If TV existed in Biblical Times

I love the way this video is put together: it combines sharp visuals with brilliant satire. Be sure to read some of the captions at the bottom. My favorite so far is “Paper Just a Fad says Scribe.” Classic.

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Good show, guys…

It’s terrible shows like this that give me hope that not every child is being indoctrinated particularly well. The damage done by these kinds of yahoos seems relatively easy to fix, especially since these clowns can’t manage to keep a bunch of kids interested in their shtick for more than 15 seconds.

If you’re trying to indoctrinate children in your cult, might I suggest the trying the following:

#1: Be prepared
Just because they’re kids doesn’t mean they are easy to entertain. Typically there’s a “tone” you have to strike to get their attention. Loud, wacky, animated, and “alive” tend to spring into mind. While this show was plenty noisy, it lacked a coherence that can only come from having actually bothered to write a proper show.
#2: Be animated
It can’t be easy entertaining kids when you’re a million years old. It’s why most pros are young enough to handle all the coke you need to stay energized. If you’ve already got a foot in the grave, this gig may not be right for you.
#3 Avoid creating comic characters with shrill, annoying voices.
Kids are people too, which means they equally hate shrill voices that sound like nails across a chalkboard. Try a friendly, reassuring voice instead of your best Wicked Witch impression.

Just when you thought things couldn’t get worse in Africa

I’ve written countless articles denouncing these Christian preachers in Nigeria for accusing innocent children of witchcraft; it’s one of the few times I’ve taken a subject so seriously. It isn’t only because of the images of these poor children -victims of a toxic mix of ancient superstition and organized religion – are seared into my brain. No, my passion comes mainly from the fact that this issue has been completely ignored by the mainstream media because of the obvious question it poses concerning Christianity’s influence in the Third World.

These videos are extremely hard to watch. The situation appears to be getting worse as Christianity’s influence grows. When that little girl starts crying when a person nearby admits to wanting to kill her, you’ll find it difficult to wake up happy tomorrow morning.

The Muppets are brainwashing your kids!

Can you believe the nerve of these Hollywood people? They dare to brainwash our kids with movies depicting oil executives as evil people. Why, that’s just not true! Did you know all oil executives are cuddly teddy-bears that care deeply for the environment and for the future of children? Sure, you might think that these people are leveraging our future in order to make record profits, or that corporations like Shell aren’t afraid of getting mixed up with brutal military juntas that kill anyone that gets in the way of the oil flowing. Those are just nasty rumors propagated by bearded hippies who make sock puppets in an attempt to moralize to our youth.

I love this idea that the Hollywood movie industry “hates” big corporations, despite the fact that the place is run by some of the largest companies on the planet. These are the same people that want to stifle the creativity of the Internet because they are afraid of people downloading their shitty movies for free. Yeah, clearly these guys hate money.

Christian Barber-Shop

What the hell is this song about? Why are they all dressed like gay candy-stripers? Is one of them incredibly short or is everyone else just super tall? So many questions, so few answers…

Michele Bachmann just doesn’t get it

“Every American has the same rights”

Is that so? It certainly doesn’t feel that way, especially when your government makes laws specifically designed NOT to allow gays and lesbians to marry. Well, to be fair, she claims they are allowed to get married: but it must be to someone of the opposite sex. See, we’re all equal! We all get to conform to what Christian nutjobs like Michele wants us to be.

You can feel some sympathy for her though. I mean, she did marry a gay guy, so she must know what she’s talking about!

Teen Mania Ministries is insane

“Pain is merely weakness leaving your body”
“You won’t last long if you start feeling sorry for yourself”
“Pay attention; you are a loser”

If you want to have a scary cultist environment, you need the following (all of which seem present in this “retreat”).

– Use food deprivation to make people more tired, and susceptible to suggestion
– Use hard physical labor to break down subjects to make them more submissive
– Use intimidation, yelling, peer pressure, the fear of failure or the unacceptable to soften their psyche.
– Identify your subject’s fears and expose them to it (like the girl with the bug) while uttering pointless platitudes.
– Use a constant overload of stimulus to make it hard or impossible for the subject to concentrate for any long period of time.

This place makes Jesus Camp look like Disneyland.

Intelligent Design on Trial

If you don’t remember the Dover Trials, then this documentary should refresh your memory. I’m not sure how long this video will be up (since I assume it’s probably breaking some annoying copyright law), so you better watch before it’s gone. Recommend that you play it in the background. This puppy clocks in at almost two hours. Enjoy!


While I hate their fucking commercials, I am rather pleased at the news that the Axe Deodorant spray (which smells a lot like hair spray from the 90′s) is causing something of a stir with Christians in South Africa. Apparently they don’t find the thought of an angel renouncing immortality in order to have a gang-bang amusing. Who would have thought?

The Eagle of the Apocalypse doesn’t want you to use contraceptives

Not only does his name sound like a bad-ass metal band, but he is also the “Co-Prophet of the End Times”. That’s nutjob for “I think Jesus chose me to deliver you the good news about his planned mass slaughter”. He’s so crazy that one scary sounding name fantasizing about the death of countless human beings was not enough.

Priceless moments include:
– Referring to “withdrawal” as a Planned Parenthood form of birth control.
– Objection to having the Pope tell us what to do is the devil talking.
– God invented the “Game of Sex”
– God punishes you with STD’s in this life and eternal torture in the next.
– Dude admits to own lack of popularity due to harshness of message

Great video on Objective Morality by QualiSoup

Yet another quality video from YouTube sensation QualiSoup, and this time, he focuses on some of William Lane Craig’s arguments that only a God can allow for objective morality. I haven’t had time to read Sam Harris’ new book, so I can’t pretend to know what his arguments are, but I’ve always been suspicious of the idea that objective morality exists. That’s not to suggest that we should all throw our hands in the air and call it a day. It just means that we have to refine our moral muscle to ensure that we achieve, as Jeremy Bentham would have said, the “greatest happiness principle”.

Besides, the idea that only a supernatural entity can decide what is objectively moral and what is not would mean that any decision taken by that entity which we disagreed with (like God commanding the killing of all Midianites, including babies) would automatically be immoral. Does that sound like an attractive solution when trying to determine what moral choices we should make?

Satanic cults have baby farms!

Wow, did you know that Satanic cults are everywhere?

Did you know they they were raising children specifically for sacrifice, and that an effective way to spot these miscreants is to first target any business that has Halloween decorations?

Did you know any idiot can appear in front of a camera and say shit that makes everyone else’s brain hurt?

It’s amazing what you can learn in an afternoon, isn’t it?

I’m earthbound, and I’m delusional

Can’t wait to hear that trumpet sound, eh? And you wonder why people who haven’t been brainwashed by your bullshit think that Christianity is a creepy death cult. The sheer ecstasy you try to convey when talking about dying scares the fucking shit out of us, honestly.

Religious Scams, Nigerian Style

Yes, I realize that religion and scam are synonymous, but these kinds of evangelical preachers are a special breed. Maybe it’s the way they relish luxury while the poor continue to dump their money into his giant garbage-bins. Either way, when this bullshit gets exported to Nigeria, it takes on a whole life of its own. Check out scumbag “Dr.” Sign Fireman and his little racket.

(Update: Sign Fireman was eventually arrested and charged with the murder and rape of a young girl)