12 year old girl on why abortion is wrong

What if I told you, little girl, thousands of women get abortions due to the fact nature is a cruel ass bitch who doesn’t behave like a Disney fairy tale where every pregnancy has no complications, and everything is hunky-dory?

Abortions are being performed on 5 month old fetuses all the time

Really? You have any stats to back that up, kid? Here’s a thought: what do you think we should do with women who get illegal abortions if you make it against the law (which happens all the fucking time in places where it’s illegal)? Yeah, I doubt you have a clever little prepared answer for that one.

You’ve got a lot of growing up to do, little girl. Just because your obviously religious parents brainwashed you into thinking abortion is morally equivalent to murder doesn’t make it so. I got 10 bucks which says your folks don’t have a problem with people getting executed by the state. Isn’t pro-life awesome like that?

The Universe is just like a hand bag

It’s hard to quantify exactly how stupid Elisabeth Hasselbeck is. Let’s spend 2 seconds talking about the eye, and why it isn’t perfect. For starters, how many people have to wear glasses because of oblong or misshapen eyeballs? How about the fact we see upside down, and our brain literally has to flip it 180 degrees? Now the Octopus has an eye we should all be jealous of:

A unique characteristic of the cephalopod eye is its ability to rotate and maintain a constant orientation with respect to gravity. Using its statocyst, a balance organ common to many invertebrates, an octopus can always keep its slit-shaped pupils in a horizontal position. Consequently, the brain can always safely interpret visual information on the basis that the eyes are horizontally aligned, though the body may be at any angle.

Also, since when are babies “perfect”? I recall that most of the time, these screaming poop machines have deformed heads, chronic acid reflux, and are in constant pain as their little bodies sprout out. Also, their heads are so large they can often cause fatal hemorrhaging during childbirth. Fucking great design, am I right?

When the screaming hens at “The View” try to talk about evolution and religion, we all lose.

Man assaulted for protesting prayer at Hawaii State Capitol

Two activists, Mitch Kahle and Kevin Hughes, were assaulted and thrown out of the Hawaii State Capitol building for objecting to the morning’s prayer. After being thoroughly brutalized by security forces, Mitch was arrested for “disorderly conduct”. Luckily, there are still a few people with their heads screwed on right, and at his trial Judge Leslie Hayashi needed less than an hour to find Mitch not guilty.

“Number one, there was no disorderly conduct. Number two, he has a first amendment right to speak in a public forum such as he did. And number three, the legislature was violating our U.S. Constitution as well as the Hawaii constitution by having these invocations”

Harrison [Kahle’s lawyer] thinks this case may be enough to convince law makers to stop saying prayers during official state business.

“They make the law for the state, so they should recognize and understand what our constitution says. And in fact the court did express very much her (Hayashi’s) concerns with regards to invocations in this public forum. And so the legislature, the city council, any other public entity on public property should be concerned and should heed the warning of this court in its ruling”

Feels like a tiny victory, doesn’t it?

How to spank a creationist

I like Ken, and I appreciate the hard work he does to fight creationism, despite sharing many of their beliefs. The saddest thing about him, however, is he still tries to reconcile his ludicrous superstitious beliefs with science. By the end of his book, Finding Darwin’s God, I had to shake my head in disbelief as he tried to use quantum indeterminacy as a mechanism with which God influences evolution. Fucking embarrassing to say the least.

How empathy works

I talk about how humans grow and become moral through experiences of empathy. I contend it’s these “mirror neurons” behind this. We feel what others do (by virtue of how we are built), and so to be more moral and empathic, we need to ensure we are not completely separated from the process of communicating and interacting with one another. I’m talking to all of you Internet junkies out there watching this awesome video!

Finally, proof God is real!

You hear that ladies? All you need to do to be hot like Selma Hayek is to put your hands in holy water and pray for God to give you gigantic Latino breasts. I have seen the light, folks. Hallelujah!

The Anti-Christ gives an interview

I know, this is almost too painful to watch, but there’s something fascinating about watching this obvious train-wreck. For starters, how fucking polite is this piss-ant Anti-Christ? If I wore a crazy executioner’s mask with a fedora, I would have totally nailed the part.

NOTE: Best line: (when asked if he likes power) “It’s delightful”

Father loses custody battle due to agnosticism

I often get asked by friends “what’s the big deal about not believing in God?” I happen to live in a fairly secular country where, for the most part, my lack of religious faith isn’t a problem. I think, however, these friends could benefit from travelling to different countries where this isn’t the case.

Turns out you don’t need to go too far to find people’s lives being affected by their lack of faith in a negative way. Craig Scarberry lives in Indianapolis and has 3 kids. Like most divorced dads, he shared custody with his ex-wife. Well, he did, until a judge found out he was an agnostic, and suddenly his time with his kids was cut to only 4 hours a week and every other weekend.

Searching to find out why, he found Judge George Pancol wrote, “the father did not participate in the same religious training as the mother, and noted that the father was agnostic. It goes on to say that when the father considered himself a Christian, the parties were able to communicate relatively effectively.

But surely, you ask, there are secular organizations that could try and help him out in this matter. Well, not so much:

The Indiana Civil Liberties Union says it has not been contacted regarding this case. Scarberry told Fox59 he tried to involve the ICLU but he was told the organization did not intervene in custody matters.

Global Warming denier claims God will protect us

With the GOP back in power in the House, religious fundies are free to get appointed to important committees they are completely unqualified to run. Here we see Rep. John Shimkus (R-Ill.) as he argues in 2009 humans have nothing to fear from climate change, as God has promised in the Bible not to destroy mankind again (except of course when he comes back down to earth to kill most of us). So what job does this idiot want? To chair the House Energy and Commerce committee, or course!

I can’t imagine a person more suited to help move America into the future with renewable energy than someone who thinks an invisible man in the sky pinky-swore not to kill us all, and will somehow fix all of our problems in the distant future. You fucking voted this idiot into office, America. Congrats!

Christian propaganda against same-sex marriage

Ok, just to be clear, it’s doubtful most of you guys will be able to stomach the entirety of this video. The video was produced by The Knights of Columbus in conjunction with the Archdioceses of Minnesota. It was distributed shortly before the November 2nd elections happened to scare bigoted old people into voting for Republican candidates who would ensure gays and lesbians would not have the same right to marry as other citizens.

My favorite line in the whole video series is in Part 2, where one guy said:

“If same sex marriage becomes the law, then those who oppose increasinly will be viewed as bigots.”

What exactly do you think the meaning of the word is, moron?

Hitler the atheist (the quiz show)

Man, talk about a complete smackdown over the argument that Hitler was an atheist. I’m normally not a fan of videos of that length, but it’s pretty damn complete in terms of an argument, and it’s funny to boot. Enjoy!

Richard Dawkins answers Reddit questions

Reddit, that preferred social news website of godless heathens, got members to ask questions and some were answered by Richard Dawkins. How cool is that? If I could have asked a question, it would have been “how often do fine ladies hit on you at conferences?”

Richard Dawkins documentary on Faith Schools

With 1/3 of all British schools being faith based, Dawkins released this doc examining why they exist, and how their rebirth has forced parents to change their behavior in order to give their kids the best access to education. Faith has about as much place in a state run school as prayer does; which is to say none. If you aren’t British, odds are you haven’t seen this, so enjoy.