Women Are So Done With Religion

When TGA first started, back in 2006, there was very little data concerning people leaving their religion. Any available statistics seemed to demonstrate that there were more men than women leaving the church. For a while, there were a number of theories that attempted to explain the disparity. Some claimed that women were less prone to risk, and that as a result, they were more reluctant to leave their religious institutions.

Over time, however, we’re beginning to see that the gap is entirely generational. It’s the Baby Boomer generation that has the largest gap, with it slowly fading as you enter the younger generations. Millennials have almost parity. By the time you get to Gen Z, the percentages are reversed: more young women are walking away from faith than young men.

This finally makes sense. Almost all religions are male inventions, and it doesn’t take more than a cursory reading of the text to realize this. The Bible and the Koran are quite clear on their views about the fairer sex: they are to be subservient, silent, and barefoot and preggers. Naturally, these sexist documents are appealing less and less to women. The gap, it seems, will only grow with time.

This is bad news for young religious men. The trend of “trad wives”, which stands for “traditional wives”, has attracted plenty of men, but very few women. This young generation is becoming increasingly alienated from each other both politically and sexually, and the main culprit appears to be religion. This is why you are seeing increasingly desperate attempts by religious leaders to get women under control.

Religions should be worried. You see, it’s women who put up most of the emotional and physical labor for churches. Without them, they have a serious problem:

The waning religious involvement among young women represents a unique challenge to churches and congregations. Studies show that women tend to contribute much more time and energy to community building and volunteer efforts in places of worship. Without this dedicated source of volunteer labor, many congregations will be unable to serve their membership and their communities. What’s more, research finds that mothers play an instrumental role in passing on religious values and beliefs to their children. Americans who were raised in religious households credit their mothers more so than their fathers for leading in their religious upbringing, and children who are raised in mixed-faith households are more likely to adopt their mother’s faith in adulthood.

So, this spells disaster for most of the so-called “great monotheistic faiths”. The decline of religion is now going to accelerate, as more and more young women refuse to accept the limited view their churches have of them. Will faiths adapt to these new realities? They are nothing if not tenacious, so we will have to wait and see. Still, the misogyny inherent in these faiths means that they are unlikely to be able to properly adapt to todays times.

If there was ever a time to celebrate “girl power” this would be it! Come on ladies, we’re counting on you! Destroy these religious institutions already!

Indiana Pastor Arrested for Child Porn

I’ve said it before, but it bares repeating: how many pastors need to get caught abusing kids before the faithful realize that there is something deeply wrong with their institutions? Can you imagine the outrage in the news if countless child abusers were found operating in any other institution? First, it would be immediately dissolved, and their assets would be divvied up among the survivors. However, because of the special status that we give religions, they can get away with literal murder, and nothing ever changes.

In Indiana, a former pastor and teacher by the name of Claud Greenlee was arrested after police discovered child pornography on his phone. Greenlee was arrested at his place of work, Liberty Christian School. Some of the images were of children as young as 3 years of age. There was also some bestiality in the mix as well.

We are aware of the situation with Mr. Greenlee and saddened by the course of events. We are fully cooperating with authorities and their investigation. Mr. Greenlee was immediately put on leave when the situation was first brought to our attention. He is no longer employed at Liberty Christian School,” Liberty Christian School reportedly said in a statement shared with Fox 59.

If you’re a parent, I find it hard to fathom why you would place your trust in religious institution. These groups are always brimming with sexual predators. It seems they have a knack for attracting these kinds of people. No doubt the culture of secrecy, and its appeal to authority is a potent combination that is a siren song for the worst kind of folks in our society. So long as this remains the case, these kinds of incidents will continue to occur with disturbing frequency.

I’m tired of writing about all these abusive pastors who have gotten away with abuse for way too long. I have to wonder at what point believers will be just as exhausted by this as I am. I won’t hold my breath, that’s for sure.

Iranian Morality Police Paralyze Woman over Hijab

In North America, Muslim women will often be seen wearing a head covering in public. Supporters of the hijab say that it’s an important tradition, and the more liberal factions will claim that it is women who chose to wear them out of respect for their faith, and that there is no inherent pressure to force them to do so.

The rest of the world with their heads screwed on right know that this is just straight-up bullshit. While it’s true that if a Muslim woman wants to wear the restrictive headdress, she is exercising her freedom of choice, but rarely do we witness the real consequences for disobeying their little rules in their private lives. Already there is immense social pressure to wear it in secular countries. In sectarian ones, it is often with the end of a bayonet that these rules are enforced. To say it’s a choice is like saying that a hostage has a choice: to listen or to die.

In Iran, a woman was shot while driving her car, specifically because she was not wearing the hijab in her car. Arezoo Badri was returning home in her vehicle when police attempted to pull her over. She had apparently multiple “violations” for not wearing the restrictive headscarf, and this was enough justification to arrest her. When she failed to comply, they opened fire on her, striking her in the lung and spinal cord.

With the women of Iran already up at arms with the recent beatings and death of a number of women for the “crime” of not wanting to wear the hijab, police have attempted to keep the incident under wraps:

According to the source, her family is allowed only brief visits, during which their mobile phones are confiscated. Authorities have prohibited visitors from taking photos or video of Ms Badri – though some have emerged.

They know they fucked up, and they want to stop the “metaphorical” bleeding. They are fools. If anything, this will only add fuel to the fire. It is time that the inhumane theocratic government be toppled. It will be women who make the major difference in Iran, this I promise you. With the country threatening to attack Israel, it’s only a matter of time before this unstable government goes too far, and finds itself on the execution block. So long as the women there continue to live in terror, the country will never know peace.

Sex Offender Says God Told Him to Burn LDS Church

It’s funny that religious people think that their main enemies are secularists. Generally speaking there is far more strife between differing sectarian group that with non-believers. Sure, we may not be their biggest fans, but most of us are of the opinion that humanity will eventually mature out of this phase, and that what we need to give people time to figure it out themselves.

Their real enemies are fundamentalists that view the affair of converting people in apocalyptic terms. In Mississippi, a sex offender named Stefan Pete Day Rowold attempted to burn down a Latter Day Saints Church not once, but twice:

Rowold is accused twice in July of malicious destruction of religious property through the use of fire explosives and other means, according to FBI Special Agent Stephen N. Fortunato. The crimes occurred on the Fourth of July and two days later on July 7…After his arrest, Rowold attempted to defend his actions, the agent said. Rowold, he said, claimed he “had been reborn to Christ and felt called to action” because he believes LDS is responsible for “trafficking and molesting children,” the agent said.

It’s obvious that Rowold is deep in the Q-Anon world, since these types of accusations are pretty standard in these circles. Every organization that isn’t a part of their weird club is accused of being child molesters in order for their more unhinged members not to feel guilty trying to attack these people.

Will these morons ever snap out of their dangerous delusions? It’s not too difficult to imagine that the answer is an emphatic “No”.

The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 360

In this episode (that’s admittedly a little late), we talk about the growing fascist movement in the US called Christian Nationalism, the Mormon church being sued, and why Protestants are walking away from religion. Don’t miss this one!

The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 360

Iraq Law Would Legalize Child Marriage

There is a trick that religious institutions like to use to get people to look the other way at their myriad crimes: accuse your enemies of everything you are guilty of in order to throw people off your scent. This is why the LGBT community is often the target of accusations of grooming and child abuse. This is literally what the world’s great monotheistic religions do: they groom kids into their death cult, scar them with threats of damnation for not believing, and force them to be something they are not.

Let’s not forget that a disturbingly high percentage of them will also be sexually abused, something that happens so often that TGA has run out of ways to write “Youth Pastor Abuses Children”. So, despite the fact that children are statistically safer at a drag show than a Sunday sermon, it doesn’t stop religions from using them as their major distraction.

While folks are outraged at the wrong people, they use the opportunity to try and pass laws that make the abuse of kids and women even easier. In Iraq, a draconian new law is being proposed which would make it legal for men to marry children as young as nine (you know, the age that their pedophile prophet married his favorite sex slave). The horrible taste in your mouth is the result of all the bile that’s invading it at the thought that this has a very good chance of passing.

Women and children’s rights campaigners in Iraq have pushed back at proposals that could enshrine sectarianism in family relationships, hand more power in family matters to clerics and open the door for marriage to be legalized for children as young as nine years old.

The amendments to Law No. 188, the Personal Status Law of 1959 have been heavily promoted by the Coordination Framework, a coalition of conservative Shia Islamist parties that form the largest bloc in parliament.

Wow, with that kind of endorsement, who can lose? Only the poor people who have to live in this country! This is the true face of Islam, and when they are in full control of government, it doesn’t take long for their intentions to be known. The Koran is all the justification that these perverts need to rape children that are in the most vulnerable years of their existence.

Is it the religion that attracts these pedophiles, or does it create them? It hardly matters which one. I suspect it’s both, which to me only amplifies what I have been saying for a long time: this religion is a curse on humanity, and only when the last Muslim has awakened from there toxic fever dream, realizing they supported a faith with irredeemable elements, will we ever live in peace. The marrying of child brides is but one of these toxicities that continues to plague this religion. It is but one great evil among countless others. Any rational and caring human being must reject this philosophy of submission and death before the rest of the world pays a heavy price for the fanatics within their ranks.

FFRF Wins Lawsuit Against Censorship in Texas

In a legal battle that lasted 8 years, the Freedom From Religion Foundation has won their lawsuit against Gov. Gregg Abbott, who had censored a display of the Bill of Rights back in 2016. In total, the state of Texas had to pay the organization over 350,000 dollars. The amount could have been lower, but due to the governor trying to delay a judgement that dated all the way back to 2017, it cost the taxpayers even more to settle the affair.

The lawsuit began in February 2016, after Abbott ordered removal of FFRF’s duly-approved and permitted Bill of Rights “nativity” display from the Texas state Capitol. Abbott ordered the display removed only three days after it was put up on Dec. 18, 2015, lambasting it as indecent, mocking and “contributing to public immorality.”

Now, I must admit a little bias in my reporting. You see, I’m the artists that created the display all those years ago. It was a special request, done in a style that actually mirrored the nativity display, but instead of a baby Jesus, the founding fathers are kneeling to the Bill of Rights, which had been adopted in late December 1791. Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and George Washington are the “three wise men”, and Mary is the Statue of Liberty. To say it was designed specifically to annoy Christians would be an understatement. It was created specifically to drive them nuts.

The solution to avoiding the display was simple: don’t put a nativity scene, and FFRF won’t put their display. Religious zealots like Abbott can’t help themselves, which is where this puppy comes into play. To say I’m proud of this work is an understatement. Every Christmas I look forward to this artwork appearing in the news. It’s one of the most effective ways to get under the American Taliban’s skin.

Atheists Sleep Better Than Christians

How many times have you been told as an atheist that religion helps provide comfort to people? I’ve always felt that this claim was highly suspicious. Sure, the promise of heaven might sound good (to those without a proper understanding of eternity), but there is always the threat of hell that looms. Rare is the strong believer that isn’t living in fear that they might accidentally slip-up, and spend their after-life getting pineapples shoved up their asses.

A recent study on sleep has shown that atheists sleep more hours than their religious counterparts. The study could not find the reason why, and some of their conclusions are suspect to say the least:

“Mental health is increasingly discussed in church settings — as it should be — but sleep health is not discussed,” said lead author Kyla Fergason, a student at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. “Yet we know that sleep loss undercuts many human abilities that are considered to be core values of the church: being a positive member of a social community, expressing love and compassion rather than anger or judgment, and displaying integrity in moral reasoning and behavior.

First, I’d like to point out the elephant in the room: any church that discusses mental health is totally out of their league. Pastors are not psychologists. They are literally experts in nonsense. You’re better off getting advice on mental health from a hobo off the street than you are a priest. You’re also less likely to be sexually or physically abused by avoiding these sanctimonious jackasses.

Second, you should never take Christians a their word, especially when they claim that their church emphasizes values such as love and compassion. They are far more likely to be stressed out, judgmental and angry at their current status within American society. As religion erodes from public life, believers are more and more distressed by the thought that they are no longer culturally dominant. Meanwhile, nonbelievers are sleeping like babies knowing that in a few decades, no one will be left to preach hatred, suspicion and anger anymore, and that churches will slowly crumble from lack of maintenance.

So, the conclusion is simple: if you’re having sleep problems, stop praying to a guy that wants to send you to hell for touching yourself. Sounds pretty basic, doesn’t it?

Trump Supporters Claim Harris Will Bring About Apocalypse

How do you know you’re in a death cult? Well, for starters, your first clue would be that everything you dislike is always characterized in apocalyptic terms. Don’t like rock music or rap? It’s the work of the devil, you see! Painting everything with this brush ensures that you are constantly afraid, which is another important aspect of death cults. If you’re not scared all the time, you’re doing it wrong.

Most Christians out there have no idea they are in a death cult. That’s because it’s been around for so long that folks are just accustom to it. It’s a bit like how people in wars get used to the constant bombardment around them. Eventually, they are just blind to it, despite the fact that the real danger of death has not fundamentally changed. Merely their perception of it has.

So we can’t be surprised at all by conservative christians who support Donald Trump from behaving in some very strange ways. Since they have adopted the orange turd as their messiah, the departure of Joe Biden from the presidential race, and his biracial female replacement has sent waves of fear among their most loyal supporters. Seeing the writing on the wall, many are now claiming that she is the personification of all the evils in the world:

In just the past week, popular MAGA pundits warned that Harris is “Hitler and Stalin combined but times 200,” and also a “commie” who will choose a running mate who supports “allowing men to beat up women in the Olympics.” They also expressed outrage over the opening ceremony at the Paris Olympics as the end of “Western civilization,” and singled out one woman on a Zoom fundraiser call for Harris’ campaign as another harbinger of end times.

Their list of grievances is perhaps some of the most pathetic braying in history. Transgender athletes and artistic depictions of The Last Supper are not exactly barnburner issues. If anything, it only demonstrates that the things that Christians fear as demonic is pretty milk toast. Meanwhile, this is the same group of people that want to outlaw all abortions, force the Bible to be taught in schools, and essentially blow up the separation of church and state in order to officially make America into a theocratic nightmare.

The only bit of good news in this is that Harris is genuinely terrifying these weirdos. The thing to remember is that the country is a vastly different place than when Donald won his presidency is 2016. Over 22 million baby boomers, which make up the vast majority of his base, have died since the last election. That’s a significant number, and with more young people being energized, this election is beginning to look like it could go Harris’ way. This means that as election night gets closer, you will begin to see the true desperation of these Christian Nationalists on full display. When the stakes are risen to the point of apocalyptic language, it’s difficult to predict exactly what will happen, but it’s safe to say that people should be extremely worried. Never forget that those who believe in absurdities can be easily convinced to commit atrocities.

Jeff Sharlet Interview on Christian Nationalism

If you’ve never heard of Jeff, he’s been studying Christian Nationalism before it was given that moniker. His illuminating book, “The Family”, is a must read for those interested in learning more about how religion is fusing with American politics.

In this interview, he talks about the mutation of Christianity, and what it means for the future of the country.

FFRF Lodges Formal Complaint Against Catholic League

I am not, by nature, a negative person. I like to see the best in people, and while I would like to think that I have a fairly positive outlook on life, I must admit that I have become completely disillusioned with America; specifically her commitment to secularism. The recent rulings by the Supreme Court allowing for the funding of religious charter schools, is but one of many attempts by Christians to formalize their alliance with government. School districts across the country are being forced to teach the Bible, and the 10 Commandments are popping up all over the place. The Republican nominee for President of the United States has allied himself with the religious right, and they have big plans for the country if he wins.

I wrote an article not long ago about the fact that the IRS has essentially abandoned its own rules concerning churches getting involved in politics. The punishment is simple: get involved in politics, lose your tax exempt status. For almost a decade, not one organization has been held accountable for their gross violations, and the message is clear: regardless of how blatantly churches violate this law, they will never be in any danger of facing consequences for it.

Recently, the Catholic League has been making its stance on the presidential race quite clear. Over the last several weeks, they’ve published a number of articles attacking the Democratic nominee, Kamala Harris, and said (without any proof), that she would be harmful to religious freedoms if elected. This was quickly followed by another article defending the Republican Vic-Presidential candidate, J.D. Vance, and making it abundantly clear that a “good catholic” should vote red. The Freedom From Religion Foundation is not having it, and so they’ve lodged a formal complaint with the IRS over this extremely obvious infraction.

The problem is that this is going to do absolutely nothing. There is zero probability that the IRS will get involved. If anything, by acting, they could unduly influence the results of the election by actually following their own rules. The religious right would use the opportunity to claim that they are being targeted under the Biden administration, and this would only feed their claim that Democrats are dangerous to religious freedom. The fact that the rules were never being enforced means that doing so now would look suspicious. All this toothless and pathetic organization can do is continue to allow scofflaws to operate with impunity. I cannot imagine a scenario in which violators would finally face the same fate that we all do: pay our fucking taxes. It’s as though a wealthy organization like the Catholic League thinks that not having to pay their fair share is fine, since they are busy doing “charity” work, like acting as another wing of the Republican party.

Mother Arrested in Forced Marriage Tragedy

Domestic abuse is no joke. Every year, roughly 47,000 women and young girls are killed by their partners. That translates to a sobering average of one woman being killed every 11 minutes. One of the worst offenders of DV is Islam. With it’s perpetual fear of women, it’s not enough that they force them to be constantly covered up, lest they tempt their morally repugnant men to lust. Forced marriages are still a common practice, even when these people live in democratic countries.

Ruqia Haidari was a young woman who was forced into a marriage she did not want by her mother, Sakina Muhammad Jan. The family had already been paid a bride-price, and so the mother wasn’t interested in the strong objections of her daughter. The two live in Australia, which has strict laws forbidding the practice. This did little to dissuade Jan, who told her daughter that if she did not marry a man named Mohammad Ali Halimi, she would be kicked out of the house. At only 21, Ruqia had dreams of attending school to pursue a career. Alas, it was not meant to be. Her violent and controlling husband waited only a few weeks before he slit her throat with a knife.

Now, an Australian court has found the mother guilty of breaking forced marriage laws, and was sentenced to 12 months in jail. The conviction was only made possible when members of her own religious community came forward to inform police of the situation. The irony here is that the family had moved to Australia in order to escape persecution from the Taliban. It appears that while you can take people out of religious oppressive places, you sometimes cannot get take oppression out of people. The Taliban only exists because of the willingness of people to follow edicts and rules that are disasterous, specifically to young women.

When the decision was made by the courts, unsurprisingly, Jan said she refused to accept the verdict, presumably because she still thinks she did nothing wrong. She was eventually led away by court officers. So at the end of the day, we have a young woman dead, an older one jailed, and a murderer in prison for life. I wonder if there will ever be a time when the so-called “religion of peace” will no longer cause countless tragedies. My guess is that none of us will ever live to see that day.

Outed Catholic Priest Suing Grindr Over Data Leak

If you’re a straight man, odds are you have a tertiary knowledge of an app called “Grindr”. You probably know that it’s a program used by gay men looking to hook up. It’s used extensively by religious conservatives, who have to hide their sexuality from others. One such closeted man, a now former priest by the name of Jeffrey Burrill, was forced out of the church when he was exposed as gay by an organization called The Pillar, which seeks to expose gay priests in order to demonstrate the hypocrisy of the church. This angered Burrill, who is now suing Grindr for allegedly selling his information.

The ex-priest alleged in his lawsuit that The Pillar received that data from Catholic Laity and Clergy for Renewal (CLCR), a Christian non-profit that bought data from queer dating apps to track down Church leaders using them against their vows — implying that Grindr had sold it to the organization…Burrill said he’d never have joined the app had he known his data would be available to the public, according to the lawsuit.

Now, the tricky thing here is that there is no law preventing your data from being sold. In fact, that’s how most tech companies make their money. You are just a series of numbers as far as they are concerned, and any method of making money is kosher to them. It’s difficult to see just how Burrill is going to make his case here. If he had an expectation of privacy, then he chose the wrong program to fulfill his desires. In any case, he should be taking the opportunity to grow. He’s gay, and obviously enjoys sex, which means that he’s not exactly a good fit for a religious organization that forbids both of these things from its members. Being a disgraced priest is a badge of honor for many former members of the Church, and now that he’s out of the closet, perhaps Burrill can seek a loving relationship rather than tawdry sex. Just like the part of his body he was taught was sinful, it’s never too late to grow.

Olympic Game Ceremony Drive Christians Crazy

If you’re a sports fans, odds are you may have tuned in this Saturday to watch France’s opening ceremony for the Olympics. If there had ever been a show intended to demonstrate just how much the French could piss off religious nutballs, this would be it.

The ceremony began by praising a number of historical women, which right away probably started to piss quite a few people off. However, it was their “piece de resistance” that really got to the faithful: A parody of DaVinci’s “The Last Supper”, featuring a number of non-binary and trans performers. This, apparently, was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

“The Olympics opens by making a demonic mockery of the Christian faith,” fumed one viewer, while others vented that it was “overt pagan and satanic symbolism”.

The scene, which actually depicts the Greek god Dionisius, appeared to Christians to be some sort of unholy symbol. These religious wackos are always accusing anything they don’t like of being “demonic”. It couldn’t occur to them that those “so called” demonic images have actually been poached from ancient rituals, later declared demonic by a church that was busy burning people alive for not being faithful enough. Of course, expecting Christians to know anything about the world other than their favorite dead guy is a stretch.

So, who are you going to listen to? An artist that made a kickass show, or a bunch of tight-ass religious losers who worship a bearded guy threatening hell for non-believers?


10% of Christians Left due to Sexual Assaults

In a rare move of honest, a recent study conducted by the Lifeway Academy found that nearly 10% of protestants had left the church due to sexual abuse. The survey did not ask, however, if anyone had actually been abused. You don’t have to overthink why they wouldn’t do that. They just wouldn’t like the answer.

It’s not just kids that are getting abused. It appears that plenty of other unsavory things happens to adult church goers too.

Just under half of all Protestant churchgoers surveyed said they were victims of unwanted sexual joking, unsolicited sexual messages, unwanted compliments, and inappropriate glances. Twelve percent of such respondents said they endured those unwanted things while at church.

Sounds like a gas going to these churches. Who needs a subway groper when you can just get molested or harassed in god’s house of worship? What I find very telling from the survey is that only 1/3 of respondents felt that police needed to get involved whenever a case of sexual abuse happened. What the hell is that about? What percentage of people would want police involvement if it were any other institution other than a religious one? There’s even a significant portion that want these kinds of cases handled quietly. No wonder abuse continues to happen. Who wouldn’t want to work for an organization with these kinds of brainwashed idiots?

NOTE: The survey was conducted by Lifeway, which should not to be confused with Lifewise Academy, that delightful institution constantly indoctrinating kids without the parent’s approval. What is with all of these guys and the word “Life” in their title? Is it to make everyone forget that they are essentially a death cult obsessed with blood?