Blaise Pascal gets schooled

Now just because Blaise Pascal was a brilliant man, it certainly doesn’t mean he wasn’t occasionally staggeringly ignorant. Pascal’s Wager always struck me as the shallowest, and least convincing argument for belief that mysteriously continues to persist. He completely dismisses the countless religions out there a person could also choose to believe simply because of his own preference towards Christianity. Had he been honest, he would have had to admit there was an equal chance any single other belief system could be true rather than his own (or more likely, that they are all equally wrong). I like how this video also includes all the FUTURE religions which might pop up in the future in their rebuttal. Brilliant!

Isn’t it just easier to keep track of all this nonsense when you just stop believing in the supernatural world? Sure saves me the headache of trying to wager what religion I should be pretending to believe in (and why did Pascal think that was a good idea anyways?).

GOP candidate attacks opponent for believing in evolution

What’s wrong with this particular story: a GOP candidate gets “accused” of supporting the teaching of evolution in classrooms, and of saying the Bible is not the infallible word of God, and his reaction to the ad is to re-affirm his commitment to the idea the Earth is only 6000 years old.

As a Christian and as a public servant, I have never wavered in my belief that this world and everything in it is a masterpiece created by the hands of God. As a member of the Alabama Board of Education, the record clearly shows that I fought to ensure the teaching of creationism in our school text books. Those who attack me have distorted, twisted and misrepresented my comments and are spewing utter lies to the people of this state.

This fucking moron is actually proud he’s fought to ensure students in Alabama will be grossly under-prepared for the realities of the world outside their precious religious bubble. Now I know what you’re thinking: that Alabama is full of chicken-fuckers who don’t know their ass from their elbows, but you’ve got to figure there are at least a few reasonable people who object to the fact the biggest controversy in this Governor race is whether or not a candidate blindly follows his Christian teachings. Please tell me there are, otherwise I’m going to have to start drinking heavily…

Lars Vilks attacked by Muslims at free speech lecture

Dear Islam,

We’re sick and tired of your shit. Your followers can’t seem to get it through their primitive, 7th century minds the freedom to speak our minds (no matter how offensive it may be) is one of our most treasured rights. It permits anyone to denigrate your precious religion and its prophet if they feel the desire to do so. We don’t care if you believe blasphemy is a crime punishable by death: you are not in charge here, and the government and its citizens have no obligation to protect you from having your little feelings hurt.

If you think it’s acceptable to use violence as a way of silencing dissension, then the real possibility exists you simply won’t be allowed to participate in this little experiment we call “freedom” anymore. If you want to live in a world where even the slightest mention of Mohammed in a less than flattering light results in a vicious beating or even execution, you are more than welcome to immigrate to a country where this barbarism is acceptable. I might suggest Saudi Arabia; I hear they love to punish infidels there.

Your religion, like all the others, is a slow cancer on the human race. You pretend you are a religion of peace, but I find no great charity in your incessant need to harm anyone who hurts your fragile ego. Your imams are experts in nonsense, as are all other religious figures. If the best you can muster when someone is being attacked for making a few drawings of Mohammed is “Allah Akbar”, then you seriously have nothing good to contribute to this world. The only thing that saddens me about your pathetic excuse for a religion is you’ll never get the opportunity to realize your ignorant beliefs are all bullshit.

Sarah Palin makes my head hurt

By now I’m sure you’ve seen this video, or at the very least heard others talk about the fact Sarah Palin seems to think the Bible (and in particular the 10 commandments) is an excellent resource for the crafting of modern laws. It’s what her religious zombies want her to say, even though there isn’t one person alive who can tell you exactly HOW you’re supposed to use this ancient, primitive text to prescribe laws in this complex and modern world. What are you supposed to do about issues of slavery, genocide, infanticide, murder, and animal sacrifices, all of which are condoned in this supposed “holy” text.

So which Commandment does Sarah Palin want laws made from? Would she try and make adultery a crime? Presumably you’d probably need to jail close to half of the adult male population if extra-marital sex was suddenly against the law. What about a law against making false idols, or working on a Sunday? Are you doubly screwed if you worked one weekend at a chocolate bunny factory? These “crimes”  are all punishable by death; does that mean we would need to issue the death penalty for single mothers who need to work 7 days a week to provide food for their families? The “big guy” also doesn’t seem very enthusiastic about the whole “coveting your neighbor’s ass” thing also, so I wonder how a modern capitalist society is going to enforce that one…

Luckily, all of these questions can be answered by turning to the Bible for guidance in this matter. Let us turn to First Timothy, chapter 2 verse 11:

A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness. But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet

Phew, and here I thought we’d have to keep listening to this crazy bitch!

Muslim man argues that Koran “proves” Earth is flat

Behold, the amazement that is religious dogma: here we have a man who is trying to argue that the Earth is flat, and it rotates around the moon. He believes in these things unquestioningly because his religious tome proclaims it. Any evidence to the contrary must be denied, since according to him, “Anything not indicated in the Koran is false”.

To be this ignorant, you really have to be a believer. How else could you entertain such astonishingly stupid and wrong ideas with such conviction?

Thunderf00t gets a death threat

After all the very critical things he’s had to say about Islam with the recent South Park debacle, YouTube superstar Thunderf00t was recently “threatened” by a bearded yahoo who likes to feel big by uttering meaningless threats. He also seems to think non-Muslims support his call to action, despite the fact no other religious denomination seems bent on murdering anyone practicing their right to express themselves freely. It’s just you, guys, and the rest of the world is seriously not impressed.

Christians prays for less tolerance of homosexuality

Forgive us for accepting homosexuality, oh Lord! We should be busy hating gays more, but this terrible secular culture has totally brainwashed us into thinking you cannot condemn someone for having same sex attraction. Give us the power to smite these sodomites with your loving genocidal rage, oh sky-daddy.

Yeah, I’m sure the problem is these guys are actually too tolerant… Ah religion, you’ll never cease to amaze me with your stupidity.

Nate Phelps on the Grayness of Life

The sexy and talented Carisa Hendrix was able to film Nate Phelps (of the Westboro Phelps family) when he came to visit the Center for Inquiry, Calgary a few months ago. She did a great job, and if you love the fact she did this out of the kindness of her own heart, be sure to give her a big “thank-you” shout. I demand it!

Dawkins on the idea of absolute morality

Indeed, who wants an absolute moral authority? If you accept such an idea, then whatever that authority decides must therefore be moral, even if he condones slavery, murder, incest, rape and genocide. Do you not find it in the least bit ironic religious people who condemn us for not having a higher moral authority believe in one who so clearly violates our own basic moral compass? Do you put your trust in our modern secular society, or do you trust rigid theocratic dogma? I’ll let you visit other religious states and then make up your mind…

Crazy Jews in New York prove racism is alive and well

Isn’t it nice to know no one has the monopoly on racism, bigotry, and intolerance? All of this is brought to you by the divisive powers of religion! Act now, and you too can benefit from not having an open mind, and needlessly hating on other minorities simply because their beliefs aren’t exactly the same as yours. Order religion today!

A History of Pedophilia

Here’s a little history lesson on how long the church has been dealing with priests raping children. The scariest thing? That there’s been internal discussion regarding the handling of pedophile priests for over 1500 years, and these winners still haven’t managed to do anything about it. I’d say it just seems to be getting worse, but it’d probably be naïve to think things weren’t much, much worse back when no one dared question the authority of the church.

Preaching to the converted

I’ve often been accused of “preaching to the converted”, and this video on YouTube explains my position on the matter perfectly; I’ve received countless personal correspondences from people who told me they grew more confident and self-assured about their non-belief simply because of the work I do, and I believe them. There’s a lot to be said for generating discussion and for putting the facts out there for people to simply reflect on. If it really was true people can never change their minds, why would we bother talking about anything at all? Better to shut down all other forms of discussion, from the political to the artistic if that were true, no?

Hitchens on Genocide

It’s not a good week unless you’re listening to the delightful Christopher Hitchens talking about genocide, and religious intolerance.

Christ-like Cruisin’

I generally dislike most hip-hop and R&B (except for my man Greydon Square), but this has to be the worst Christian music I’ve heard in a long while. Like most Jesus-junk, this testament to terrible is a reminder of the general skill level of believing musicians. Feel like making money writing music but lack the raw talent to make it big? Try Christian music instead! No one will tire of your off-key poorly produced record so long as you jerk off your music to lyrics that inspire acid redux in non-believers.

What exactly is “Christ-like cruising” anyways? Does it involve driving around in an overpriced neon monstrosity, while blaring terrible music that shakes people’s houses like they’re on the San Andreas Fault Line?  I guess that’s what cruising around like Jesus is all about; annoying the shit out of nonbelievers who simply want to enjoy their breakfast in peace on a sunny Saturday morning.

Dog-piss Jesus

If you’re looking for proof the human race is doomed for failure, look no further than this story: for those of you unfamiliar with Spanish, the locals in the video have all crowded to see what they believe is the latest apparition of Jesus; a rather large pee stain left by a dog with a significantly large bladder. As you can see from the footage, some of these confused idiots are praying and even touching the stain, convinced their Savior is trying to send them a message of hope. What kind of a lame ass God needs to communicate through the urine of a canine? Religious people are weird…