Newt Gingrich can suck my balls

“How can you have judgement if you don’t have faith?”
Translation: “How can you distinguish right from wrong if you don’t believe in nonsense?”

I think I can answer this one, Newt: my judgement and morality comes from the slow, meticulous process of natural selection. Feelings of compassion, tolerance, love, friendship and community aren’t predicated by the belief that a 2000 year old dead Palestinian Jew had a really bad weekend, but rather on the need for our ancestors to get along long enough to survive and produce successful offspring. The rest is just window dressing.

Also, go fuck yourself.

Spain’s Stolen Babies

A few months ago, TGA reported on a story so shocking, it was hard to believe it had actually happened: for over 4 decades, the fascist government of Francisco Franco (along with the Catholic Church) had faked the deaths of ten of thousands of babies in order to traffic them. After the collapse of Franco’s government, the Church continued the practice well into the 1980′s (presumably it was too profitable to shut down). Now the BBC has finished filming a documentary about this tragedy, as the families try to track down their loved ones, all without the help of the government, who refuses to launch an investigation. See, it’s not just America that’s got a shitty government. Spain was literally doing some evil shit for political power and money. It doesn’t get more fucked up than stealing babies.

Thunderfoot Jesus

I’m digging this new satirical, lampooning Thunderfoot. I’ve read some chatter about how this YouTube giant should stick with his old bag of tricks, but I think the science stuff was getting a little stale by now. We don’t have a lot of arguments left to win against Religion (today’s challenge: try and name one). The best solution so far is to spoof their crazy bullshit right in their faces. I say if you’re going to believe in nonsense, I’m going to make fun of you for it. I’m a dick, and I’m loving it (as is the Religious Antagonist).

Bible Stories (Moses) Part 1

I’ve just finished part 1 of the Bible Stories video taken directly from Episode 133. If the video gets enough play, I’ll finish the entire series. For now, I’ll content myself to producing videos showing off some of the content from the podcast. If you’ve never listened to the show, I have to seriously ask you: Why the hell not?

The Flizbins want you to dance for God’s love

Sick and tired of children’s entertainment that’s fun, informational, and secularist? Well, The Flizbins are here, and they promise you “safe” children’s programming. Presumably, the stuff that’s currently out there for preschoolers must all be evil or unsafe. Luckily, their totally inoffensive songs are sure to delight parents and kids alike!

You can tell from their stiff, forced dances that something educational is happening, especially after they say the word “Dance” a total of 46 times. I especially love the clumsy rap introduced – rather inelegantly – by primitive beat-boxing. Their odd message, interspersed by the supposed need to dance, seems utterly drowned out by the repetitive music. If they are trying to communicate anything with your children, it’s quickly lost in their meaningless chorus. Dance because God loves spending time with you! Dance because the sky reminds some cowboy how awesome your imaginary friend is! Dance because you’re trying to make money in this overcrowded market!

More of this “raising the dead” nonsense

More of these Christian nutjobs claiming to be able to raise the dead. How do you argue with people that have gone that far off the deep end? It boggles the mind, it does.

“You can have expectations of seeing miracles every day”

You might be overselling it a little, lady. If you create these kinds of expectations, people might get a little disappointed when nothing happens. Hey, you could always take whatever medication she’s on.

Jesus Camp 2: Singapore Edition

Remember Becky Fisher? She’s the nutjob behind Jesus Camp, and while that terrible nightmarish camp was shut down following the movie, it appears that she hasn’t slowed down one bit. Here she is in Singapore doing the exact same shtick, with the added element of “teaching” kids how to raise the dead. She also has them pray for America to be “changed”: it seems she’s rather unsatisfied with “democracy” and its tendency to allow everyone a voice (she’s a much bigger fan of the way Islam does things in the Middle East).

While she’s kept a low profile since 2006, it appears that she’s merely moved away from the media’s attention and has continued her ceaseless quest to make children more ignorant about the world with this crazy nonsense.

5 Life Lessons I learned from “The Unbeatables”

You can learn a lot from a video. Did you know that all drugs, once your brain is “on them”, will resemble a fried egg? I know this for a fact because Rachel Leah Cook smashed someone’s house up with a frying pan to prove it. Clearly, lessons abound in the digital format, so I thought it might be nice to extract some lessons of our own from this Christian cartoon courtesy of NuBeat Music (a Christian music label that occasionally dabbles in videos).

#1 – God will give you directions if you’re lost.

Forget about advances in science and technology that allows us to circumnavigate the world through GPS: God is the only navigator you’ll ever need. Just close your eyes, make a wish, and voila! God (who looks suspiciously like Santa Claus) will appear and give you the directions you so desperately need. It’s better than OnStar, people! All you need to do is surrender yourself (and a massive part of your income) to a deity that needs constant praise and approval!

#2 – Evil people are incompetent.

Are you worried that Satan and his hoards of minions might slaughter you in the night? Don’t worry: evil is in fact completely and utterly incompetent. While you may have heard “rumors” of genocides and various holocausts throughout human history, these bumbling fools are easily out-matched through the awesome power of prayer.

#3 – Everyone finds the answer “Because the Bible told me so” 100% convincing.

Your children will never be exposed to skeptical human beings vastly more knowledgeable than they are concerning the historicity of Jesus, Moses, or any other Biblical figure. Everyone is so receptive to the idea of Jesus that any need to further educate yourself is unnecessary.

#4 – When you pray, angels with giant mullets will beat-up the demons that cause cramps.

The power of prayer can cause any miracle to happen, and while your cynical mind may wonder “why can’t they do the same thing for the poor little crippled girl”, keep in mind that the added sympathy she gets from potential converts isn’t something you can easily measure. It must certainly be part of God’s “big plan”, regardless of how cruel or random it might appear to your limited mind.

#5 – Little kids are way more effective at conversion than adults.

Adults are merely chauffeurs, driving around the wisdom of 5 year old children where ever they go. You see, we begin knowing everything about the world, being infinitely wise and only slowly polluting our minds with facts, experimental evidence, and skepticism about the world. That’s why when the only grown up starts to speak, it’s because she needs to be “taught” something by someone who still wets the bed. She has so much to unlearn, and all of that starts the minute she stop thinking and starts feeling!

Well, I feel properly educated now. With my navigation, health and entire future in the hands of Santa Claus, I feel ready for the wider world. Is it finally time for me to leave the nest and start preaching the word of the Lord? If this video is anything like real life, then the answer is a resounding “Fuck Yeah!”

This Christian video is terrible

Here’s a Christian video trying to pretend that they understand anything about rock and roll gods. It feels so real that you could swear it was taken right from “Behind the Music”. Somehow I never seem to get tired of Jesus-Junk.

My favorite part of the video is when the blond haired guy asks God-boy: “How do you know the book is true?” and he’s given the non-answer of: “My book is the Bible. Ever since I started living by what it says in there, my life has changed so much.”

That’s not really an answer, bro. In any case, I would never deny that a person’s life can change when they start reading the Bible. If you aren’t busy trying to ensure that you’re not wearing clothes made of two different fabrics or trying to cook your bread using your own feces, there’s tons of confusing stories to find a way to somehow make relevant in today’s modern world.

Flying Korans kill Salman Rushdie

Ok, here’s the skinny on this video before you watch it: In 1989, Salman Rushdie released his most famous work, “The Satanic Verses”, which sends the Muslim world into a major spaz attack. To capitalize on this, “International Guerrillas” was born. The film revolves around three brothers united by their hatred of the blasphemer who set out to destroy Rushdie. The video above is the climactic scene where God smites him down with the power of the Koran. Pay careful notice to how hilarious everything is.

It’s funny to note that the movie was almost banned in the UK. Rushdie himself opposed the use of blasphemy and libel laws to try and censor the film. Gotta love the guy.

So close, yet so far away

I do like the effort by this priest to ridicule creationism in the light of modern science. But while he ridicules these beliefs, he seems completely oblivious to the stupidity of his own dogma. Hey pal, there are some people who believe that a 2000 year old failed Jewish carpenter is actually a God too, and the rest of us think that’s just stupid. We’re glad that you exposed the utter inanity of creationism, but I can see by that collar on your neck that you still have a lot to learn about objective reality (not to mention the fun stuff you haven’t done yet, like shagging).

Rick Perry on Abstinence

So, according to this uneducated redneck madman, it doesn’t seem to matter whether or not abstinence works. It’s far more important that due to his old fashioned beliefs, kids should not be taught the safest ways to have sex.

Watch him struggle to answer even the most basic facts concerning the total ineffectiveness of abstinence. Who needs evidence when you have blind belief? Here’s a man so fantastically ignorant, he makes George W. Bush look like Albert Einstein. America, is it just me or are your political candidates getting dumber by the second? I thought Bachmann was bad. How did you manage to find someone even crazier than that stupid bitch so quickly?

Atheist Where’s Waldo

I hope I’m not too anachronistic here, but if you’ll humor me for a second, I think you’ll enjoy spotting the kid in the crowd who quite rightly feels like he’s surrounded by a bunch of childish morons. Stop jumping up and down waiting for your sky-pappy to show up and give you presents and hugs. It’s embarrassing not just to us, but to the human race.