Muslim Heaven and other similar nonsense

I love whenever people start making specific claims about their magical play-land in the sky. Did you know you’ll be able to finally drink all that wine your local mullah told you was forbidden? Good thing you never bothered to actually try the stuff when you were alive…better to wait until you’re dead to enjoy the little pleasures in life.

I think the Muslim concept of Heaven is by far the most provincial. It’s quite obvious that a group of repressed desert people made it up. The rest of us couldn’t give a rat’s ass about rivers of honey and wine that doesn’t make you drunk (what is it, Synthohol?). And if there’s no such thing as jealousy in heaven, why the fuck do you need all your women to be virgins? Sounds like some pretty serious sexual insecurity there…

Did anyone like the sexy lady who called believers “idiots”? What did you think of the religionists trying to argue that belief in God is the same as our trust in currency? Hilarious.

The “Dangers” of Crusading Atheism

Could this guy be more wrong? Here are a couple of choice passages I couldn’t help but comment on (as I’m sure most of you will dissect the rest).

As crusading atheism is sort of a cause today, it is popular, I don’t want to say among scientists, I mean that’s too general and it isn’t so.

Is it ironic for a Christian to use the word “Crusade” when talking about atheism? I sometimes wish these clowns would study their own history. It would make them abandon such a word. The Crusades were one of the bloodiest, savage and murderous campaigns in human history. To compare men like Richard Dawkins or Sam Harris to Crusaders is a false equivalence. Comparing professional sectarian murderers with academic debaters is not only insulting; it’s just plain stupid.

I think human beings have faced hard challenges. The Second World War was a difficult a crisis as mankind ever will face. Fifty million people died, humanity teetered on the edge.

Actually, Steven Pinker has a fantastic presentation on the myth of violence, in particular this idea the Second World War was the bloodiest and most savage conflict in human history. Yes, many people did die, but compared to the mortality rates of other ancient conflicts, the odds of being killed by your fellow man in WWII was much lower. We are living in the most peaceful time in the history of mankind, and yet we’re constantly thinking the opposite.

State paganism was preached aggressively by Hitler-ite Germany, which despised Christianity as much as it hated Jews; didn’t hate Christians as people, but it hated Christianity.

Yeah, the Reichskonkordat seems to contradict your retarded statement, Dave. For anyone unfamiliar with this treaty, it was signed only 6 months after Hitler took power, and it’s still technically valid today. The Concordat made the Holy See of Rome the only official religion of Germany. Hardly sounds like paganism, does it?

Harold Camping still in shock over dumb prediction

Well, for the cynics out there that thought Harold was just trying to bilk people out of their money, I think you can see from his expression that he really did believe in his own nonsense. That’s what makes people like Harold so dangerous! The best way to lie to others is to first lie to yourself! If Harold really wants to understand what’s going on, he’ll need to understand the Bible is just fairy tale bullshit that has no bearing on reality, and is clearly for a different time in our history as a species. It’s cruel, capricious and violent God is better suited for the Bronze Age than the Age of Reason.

What Camping doesn’t realize is the externalities of his own beliefs. The fear and anxiety he created with his May 21st idiocy cannot easily be measured, and let’s not forget the financial devastation he brought on to his followers as well. It’s probably all too much for a broken old man to fathom.

Are you done, Harold? Can we count your second failed attempt to predict the “End times” to be your last?

Kelowna atheist bus ads get stolen

So, even though we expected this kind of juvenile behavior from some of our neighbors down south, Kelwona BC has the distinction of not only being the first city to have atheist ads stolen; they also failed to report the theft, so there’s no way to know when it actually disappeared. All in all, it’s pretty fucked up.

Street Preacher gets PWNED

See, to shut up these fools sometimes you just need a little music…

Another beautiful Carl Sagan video

How can anyone think that it’s we, the materialists, that lack imagination and poetry? What could be more poetic, more humbling than the natural world? I’m not sure how anyone who listens to classic Carl Sagan can imagine their own fairy tale bullshit is more “inspired”. Nonsense is never more compelling than objective reality, especially if you bother to actually study it.

Uganda ready to kill gays again

It’s become exceedingly clear that it’s only a matter of time before Uganda passes their “kill the gays” bill, and while there are plenty of people trying to pressure President Museveni and his administration into not signing the bill, the people seem to be overwhelmingly for it. So while a site like is encouraging folks to sign a petition, I’m of the opinion that we need to give political asylum to all gays in the country. Only then can we ensure their survival. I don’t want to be mean or dismissive, but petitions don’t do shit, and the people of Uganda are out for blood. They blame gays for all of their troubles, and if that sounds vaguely familiar to you, that’s because every pogrom in history starts off like this.

More Wife-Beating debates

You’ve got to be impressed with any culture that has a televised debate on the merits of wife beating according to the Koran. Hey, here’s a fucking idea: stop trying to reconcile modern values with a book written in the 7th century.

Doug Stanhope on making up your Christianity

If you picked up the Bible and tried reading it cover to cover, it’s doubtful you’d make it past Exodus before you’d put it down, utterly disgusted by the characters and their evil actions. If anyone was later to tell you this was a moral guide to live your life by, would you believe them?

David Cross is hilarious

I’ve got to figure out a way to get David on the Show. Guess I’ll need to stalk him for a while or something…

US Rep thinks Einstein would be a creationist

Is this guy for real? You think Albert Einstein would be a creationist? You think this Spinozan would consider your quaint little religion the only true one? What kind of ballooned existence do you experience to say such idiocies? You are either a liar, having fabricated your fictitious idea with the intent on making it stick, or a farcical imbecile who has never bothered to read anything that contradicted his limited world view. I suppose both are probable, but for the sake of humanity, I hope it’s the latter. I really do.

Pat Robertson denies his hatefulness

Behind the scenes of Larry King live in the 90′s, Pat Robertson simultaneously argues he’s said nothing hurtful, and as soon as the camera lights are off, his true feelings seep out like a leaky septic tank. I love how he thinks the producers are “setting” him up by having callers who sound gay. Pat, when can we expect you to finally kick the bucket and leave us in peace?

Hitchens on the afterlife

Here’s a nice video for you late risers that is part of a complete breakfast: Hitchens being asked if the prospect of death has caused him to “rethink” his position on the “afterlife”. His response is both eloquent, and satisfyingly vulgar. Enjoy!