Polish Kids are totally Based

I realize that I might be showing my age by using young people jargon, but you’ll need to forgive my excitement. You see, Polish youths are thoroughly rejecting religious education classes, and I couldn’t be happier.

In 2010, 93% of students attended religion classes, but by 2022, this figure had dropped to 54%, according to a survey by pollster CBOS and the Polish fact-checking portal Demagog.org.

It’s a kind of double-wammy for Polish Catholics. Not only are the youth refusing to take religious education, there’s actually a shortage of people teaching these classes too. Of course, since religious people lie through their teeth at every opportunity, the church denies that there is a shortage, despite the fact that the rest of the world is in the same boat. In an effort to still offer the classes, students from different grades are being combined, and this is pissing those poor Catholics:

The petitioners accuse the Ministry of Education of failing to consult with Church representatives as required by law when issuing the decree on religious education.

The education minister stated that consultations with the Church had taken place, some feedback was incorporated, and the claims of insufficient consultation were incorrect.

Are these organizations chronically allergic to the truth? I’d say it’s an overwhelming “yes”. In any case, given how quick the decline is, the church should be worried. While it might be a little early to declare victory, things are definitely looking up.

Could Untreated UTI’s Explain the Rise of Trump?

Alright, this one is a bit out there, but you’ll need to hear me out. I spend quite a bit of time on the atheism subreddit, and came across a rather interesting find. An anonymous older gentlemen had posted that his wife had a very sudden political transformation. She had gone from a liberal to quite the little Trump supporter, threatening her husband with her vote if he did not accompany her to church. Naturally, he was distressed at the drastic change in her behavior. The responses were unusual, but may hold a very interesting insight into the nature of the human mind.

It turns out there a number of other responders had similar experiences with their loved ones, and that in many of these cases, the reason for the change was because of an undiagnosed Urinary Track Infection. Amazingly, something as seemingly benign can have some profound effects on the human psyche. Here’s a sample from the Alzheimer Society

If the person has a sudden and unexplained change in their behaviour, such as increased confusion, agitation, or withdrawal, this may be because of a UTI.

Could this explain why people would suddenly become racist bigots that think that Donald Trump is the second coming of Christ? Could all of this be the result of bacterial infections? Man, nature sure is weird!


Colorado Jails Mom, Rewards Rapist Father

Ok, this story is so messed up that it is likely going to cause you to rage, and have a terrible day. It’s probably one of the most egregious abuse of legal power I’ve seen in a while, and it’s all courtesy of the corruption that is religion.

It begins with a mother trying to save her family from their abusive father. Rachel Hawkins is a mother of four, and she is desperate to protect her two youngest, aged 10 and 13. So much so that when the family courts ordered her to participate (and pay) in “reunification therapy”, she refused, and was sent to jail for it. For those of you unfamiliar with this highly controversial form of therapy, it is an attempt to help reunite families after there have been instances of abuse. This is usually done not for the benefit of the children, but for the parents, who can often suffer from depression due to “parental alienation”. On paper, it’s meant to try and mend broken relationships. In practice, it simply exposes children to their abusers, often with deadly consequences.

Many of the organizations that offer this form of therapy are merely religious organizations in disguise. Since these groups are uninterested in the scientific method, or evidence, they have made all kinds of claims of the benefits of such programs. So much so that family courts are now using these programs to force families broken by abuse to mend themselves forcefully together.

In the case of the Hawkins, the father, a retired police officer by the name of Michael, was credibly accused of sexual abuse by his adopted 17 year old daughter starting at 6 years of age. When one of his sons confronted Michael about the abuse, he attempted to drown him. Michael is under house arrest, with an ankle monitor while he awaits trial. Meanwhile, a Colorado court has determined that poor Mikey is suffering from parental alienation as the result of his actions, and his two remaining children have been ordered to attend the Reunification therapy in order to fix this relationship, and are forcing the mother to pay for it.

The mother said she lost legal representation in the custody dispute after accruing $85,000 in legal bills, which she couldn’t afford. She was sentenced to jail without any representation from a lawyer.

Now, it needs to be stated plainly that the person offering this junk counseling, Christine Bassett, operates out of Lighthouse Christian Counseling”, which advertises itself as “integrating faith into the counseling process”. This means that the court has essentially forced the mother to comply with ineffective and dangerous therapy courtesy of religious nutbags.

Rachel has started a GoFundMe in order to hire a lawyer. Given the facts of the case, she has a good chance of winning, if she is able to raise the 100k she needs. She is already halfway there. If anyone wants to help her fight the good fight, I invite you to help her.

Pastor Fired From Fort Mills Church After Past Becomes Public

When you hear churches claim that they vet all of their pastors, you should instantly doubt them. You see, modern churches have a big problem: they are running out of pastors. Every year, there are fewer and fewer candidates to choose from, and so when a congregation finally finds someone to minister, they are so desperate that most of them don’t even bother to do their due diligence to protect their own flock.

Such was the case in Indiana, at a small church called “Fort Mill”. They had hired a 57 year old by the name of Donald Ray Logan, who had been working for the organization for over a decade. It turns out that one of the members of the church found his name in a registered sex offender list for a 1997 conviction. Logan was only recently added to the online sex offender registry, despite the fact that the charges stem from over three decades.

Logan is now fired, and his congregation is still in shock over the accusation. They shouldn’t be. With the increased desperation for qualified pastors, churches are usually forced to hire people with questionable pasts. Logan is but one example of the types of degenerates that seek these positions. Anyone who thinks that churches conduct rigorous background checks is a fool. They will take anyone, so long as they look the part. For all you religious folks, I have a warning for you: this is only going to get worse.

NC Former Church Youth Minister accused of assaulting multiple teens

Has there ever been a more abused position than “youth pastor”? The amount of times I’ve had to write the phrase “youth pastor rapes children” are too many to count. This job title should just be renamed to “molester-in-chief” since it seems as though it’s the only thing these guys are good for.

The latest sack of crap is a man named James Robert Murphey. The 44 year old man was arrested a few days ago, and is accused of 30 counts of sexual battery. The victims, who’s age range from 16-19, was suspended by the Oak View Baptist Church, where he served from 24 years.

The safety director of Oak View Baptist Church, Chris Martin, said the allegations came to light earlier in the year. The church was told about the claims back in January and Murphey was suspended. One week later, he resigned. Martin said, “Any kind of incident involving any of our members, especially our youth, is going to be taken very seriously.”

Anyone who believes that any church gives a damn about the abuse of children is delusional. How many kids have to be abused before people realize that these institutions actually ATTRACT abusers. How can they take this seriously when they are part of the problem?

With him gone, the Church has found and appointed a new youth minister. How long will it take the new guy to also do something inappropriate and illegal? Only time will tell.

If Only Jesus Counted Votes

P.T. Barnum once famously said, there’s a sucker born every minute. While his observations was geared towards those people who gave him money for his attractions, the same thing applies to religious folks. It doesn’t matter if you think that faith is for morons. So long as you claim to be pious, people will believe the most insane things.

Take for example Donald Trump. If there was a reincarnation of Barnum, it would be him. Trump’s entire life has been a grift. His latest in his quest to regain the white house is to convince people that he is a believer. In a recent interview with Dr. Phil, he explained that the bearded one in the sky is on his side, and if only Jesus had been counting ballots, it would have been a very different election:

“If Jesus Christ came down and was the vote counter, I would win California, OK?” Trump said. “In other words, if we had an honest vote counter, a really honest vote counter—I do great with Hispanics, great, I mean at a level no Republican has ever done—but if we had an honest vote counter, I would win California.”

Keep in mind that Biden won the state by 63% in 2020. To a man so allergic to reality, this is merely an inconvenient truth, one that needs only to be ignored. His religious believers, themselves unaccustomed to honesty, are convinced that he’s a messenger of their god. The fact that he represents everything they hate is irrelevant: he offers them worldly power, and despite claiming that they are only interested in the afterlife, Christians have become obsessed with ruling over their fellow Americans.

It’s not surprising that a worm like Dr. Phil wouldn’t dare to actually ask poignant questions. He just listens to this insane man claim that the Christian God would have given him the presidency. That’s the kind of shit people in insane asylums say. The fact that this man has a good chance of winning the most powerful position on earth is terrifying.

East Timor Demolishes Homes In Preparation For Pope

The Pope is on tour. He’s currently visiting three different countries: Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and East Timor. In preparation for his visit to the capital of East Timor, Dili, the local government has been bulldozing homes they claim were built illegally. In order to accommodate the estimated 700,000 people that will be showing up, residences of these small enclaves were given a few minutes to prepare before all their earthly possessions and their homes were destroyed.

East Timor is one of the poorest countries on earth, but they are going all in on the visit:

The government has allocated $18 million for the pontiff’s three-day visit, including $1.5 million for a custom-built altar designed by a Vatican engineer… Yet, in a country where 40 per cent of people live below the poverty line, civil society groups are questioning the budget for the visit, as well as the forced evictions.

Hilariously enough, despite all the money being spent and the forced evictions, most of the citizens are looking forward to a billionaire showing up and saying a few magic words. They like the fact that the city is being finally cleaned. It’s a temporary measure, and it’s bound to have no real effect on their lives. But hey, some guy dressed in white who claims to speak to God is coming to town. Better roll out the red carpet! Who cares if hundreds of families are left homeless and afraid!

No One Is Going To Church Regularly

You can always count on religious people lying. Most of the time, these lies are self serving. Usually, the faithful lie about their own piety to appear more religious, which always seems like it’s a contest or something.

One recently exposed lie is church attendance. The self reported number of Americans attending church weekly is around 22%, but a new study has found that the number is actually closer to 5%. The researcher used cellphone data to track the whereabouts of Americans, and to see what their weekly schedule looks like. To say that people are exaggerating their church attendance is an understatement. The numbers make it look like almost no one is going to church regularly anymore.

It’s a pretty shocking number. Now granted, around 70% of Americans will attend a church service at least once a year, but the trend is clear: religion is becoming less and less relevant in people’s lives. There are still 45 million people that visit churches weekly in America, but it’s looking like this group is constantly changing. The lesson here is simple: people are pretending to be more religious than they are, in order to convince others that they are pious. It’s just sad.

Brazilian Priest Rapes Teens, Forces One to Have Abortion

If there’s an organization that attracts abusive psychos, it’s the Catholic Church. Tyrants who crave power are always welcome in the church, so long as they mask their intent under the guise of piety. You may think I am being overly hyperbolic, but how else can you explain how their ranks are bursting with serial abusers? Even in a culture of secrecy with hundreds of billions of dollars worth of capital to maintain it, there are still countless stories of victims who have been brave enough to come forward to expose these monsters.

The latest vile excuse for a human being is Father Paulo Araujo da Silva, a priest in the city of Coari. Seems he had a dream of having a harem of underage girls, and so after grooming 4 of them, he began to sexually abuse them. His lust and need for control were insatiable. He would force the girls to bring their friends along, and would film himself engaging in this sick ritual. Da Silva told them that no other men could date them, for they were his and his alone. When one of them became pregnant, she was forced to ingest a mysterious pill which resulted in an abortion.

This abuse continued for years, until finally one of the victims approached police to inform them of what was going on. When the agents busted in his place, he was in bed with another girl that had only recently turned 18, though it was clear that the affair had been going on for quite some time. The police searched his phone, and found 260 videos of his sick escapades.

The Diocese of Coari obviously tried to distance themselves from the whole affair, offering the typical platitudes offered to victims.

The diocese said “all the necessary canonical measures” have been taken. The priest was suspended and can no longer have any activity in the parish. The Church is also available to work with the authorities in the inquiry, concluded the note, signed by the diocese’s chancellor, Father Josinaldo Plácido da Silva.

We’re all so impressed that the Church is working with authorities. It’s literally required by law for them to do so. As for their “canonically punishments”, it’s just a funny way of saying that they stopped paying his bills. They need to save some money anyways; no doubt they are busy getting their lawyers to draft some form of non disclosure agreements,  and lawyers ain’t cheap.

If the church really wanted to stop these men, they would firstly rescind their own rules which stipulate that priests are not allowed to report abuse to the police, and must instead rely upon the church to handle the situation themselves. This “handling” usually takes the form of shuffling priests around when too many kids get raped, giving these predators a new field of victims from which to harvest. That would be a start. They could also stop sheltering countless priests in the Vatican under “house arrest” and let the law get their hands on them. They roam Italy with impunity, since they are technically residents of a city state that claims to be a nation. I doubt if either of these two things will ever come to pass.

Lets not also forget the incredible power and authority that is granted to human beings by simply holding their positions as priests. Instead of holding these men more accountable, the desperation of the Catholic Church to find employees means that they are willing to overlook serious issues with their candidates. Power corrupts, and it seems that the church is in the habit of attracting those that are easily corrupted. It speaks volume to their character, and to that of their employers.

Here’s hoping that this irredeemable bastard faces the harshest punishment. There is no cell filthy enough, and no prison mattress uncomfortable enough for this monster.

Being a Woman in Afghanistan Sucks

If there’s one thing that the followers of the prophet Mohammed are afraid of, it’s women. How else could you explain their obsession with ensuring that they are in a state of near constant subjugation? If they aren’t suffocating in the world’s most restrictive clothing, they are denied the basic rights that are given to men. They are considered no better than property, with all the rights that entails.

In Afghanistan, where the Taliban rule, women have been the target of increasingly draconian rules. The latest is an edict that forbids women from singing, or even from reading in public:

A woman’s voice is deemed intimate and so should not be heard singing, reciting, or reading aloud in public. It is forbidden for women to look at men they are not related to by blood or marriage and vice versa. “Inshallah we assure you that this Islamic law will be of great help in the promotion of virtue and the elimination of vice,” said ministry spokesman Maulvi Abdul Ghafar Farooq on Thursday, of the new laws.

These sexually repressed weirdos are so pathetic, they consider the voice of a woman to be enough to corrupt their men. No wonder they have such high incidences of sexual assault: Muslim men want to blame everyone but themselves for their shitty, entitled behavior. This is the male ego writ large, and it’s a profoundly ugly thing.

You can imagine what “enforcement” of these ridiculous laws will be like. In Iran, where similar laws exists, women are routinely beaten, and sometimes killed, simply for the crime of not following ridiculous laws.

There will never be peace in our time, or the full emancipation of women, until religions like Islam are abandoned completely. Until the last prayer is uttered, this pathetic religion will continue to impose it’s limited vision of humanity, cursing the opposite sex to a life of servitude and ignorance.

Gay Exorcisms on the Rise in Scotland

What is it with religious people and their obsession with other people’s sex lives? It’s so damn creepy! This sick behavior has been going on for so long that they think they are the normal ones for trying to use any means to disrupt, or destroy the gay community. Religions are nothing more than the human ego masquerading as diving providence. These sexually repressed weirdos have deep seeded homophobia that is so out of control that they demand that the rest of the world conform to their obsessions.

The toxic mixture of Christianity (specifically Pentecostalism), Islam and tribal beliefs has ravaged countries like Zimbabwe. Progress is impossible as each group distrusts the other, and have different political aims. The Christian faction, heavily influenced by the Americans, have inherited their hatred of gays, and are now exporting their barbaric practices to the nations they seek refuge in. Refuge, I should remind you, from their own countries corrupted by faith.

The latest nightmare importation now includes gay exorcisms becoming increasingly frequent in Scotland. The church in question that practices this dangerous nonsense has a ridiculous name: the “Forward In Faith Church International Incorporated”, which sounds like an organization created by the movie character Borat. This tax exempt organization which claims to be engaged in charitable services, is in fact, simply able to make this claim because “advancement of religion” is considered charity. This so-called “advancement” just happens to include gay conversion therapy, which has yet to be outlawed in Scotland.

Considering the church boasts coffers of over 150 million dollars, it’s no surprise that these churches have been popping all over Scotland, as many people from Zimbabwe come there for work. There is an organization trying to fight to have their charitable status revoked, but I can’t ever recall in the nearly 20 years I’ve been covering religious abuse a single organization that ever lost it.

[National Secular Society] human right lead Alejandro Sanchez said: “This organization promotes vicious homophobia and misogyny, and may well be endangering lives with reckless allegations of witchcraft. “Any suggestion it is acting in the public benefit and worthy of charitable status is absurd… It is now time legislators urgently review ‘the advancement of religion’ as a charitable purpose. It must not be used as a back door for religious groups to promote conversion therapy and the subjugation of women.”

The laws are just too beneficial to religions. They have had centuries to imbed themselves into the fabric on society, and their first mandate was to make sure they would never have to pay their fair share to society, regardless of just how evil and sinister their organizations are. Not only that, but politicians, afraid that they will appear anti-religious and lose their jobs, refuse to act in the public interest on matters like this when it involves any faith. It’s sad, pathetic, and it can only change when the people who make policy decisions grow spines. Since this has never really occurred, Scotland will continue to have its cities sullied by the stench of religious zealotry. If there was ever something the world needed less of, it’s certainly this.

Women Are So Done With Religion

When TGA first started, back in 2006, there was very little data concerning people leaving their religion. Any available statistics seemed to demonstrate that there were more men than women leaving the church. For a while, there were a number of theories that attempted to explain the disparity. Some claimed that women were less prone to risk, and that as a result, they were more reluctant to leave their religious institutions.

Over time, however, we’re beginning to see that the gap is entirely generational. It’s the Baby Boomer generation that has the largest gap, with it slowly fading as you enter the younger generations. Millennials have almost parity. By the time you get to Gen Z, the percentages are reversed: more young women are walking away from faith than young men.

This finally makes sense. Almost all religions are male inventions, and it doesn’t take more than a cursory reading of the text to realize this. The Bible and the Koran are quite clear on their views about the fairer sex: they are to be subservient, silent, and barefoot and preggers. Naturally, these sexist documents are appealing less and less to women. The gap, it seems, will only grow with time.

This is bad news for young religious men. The trend of “trad wives”, which stands for “traditional wives”, has attracted plenty of men, but very few women. This young generation is becoming increasingly alienated from each other both politically and sexually, and the main culprit appears to be religion. This is why you are seeing increasingly desperate attempts by religious leaders to get women under control.

Religions should be worried. You see, it’s women who put up most of the emotional and physical labor for churches. Without them, they have a serious problem:

The waning religious involvement among young women represents a unique challenge to churches and congregations. Studies show that women tend to contribute much more time and energy to community building and volunteer efforts in places of worship. Without this dedicated source of volunteer labor, many congregations will be unable to serve their membership and their communities. What’s more, research finds that mothers play an instrumental role in passing on religious values and beliefs to their children. Americans who were raised in religious households credit their mothers more so than their fathers for leading in their religious upbringing, and children who are raised in mixed-faith households are more likely to adopt their mother’s faith in adulthood.

So, this spells disaster for most of the so-called “great monotheistic faiths”. The decline of religion is now going to accelerate, as more and more young women refuse to accept the limited view their churches have of them. Will faiths adapt to these new realities? They are nothing if not tenacious, so we will have to wait and see. Still, the misogyny inherent in these faiths means that they are unlikely to be able to properly adapt to todays times.

If there was ever a time to celebrate “girl power” this would be it! Come on ladies, we’re counting on you! Destroy these religious institutions already!

Indiana Pastor Arrested for Child Porn

I’ve said it before, but it bares repeating: how many pastors need to get caught abusing kids before the faithful realize that there is something deeply wrong with their institutions? Can you imagine the outrage in the news if countless child abusers were found operating in any other institution? First, it would be immediately dissolved, and their assets would be divvied up among the survivors. However, because of the special status that we give religions, they can get away with literal murder, and nothing ever changes.

In Indiana, a former pastor and teacher by the name of Claud Greenlee was arrested after police discovered child pornography on his phone. Greenlee was arrested at his place of work, Liberty Christian School. Some of the images were of children as young as 3 years of age. There was also some bestiality in the mix as well.

We are aware of the situation with Mr. Greenlee and saddened by the course of events. We are fully cooperating with authorities and their investigation. Mr. Greenlee was immediately put on leave when the situation was first brought to our attention. He is no longer employed at Liberty Christian School,” Liberty Christian School reportedly said in a statement shared with Fox 59.

If you’re a parent, I find it hard to fathom why you would place your trust in religious institution. These groups are always brimming with sexual predators. It seems they have a knack for attracting these kinds of people. No doubt the culture of secrecy, and its appeal to authority is a potent combination that is a siren song for the worst kind of folks in our society. So long as this remains the case, these kinds of incidents will continue to occur with disturbing frequency.

I’m tired of writing about all these abusive pastors who have gotten away with abuse for way too long. I have to wonder at what point believers will be just as exhausted by this as I am. I won’t hold my breath, that’s for sure.

Iranian Morality Police Paralyze Woman over Hijab

In North America, Muslim women will often be seen wearing a head covering in public. Supporters of the hijab say that it’s an important tradition, and the more liberal factions will claim that it is women who chose to wear them out of respect for their faith, and that there is no inherent pressure to force them to do so.

The rest of the world with their heads screwed on right know that this is just straight-up bullshit. While it’s true that if a Muslim woman wants to wear the restrictive headdress, she is exercising her freedom of choice, but rarely do we witness the real consequences for disobeying their little rules in their private lives. Already there is immense social pressure to wear it in secular countries. In sectarian ones, it is often with the end of a bayonet that these rules are enforced. To say it’s a choice is like saying that a hostage has a choice: to listen or to die.

In Iran, a woman was shot while driving her car, specifically because she was not wearing the hijab in her car. Arezoo Badri was returning home in her vehicle when police attempted to pull her over. She had apparently multiple “violations” for not wearing the restrictive headscarf, and this was enough justification to arrest her. When she failed to comply, they opened fire on her, striking her in the lung and spinal cord.

With the women of Iran already up at arms with the recent beatings and death of a number of women for the “crime” of not wanting to wear the hijab, police have attempted to keep the incident under wraps:

According to the source, her family is allowed only brief visits, during which their mobile phones are confiscated. Authorities have prohibited visitors from taking photos or video of Ms Badri – though some have emerged.

They know they fucked up, and they want to stop the “metaphorical” bleeding. They are fools. If anything, this will only add fuel to the fire. It is time that the inhumane theocratic government be toppled. It will be women who make the major difference in Iran, this I promise you. With the country threatening to attack Israel, it’s only a matter of time before this unstable government goes too far, and finds itself on the execution block. So long as the women there continue to live in terror, the country will never know peace.

Sex Offender Says God Told Him to Burn LDS Church

It’s funny that religious people think that their main enemies are secularists. Generally speaking there is far more strife between differing sectarian group that with non-believers. Sure, we may not be their biggest fans, but most of us are of the opinion that humanity will eventually mature out of this phase, and that what we need to give people time to figure it out themselves.

Their real enemies are fundamentalists that view the affair of converting people in apocalyptic terms. In Mississippi, a sex offender named Stefan Pete Day Rowold attempted to burn down a Latter Day Saints Church not once, but twice:

Rowold is accused twice in July of malicious destruction of religious property through the use of fire explosives and other means, according to FBI Special Agent Stephen N. Fortunato. The crimes occurred on the Fourth of July and two days later on July 7…After his arrest, Rowold attempted to defend his actions, the agent said. Rowold, he said, claimed he “had been reborn to Christ and felt called to action” because he believes LDS is responsible for “trafficking and molesting children,” the agent said.

It’s obvious that Rowold is deep in the Q-Anon world, since these types of accusations are pretty standard in these circles. Every organization that isn’t a part of their weird club is accused of being child molesters in order for their more unhinged members not to feel guilty trying to attack these people.

Will these morons ever snap out of their dangerous delusions? It’s not too difficult to imagine that the answer is an emphatic “No”.