I love intelligence in all its forms. Here we have ill Doctrine, a hip-hop video blog that I must honestly say is a huge dose of fresh air in an otherwise suffocating sea of ignorance (maybe it’s the stories I read, but you can sometimes go a little nuts out there on the web). I may not be a hard core fan of this genre of music, but I do enjoy his opinions. His Bill O’Reily rap is also something to behold.
Category Archives: Videos
Militant atheist
As someone who often is called a ‘militant’ or ‘fundamentalist’ atheist, I find this video to be very succinct and pretty accurate overall. Let’s hope this guy keeps making more of them.
Pale Blue Dot
We need a new Carl Sagan.
Tell it like it is, Bill
This one is a bit old, but I always love to listen to Bill make fun of religion. If you haven’t seen his movie Religulous, what the hell is wrong with you?
Now that’s a commercial
I like how in this fake commercial for Scientology, Hubbard’s book Dianetics is literally shooting out of a toilet. It won’t win any awards for subtlety, but I dig it.
I love this guy’s arrogance
Man, I love people who are arrogant and flaunt it. Maybe that’s also why I love Hitchens, I don’t know; it could just be his general attitude. I personally find it delightful watching obviously intelligent people ranting about the stupidity of religious belief. Who doesn’t?
Hitchens: why it’s a good thing God doesn’t exist
As we continue our coverage of everything Hitchens, I can’t help but notice how passionate he seems to be on this subject. He sometimes gives me the impression he’s half asleep in some lectures, but I have come to believe this may actually be a result of his heavy drinking rather than any lack of energy on his part. Let’s enjoy the man before his liver becomes pickled, shall we?
Richard Dawkins interview with Derren Brown
I love listening to professional charlatans about how they employ their craft. I can understand why some of them dedicate their lives to educating people about what they do. It’s kind of like the first time your apartment gets robbed; you get a small sense of just how crappy some people are. Derren is extremely popular; last time I posted a video, people were still playing it a year later. So yeah, I love Derren Brown.
I wanted to include all six, but for some strange reason, part 3 can’t be embedded.
Great speech by Robert Sapolsky on the nature of man
I’ve always said our biggest ‘fault’ as a species is our inability to come to terms that we didn’t ‘evolve’ from apes: we ARE apes. That fact is perhaps what is indeed so fascinating about human beings; we are a talented and unique hairless ape. Robert Sapolsky is obviously quite brilliant and insightful. I cannot recommend listening to this important lecture enough. He now has one more fan.
Any Dawkins fans here?
Here is a great interview with fellow Canadian Steven Pinker for fans of evolutionary science. The video is over an hour long, so if you’re going to watch this all in one sitting, might I suggest planning your afternoon accordingly. Trust me, it’s worth it!
Discovery Institute tries to censor YouTube
There are few institutions as corrupt, intellectually dishonest, and morally bankrupt as the Discovery Institute. Their name itself is a tragic irony; there is no ‘discovery’ going on there. All they are interested in doing is attacking the foundations of science in order to get everyone to abandon evolution in favor of creationism. They are heavily funded, ambitious, and as this video shows, without scruples. Everything is fair game to these guys. So we need to push back, and push back hard.
That’s why I’m so angry they are attacking YouTubers who are simply trying to expose them as the ignorant, anti-intellectual organization they are. Other than a website and a popular podcast, all I can do is spread the word. If any of you have some free time on your hands and happen to know the law, give this guy a hand, will ya?
I Love You, Stephen Fry
Can you imagine if a TV host in the US had answered the question “why do people believe in religion” with: “Because they are foolish, ignorant and scared”? I’m sure people would be freaking out instead of actually paying attention to the fact that he’s absolutely right. It is foolish and ignorant to literally trust that the stuff written in the Bible actually happened. How else can you characterize professed belief in a mythological text?
Hitchens Brings out the Big Guns
What could be more appropriate on a Sunday than listening to Christopher Hitchens bitch-slap some religious radio host around? I love how he gets the guy to admit that he is a slave to God. Whatever happened to free will?
This guy thinks atheists are “childish”
Here’s a new argument: we are apparently too silly, and don’t take atheism seriously enough. So, in a nutshell, atheists are both way too uptight according to some, and too frivolous according to others. Have any of these clergymen speaking on atheism spent more than 15 seconds talking to one? Barron is calling us childish and ‘frivolous’ for the ad campaign started by a few organizations in the US, Canada, and Britain. I wasn’t a big fan of them initially, but seeing as these are pissing off Christians, I can’t help but feel they are succeeding.
I’m not going to go into too much name-calling here, since there really is no point. Barron is convinced his religion, Christianity, is somehow much more serious than atheism. I agree. It’s deadly serious. When you take the stories of Noah, Lot, Job, and Abraham at their word, you must invariably conclude Yahweh is not someone you fuck around with. If God was real, I would be worried. Luckily, he isn’t.
Father Barron, I don’t want to insult you, but what makes you believe your claims are less childish than the reasonable stance that the evidence for God is non-existent? The Bible, perhaps? Weak. You may find comfort and even some eloquence in that book, but you cannot suddenly forget this same tome condones slavery, genocide, and incest. Anyone who is neutral on the subject of religion will tell you that when read front to back, the Bible reveals itself to be a disturbing book filled with conflict, terrible deeds, and chilling callousness on the part of this God figure.
Notice the entire time this guy doesn’t even defend the Christian notion of God? Hey Father, you’re making more than a simple claim he exists. You’re also claiming that hundreds of other religions are wrong, and your interpretation is right. You are, in essence, trying to prove two things at once. Even if atheism was wrong, I highly doubt your Jewish God is right. No offense.
Betty Bowers on traditional Christian marriages
It’s a great shtick they have going with this video. I’ve been enjoying their other YouTube videos. Always nice to know we haven’t lost our sense of humor!