much for the rest of us, it seems, since no one is bothering to ask the important questions: why does this keep happening with their employees? If Starbuck baristas were constantly sexually abusing random people, we would demand some answers from their CEO. With religions, we roll out the red carpet for these fucking guys.

Arkansas Pastor Arrested on 100 Counts of Child Pornography

It’s another day, and yet another religious leader being arrested for the vile crime of possession of child pornography. It’s only the first charges for James Vincent Henry, aged 43, who was recently taken into custody after a special task force, the Arkansas State Police Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, executed a search warrant. After finding a bunch of damning evidence on social media messaging platforms, he was charged with 100 counts of possession, viewing and distribution.

Henry had served as a youth pastor for several churches, which seems like the ideal way for these disgusting perverts to make a living. It’s almost a graduate program in child abuse, offering a PHD in human misery.

While I’m glad he’s in jail, I’m not sure that these are the only charges that will be brought up. It turns out that Henry and his wife had been foster parents of more than 70 kids over the last 6 years to 18-25 year old girls. Although it seems that these young women were not in his “preferred” aged group, I find it hard to believe that there was no funny business going on. Typically, these types of abusers tend to move beyond the realm of fantasy and into the real world. Here’s hoping this wasn’t the case.


LA Archdiocese charged 880 million to victims

After victims of sexual abuse fought the Archdiocese of Los Angeles for decades, they have finally claimed victory. It took so long in fact, that many of the plaintiffs had died of old age before the final verdict.

So, after getting their asses handed to them, what did the church do? They issued a statement that baffles the imagination:

After the announcement of the agreement in principle on Wednesday, Archbishop José H. Gomez said in a statement, “I am sorry for every one of these incidents, from the bottom of my heart. My hope is that this settlement will provide some measure of healing for what these men and women have suffered,” the archbishop added. “I believe that we have come to a resolution of these claims that will provide just compensation to the survivor-victims of these past abuses.”

If they were so concerned about the suffering of these people ,they wouldn’t have tried to fight them for over 25 years. These kind of crocodile tears impresses no one. We know they couldn’t give a rat’s ass about all the pain they caused. If they did, perhaps they would have done a bit of soul searching. It seems the only way to actually hurt these people is to take away the one thing they truly care about: money.

Taliban Bans All Images of Living Things

If there’s one thing that religious fundies love to do, it’s to ban things. Books, music, and television shows, you name it, they’ll forbid it. The most egregious of religious nutjobs come to you courtesy of Afghanistan, where the Taliban is busy making everyone’s life miserable. When they aren’t busy banning music, dancing, and anything that’s fun, it’s now on to the really important stuff: banning images of living things.

It’s all in the name, folks. “Tal-i-BAN” Banning things is in their DNA so bad, they just had to put it at the end of their names! In all seriousness, all of this would be hilariously stupid if it wasn’t so tragic.

Afghanistan’s Taliban morality ministry pledged on Monday to implement a law banning news media from publishing images of all living things, with journalists told the rule will be gradually enforced.

Now, you might be wondering how journalists would be able to report the news. Luckily, the Taliban has them covered:

They advised visual journalists to take photos from further away and film fewer events “to get in the habit”, a journalist who did not want to give his name for fear of reprisal told AFP.

You see? They just need to get in the habit of filming, and by extension reporting, fewer and fewer things, until all news is basically a feed from the local mosque. If there had ever been a more miserable and loveless government, I would love to hear it. This is medieval level of ignorance, and as is typical, this stupidity is brought to you by religion: Yes religion: still making the world a worst place since time immemorial.

The Faithful Who Stayed Behind In Florida

The dangers of climate change are real. Those who deny it typically do so because the inevitable conclusion, that we are responsible for our own fates, interferes with their unfounded conviction that a big man in the sky decides everything for them. There has always been a deep religious current in the anti-climate change movement. They believe their god loves them, and would never allow any harm to befall them for using something so convenient at petroleum.

Hurricane Milton, which has reached a category of hurricane reserved only for the apocalyptic variety, is on it’s way to Florida, and the government has asked everyone in the danger zones to evacuate. Most have complied. Those that haven’t have some spectacularly stupid reasons for doing so:

Sherry Hall and her family decided to stay in their house several blocks from the ocean, despite many of their neighbors leaving amid warnings of a storm surge up to 15ft…”I’m not saying that I’m not worried. I’m not worried about me or my husband, but when you have children you worry about them,” she said. “As far as life-threatening and all that, we have good faith in the Lord, and we hope and pray for everyone, not just us. Items can be replaced but life isn’t about things, it’s about people and keeping people safe.”

That’s some serious cognitive dissonance right there. This moronic woman thinks that life is precious, and needs safe-keeping, and yet she still chooses to put her kids in danger. They have an almost zero chance of survival, and there are plenty more tragedies like Sherry all around the coast. Florida, after all, is heavily religious, and that has all the hallmarks of a disaster in the making.

My prediction is that there will be many dead, and that the religious right will lay the blame on any progressive institution they can, while talking of the other side of their mouths how there is too much government interference into their lives. When your solution to all of life’s problems is “The Bible”, it’s pretty easy to be critical of everything else, isn’t it?

Drug-Fueled Night lead to death, arrest of Priest

It’s become a bit of a trope these days: a gay priest being caught in the act of coitus, and the ensuing scandal. What makes the case of 60 year old Father Bernard unique is that his 69 year old partner, identified as Andrew Wagstaff, died during their little tryst, and police are now investigating.

The two were in Belgium in anticipation of Pope Francis paying a visit. Apparently, this is their version of Woodstock, and so for good measure, the two took a bunch of pills, and shagged like bunnies:

The two men had used ecstasy and poppers while having sex together, police said, leading Wagstaff to feel unwell during the early morning hours of Friday, September 27. His sexual partner, identified in the media as Father Bernard, called the police after Wagstaff fell unconscious and couldn’t be resuscitated.

Now his church doesn’t know what to do with him, and the police are investigating to make sure there were no signs of foul play. Honestly, Bernard should just consider a different line of work. When you enjoy designer drugs and gay sex, the clergy is not a place for you. You’re better off being a bouncer at a gay bar by the sounds of things. Sure, the man is 60, but it’s never to late to change!


Church Sues State For Right to Discriminate

The great state of Maryland is being sued by the 7th Day Adventist church because it’s highest court ruled that religious organizations could no longer hire and fire people based on their religious beliefs.

Previously, they had enjoyed the ability to dictate the conditions of employment, which included not allowing for any religious or sexual preferences outside of their narrow confines. It also meant they could fire anyone they deemed to be immoral, or living in a way they disapprove of. That’s no longer the case.

In an opinion published in August 2023, the state’s high court narrowed a previous exemption allowing religious organizations to discriminate based on religion in employment. A majority of the Maryland Supreme Court justices found religious organizations could consider religion only when hiring employees who “directly further the core mission” of the group.

That’s the key concept here. The Church wants everyone they employ to be on board with their religious views, but realistically, the state of Maryland decided that if it wasn’t related to positions in the church that are of fundamental importance to their religion, a janitor, or landscaper doesn’t exactly fit the description of “core mission”. That means that if they discover that a bricklayer working on their property is gay, they can’t fire him anymore. It must be terrifying to them.

Since the plaintiffs don’t have much of a case, they’ve decided that the ability to discriminate against people who do not believe in the same things you do is a violation of the right to free speech and religious association:

“Application of (Maryland Fair Employment Practices Act) to Plaintiffs’ hiring practices would result in excessive government entanglement with the Church’s internal religious decision-making and would violate the First Amendment,” lawyers for the church wrote.

I guess they forgot that this was still about the right to hire and fire people. I also don’t recall the threat being posed here, unless they belief that a plurality of belief, which is what is the essence of the First Amendment, is a threat to their own. That would seem to imply that they consider these rights only to apply to themselves.

It’s hardly surprising that a church would consider itself above the laws that govern others. Unfortunately for them, this baseless lawsuit doesn’t have a chance in hell to going anywhere, since the Supreme Court ruling was pretty clear about how it defined the rights of churches to still practice there disgraceful practices so long as it was in pursuit of their “core mission”. Knowing how religions operate, I’m sure they will stretch that definition so thin as to be functionally useless.