So close, yet so far away…

Can you imagine being so right and still reaching the wrong conclusion? He’s absolutely correct in pointing out the fact Heaven and Hell (and religion) is merely a social construct made to control people. So if he gets it, why the hell does he still choose to believe in God? Why can he not see the concept itself as the construct, and not merely the institutions built around this idea? If he also felt churches keep people in a child-like state, why was he part of this tradition if it keeps mankind from growing up? And why am I so fucking mad right now?!

UNCG Atheists debate “Does the Christian God exist”

The guys over at the University of North Carolina Greensboro just finished having a debate on whether the “Christian God exists”, and it’s available online if you want to watch this. Needless to say their opponents get a nice trouncing. You can check out the rest of the debate here.

Irony, thy name is religion

So let me get this straight: this movie is claiming secular institutions are “indoctrinating” young people through the process of NOT forcing them to participate in mandatory religious service…Yeah, sounds like the proper definition there. Also according to some of these nutjobs, the “Fear of God” is what leads ultimately to wisdom. In other words, if you fear burning in Hell for eternity, you’re supposedly going to be a better person for constantly worrying about the threat of eternal damnation. Oh religion, will you ever stop being so fucking wacky?

Spaceology is the future!

Have you ever looked up at the sky,
seen all the lights and wondered why?
Well my friend, ponder no more,
Spaceology is what you’re looking for!

Faith Healers exploit the sick and ignorant

You can always count on religious scumbags to exploit the poor and sick, especially in countries like Kenya where an estimated 2 million people have AIDS. Yeah, you heard right: 2 fucking million people are slowly dying as their bodies are incapable of fighting of even the simplest infections. And with all those desperate family members who love them, it’s doubtful there isn’t a Kenyan out there who wouldn’t give anything for even the chance to heal their loved ones.

Christians are scary

If you don’t like the violent rhetoric of modern day Christians, then you don’t know the Bible, baby! He hasn’t called you to debate. If this guy had his way, everyone would be equipped with breastplates and swords, fighting the unbelievers. If the Bible had been written today, would that be replaced with bulletproof vests and holy grenades? Hey, thanks for being uncompromisingly insane, Rod Parsley. You remind us all of the violent nature of religion.

Snap out of your delusion, gay dude

Are you seriously going on camera, with that scarf, and think we’re going to be fooled into thinking you’ve successfully “turned straight”? The way I see it, you can either learn to deal with your love for pole and recognize the Bible is just a bunch of nonsensical fairy tales, or you can continue to be miserable and feel like a sinful piece of shit for the rest of your life. Which one sounds the most fun, honestly?

People need alternatives to shitty religions

Ayaan Hirsi Ali has written a new book out called Nomad, which picks up where Infidel left off and covers Hirshi Ali’s move to the United States from Europe. She’s been on a book tour for the past few weeks, and I recently caught her on Real Time with Bill Maher and the Colbert Report. She didn’t get to say much on Real Time but she did mention something on Colbert about offering up more moderate religions as a cure for Islamic fundamentalism.

Obviously when you’re dealing with Stephen Colbert you don’t get many opportunities to explain ideas past their surface, but the above video goes into her argument again that many people are going to believe in a higher power regardless of what the evidence says, and it’s important to have options for these people that don’t skew heavily towards the psychopathic. She says Christianity is a good alternative because basically most Christians are pretty lax about their religion’s specifics and just believe in a nebulous lovey-dovey God / Jesus entity who just wants us to be good. I don’t know if I agree with that, but I figure after spending half your life getting subjugated and the other half terrorized by Islam, Christianity would indeed seem lightyears more moderate and less problematic.

Hitchens on Pascal’s Wager

Fans of the site will know that I absolutely abhor the pathetic and anemic argument that is “Pascal’s Wager”. Here Hitchens compares it to a pathetic used car salesman trying to get you to buy his junker. Who wants a God who can so easily be fooled by the gambler?

UNCG Atheists fight to remove prayer in city council

The UNCG Atheists/Agnostics/Skeptics are still fighting the good fight and trying to get the city council of Greensboro to remove their official prayer during meetings.

The Taliban is scary

Why do I hate religion? Because it’s the easiest thing in the world to convince poor, uneducated young men that killing yourself for your imaginary friend is a great idea! What other kind of fervent, uncritical ideology allows such obedient faith zombies to flourish?

Remember the Sabbath, or God will be angry!

Another great video by the Thinking Atheist. It reminds me of the scene in Religulous when Bill Maher talks to a Jewish entrepreneur who develops all kinds of ludicrous technology intended to trick God into thinking his “people” are observing the Sabbath. Hey morons, if your petty deity really wants you to avoid even striking a match on this day of rest, do you really think a digital timer turned on the day before is going to fool him? Is it possible you don’t even take your own beliefs that seriously?

Pedophile Nigerian senator justifies himself through Koran

If you’re a Muslim and you find the idea of child brides offensive, how do you respond to Senator Yerima’s claim since Mohammed married a 9 year old (Aisha), this justifies his recent “marriage” to a 13 year old girl? Muslims believe their prophet led a blameless life, and if the Koran is really supposed to be a guide for how to live one’s life, then he isn’t wrong in his assertion. This is precisely the problem lawmakers in Nigeria are having; there exists a culture of pedophilia because devoted Muslims in the country see nothing wrong with this practice. If it was good enough for Mohammed, they figure it’s good enough for them, no matter how disgusting and despicable the rest of the civilized world feels about it. It’s another example of the evil shit that happens when morons follow the edicts of a 6th century madman.