JFK on the separation of church and state

It’s sad Jack’s words have since fallen on deaf ears as Christians work tirelessly to erode the wall separating church and state. This one act is the reason why your own country has enjoyed such unprecedented freedom (which isn’t what it used to be, honestly). All religions seek power and control, and are therefore antithetical to freedom, and great men like John F. Kennedy recognized this fact not so long ago. It’s a damn shame that everyone seems to have forgotten it since then.

Ok, this is pretty cool

No real message here, but the music and animation are pretty damn awesome. Hey, the Messiah myth has been with us for thousands of years; way before the story of Jesus. If you haven’t heard of Dionysus, or Buddha, I recommend you check them out too. They used to be hot shit back in the day.

Gotta love the Onion

With all the talk of abortions in the wake of the news, CBS apparently can’t keep their fucking nose out of it, and the Onion comes out with this. Man, I wish I was as funny as them!

Three speeches on surviving a religious upbringing

Here is the Center for Inquiry’s lecture held in the latter part of 2009. The speeches start at the 10 minute mark, so if you want to avoid all the “boring” introduction stuff, skip ahead. If you’re at work and can listen to things in the background, there’s no real slideshow, so enjoy it in the background.  The speakers are William LobdellRebecca Newberger Goldstein, and Marilyn Mehr.

Steve Doocy thinks “Muslims started it”

So let me get this straight, Doocy; you’re no longer claiming the rifles are merely a private company putting innocent Bible codes on rifle scopes, but rather arguing “Muslims started it”? Yet another reason why religious pandering nutbags at FOX News need to stop yapping on about issues they have no clear understanding of. Do they think this argument will dissuade fundamentalist sympathizers who are arguing this is a religious war? Shut your fucking mouth already, idiot!

Adam Carolla on religion and atheism

Here we have comedian Adam Carolla on why he’s an atheist. Listening to this guy, I’m actually somewhat reminded of my own podcast (hopefully he won’t do this too often, or else I’m out of a job!)

Cool summary of micro/macro-evolution

Here’s a great summary of the differences between micro-evolution and macro-evolution, and why creationists like to confuse people by suggesting one exists and the other does not. It’s pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain that if micro-evolution is true, over a long period of time, small changes in the genome would accumulate to eventually lead to an entirely new species. It’s only hard for them to believe this because their religious convictions assure them the magical sky man created everything as it is today. How can they simultaneously accept the mechanism of evolution (by admitting “micro-evolution is real) without understanding what it ultimately means? With a lot of intellectual dishonesty, that’s how!

Classic pranks

What do you get when you include Fresh Prince of Bel-Air lyrics and Star Wars references in a Christian call-in show? Pure win, that’s what!

Haitian ambassador schools Pat Robertson on history

How awesome is this guy? Here he is schooling Pat Robertson on history, showing the victory of Haiti over the French led not only to the purchase of Louisiana by the United States for roughly 3 cents an acre, but also to the eventual independence of South America. Their historic and heroic victory would change the world forever. Not bad for a “pact with the devil”, eh?

Pat Robertson is insane

I guess once you surrender your mind to the corrosive influence of religion, your grip with sanity is bound to slip eventually. How else can you explain his insane comment that Haiti signed a pact with the devil to gain their independence from the white man? Does he believe everything the little voice in his head tells him? Pat, you need to take medicine for the kind of mental illness you’re obviously suffering from.

I have to wonder if perhaps he’s not being influenced by some kind of deep seated racism. Does he consider Haiti’s independence a bad thing? Would he have preferred they remain a fiat state and the population be subject to the despotic rule of the French? Right now this small poor country is suffering, and all he can do is blame the devil. Does this moron even understand why earthquakes happen? It’s not because an invisible man in the sky gets angry every once in a while. That’s what our primitive and uneducated ancestors used to believe. Now we all know better, except of course for old dinosaurs who don’t have the common decency to die.

Creationists confound with their stupidity

It amazes me at just how arrogant creationists are in light of the fact they believe quite literally in a fairy tale explanation as to the origin of species. Here they parody the “Mac vs PC” commercials in an attempt to be both funny and relevant. It’s neither.

Hey morons, if you want to try and “debate” evolution, maybe it’s time you did a little bit of research in the following fields: biology, genetics, geology, physics, cosmology, and paleontology, to name a few. You’ll find there is so much overwhelming evidence in favor of evolution that people in the know are simply confounded by the depths of your ignorance. If you’ll excuse me, I need to get off the computer before I smash my head against the wall…

Isn’t religion great?

I seriously hope this was totally scripted, otherwise it’s pretty messed up. I didn’t find it particularly funny; I was more sad and angry no one on this stupid radio show commented on the fact this girl’s parents are a bunch of xenophobic jackasses. I’ve heard from some of my Jewish friends about the way some parents pressure their kids to marry within their religion, often saying crazy shit like “if you don’t marry a Jew you’re finishing Hitler’s work” or other such nonsense. In the age of cultural and ethnic diversity, such a strong reaction could only be possible through the divisive power of religion. Thanks for proving once again why your archaic beliefs are completely incompatible with modern society; you make a better case than I ever could.

Stephen Baldwin is an embarrassment to humanity

I hate reality shows, and I especially hate D-list celebrity ones. That doesn’t mean, however, that I don’t occasionally enjoy watching the train wreck of stupidity that often ensues, and this latest gem of ignorance comes from our old friend Stephen Baldwin. Stephen is a born again evangelical, a fact you can’t help but notice 5 seconds after meeting him. He’s as passionate about his religion as he is uneducated, and here we have him attempting to convince his celebrity buddies on Big Brother that evolution is false. Hey jackass, we don’t “descend” from apes; we ARE apes! As for chimpanzees (which are also apes and not monkeys), we shared an ancestor roughly 6 million years ago, which explains why we have some minor differences (we have roughly 96% of the same DNA in common). My little cousin knows this, and he’s just a kid. You might try reading a book that has facts instead of stories, idiot. You embarrass me and the rest of humanity with your stupidity.

Apparently the Crusades weren’t even that bad!

Excusing the Crusades and Inquisition is as simple as mentally separating the actions of your church from the values they supposedly espouse to. We’re all sinners in their eyes, so it can’t be helped that even men of the cloth committed terrible atrocities. If you’re not convinced from this line of reasoning, you aren’t alone, which makes the following video quite painful to watch. Here we have a group of young well meaning Christians “informing” us the Crusades really weren’t that bad, and it was the fault of the people inside the organization rather than the Church itself.

Does it surprise me a religion based on absolution of sin would be so quick to pardon the crimes of their forefathers? Not really. These are the same guys who think salvation is possible no matter the terrible bad shit you’ve done, since their Messiah “paid” for all your sins in advance. Believing in Jesus is the ultimate get-out-of-jail-free card if I’ve ever seen one. Forget responsibility: you’re an evil sinner who can’t even control your own actions. Luckily, Zombie Jesus will whisk you up to heaven if you beg him hard enough. What a deal!

If you have any questions for these deluded idiots, feel free to give them a shout.