Carl Sagan’s last interview

It’s awesome to watch this interview, but watching him with his hair falling out kind of makes me think about losing him, and even worse, it makes me think about the fading of Christopher Hitchens as well. Damn you to Hell, cancer!

Ray Comfort gets PWNED


Ray Comfort gets spanked by Bruce the Atheist. It’s as satisfying as that sounds. Sure, there are some annoying parts where Ray shoots his mouth off with his nonsense, but I’m sure you can power through those parts.

At least these psychos are refreshingly honest

Most mainstream religions tend to forget the relationship between man and God is one of endless servitude and submission. The classic imagery the faithful tend to use is of a shepherd and his flock, but this has always masked the much more accurate metaphor the Bible offers; that we are slaves to the master’s will. That’s why the Morning Star Ministries are a refreshing bunch of nutjobs who aren’t afraid to tell it like it is:

Who then is the faithful and sensible slave whom his master put in charge of his household to give them their food at the proper time?

Blessed is that slave whom his master finds so doing when he comes. To comply with this mandate, we seek to always serve the Master’s household, not be served by it. Our ministry motto is: “We will not use people to build our ministry, but we use our ministry to build people.”

One of the primary ways that we are called to do this is to provide the household of faith with the highest quality spiritual food that is timely, or “meat in due season.” Our goal is to help strengthen the church by helping believers become the strongest Christians possible, and therefore true light and salt in the earth.

Ok, to be fair these guys aren’t actually very honest, especially considering they have an entire section devoted to “covert ministries“. This is to help missionaries who are living in countries “closed” to the message of Christianity figure out how to ultimately witness to people. The instructions given sound a lot like what you might expect a terrorist cell operates like, but when you have people stationed in Saudi Arabia and other similar countries, I can’t say I blame them.

If you’re looking for a good laugh, check out one of their videos on “Marxism”  I included below. Isn’t it funny how much they hate socialism? I’m more frightened by their theocratic aspirations than I am by things like “socialized medicine”, but if you aren’t scared shitless by the thought of Stalin controlling your life, let this “special forces officer” inform you on the true dangers of Marxism in America!

Don’t ever change, Bubbles

The Trailer Park Boys know how to deal with obnoxious religionists who can’t keep their dumb beliefs to themselves. If you’ve never watched the show, it’s 14 carat Canadian gold.

This guy is pleasant

Never heard of A. Whitney Brown before, but I think I’ll check out more of his act. I liked what I saw. It’s twisted in just the right way.

Wow, I’m convinced!

There’s nothing like drawing a bunch of circles to convince an atheist God exists, am I right? Now before you pull your hair out watching this creepy, glass-eyed woman as she tries to convince everyone her advice on converting atheists is useful, let’s examine her little claims. It all basically boils down to one thing:

“Is it possible for God to live outside your circle of knowledge”

I don’t think there’s an atheist out there who would deny such a slim possibility exists, but we’ve never really fallen for the “God in the Gaps” argument. It tends not to fulfill a very important role: namely, to prove a point! The same argument could be used to justify anything from unicorns to fairies, so it doesn’t tend to hold much water.

Let’s play a game. I call it “spot the fallacies”. Since you guys are pretty savvy and tend to love picking at easy targets, I’ll get you warmed up with three of my own:

  1. Appeal to popularity: So many people already believe in God, so it must be true!
  2. Appeal to ignorance: We don’t know everything, so surely we don’t know there is no God. Therefore, there is a God!
  3. Appeal to a stupid drawing: Ok, this isn’t an actual fallacy, but I did find it comical how convinced she was her little drawing proved something. It would have been quaint if she didn’t seemed so convinced from her own bullshit.

Hey lady, if your nephew was a serious atheist, he would have simply stated although we don’t know everything, all the knowledge we have gathered offers no proof of your invisible sky-daddy. That’s all there really is to it! If you walk around trying to prove that you’re Napoleon, you’ll have to provide some pretty serious evidence to back up your claim. That’s what we want as atheists, and that’s what religionists continue to fail to deliver. Show us the proof, people!

Apologies are not enough

When is the Catholic Church going to learn their bullshit apologies aren’t enough, especially when pieces of shit like James Robinson were allowed to operate for over 4 decades. And then they wonder why people are leaving their fold in record numbers…

Richard Dawkins and Neil deGrasse Tyson on the poetry of science

Man, how awesome was it to be at that bloody lecture? Both Richard and Neil are two of the best at demonstrating the true beauty of the Universe. While robed clowns profess the wonders of their limited and myopic mythology, these intellectual giants help us to see the Universe for what it really is. If you’ve ever taken the wonders of science for granted (something we are all inclined to do), remember we are perhaps the luckiest generation yet born, who knows enough about the Cosmos to fathom our true place among the stars.

Sarah Palin uses Pat Tillman story to glorify war

If there’s one thing Republicans like to boast about, it’s their “support” of the troops. We’ll ignore for a moment the fact that under their administrations, benefits to veterans have continually been slashed; if you really want to show your love for the troops, how about you DON’T send them into unnecessary combat?

A few days ago, Sarah Palin was on tour, and stopped by San Jose to give a speech about how much she loves soldiers, and in particular, how she felt Pat Tillman (who is from San Jose) should be God-thanked for his contribution:

“Remember to thank God every day for Pat, for his family and the thousands like him”.

Would that be his super atheist family who lambasted aging dinosaur John McCain and creepy giant-face Maria Shriver for doing exactly the same thing at his funeral? His brother Richard was particularly not amused by their comments Pat was “with God”, and said “He’s not with God, he’s fucking dead”.

It seems as though the religious right still can’t put it in their thick skulls the Tillman story was a cautionary tale of war, not a call to arms. Pat didn’t die defending his country; he died in a spray of friendly fire. Even the circumstances surrounding his death are deeply mysterious, and his family has been fighting for years (without success) to get the truth from the military that tried to use his death to sell their shitty war. They have been stonewalled ever since, a reminder like any institution, the military’s chief concern is maintaining their own power and influence.

How to debate with an atheist

Yeah, that’s pretty much the only kind of debating tactic which tends to work for theists who desperately want to defend their Invisible Sky Patriarch. Apparently he’s all powerful but still needs his slave monkeys to beat the shit out of anyone who doesn’t believe. Good times…

The Best of Hitchens

In case you haven’t seen this video floating around the webs, check out this highlight of Christopher Hitchen’s best verbal bitch-slaps. It fills me with sadness we may soon lose this intellectual giant.

Don’t mess with Baldy

Another great video from The Thinking Atheist. I think the artist actually used a picture of the actor who played Elisha in another video about the very same story. I don’t know who the guy’s name is, but he should probably get some royalties or something!

Christine O’Donnell’s greatest hits

You know how I occasionally post videos that just make you want to pull your hair out? I wouldn’t be surprised if you were all bald by the end of this one…Watch at your own risk! If you’re unaware of who this woman is, I apologize in advance for making you aware of her.

Dude, you have no Koran

This fucking song is stuck in my head, and now it’s stuck in yours, sucka!