Christians Get Off on Persecution

Here is the trailer for yet another Christian movie where the protagonists are living in a world where their beliefs are being persecuted. You might remember the entertaining but preposterous movie “Book of Eli”, where Denzel Washington played a blind man that had memorized the entire Bible, and as a result was the target of an evil Gary Oldman. At it’s heart, it was an action movie, which is what made it worth watching.

Unfortunately for entertainment, this premise wasn’t ludicrous enough. Now, a Christian production company has decided to make a distopia in which the Bible is made illegal, and the government forces people to have a more “inclusive” Bible. The main characters must now run all over the place with dramatic music playing in order to stop an evil government.

The comment section is pretty telling. A bunch of delusional Christians that feel as though the whole world is against them. These are the same people that are attempting to impose the Bible on everyone else, hoping to use the government as their cudgel to force it down our throats.

The agenda that is the teaching of the devil and is leading people to hell with him. Follow Christ’s teachings, and you will have eternal life. People different from you have every right to be on the same planet, but the right to enter the kingdom of heaven is given by it’s king, and his name is Jesus Christ. You will see him coming on the clouds, on the day he will judge you, and me, and all the living and the dead. The difference is, he is with me, and I am with him. Who are you with?

So basically you only really have the right to follow the Bible, and everyone else can burn in hell. What a pleasant god you believe in! No wonder his followers are all so fucking annoying: they keep thinking that if they aren’t in charge, the whole world will fall apart. This kind of fantasy is probably intended to make them believe that their attempts to undermine the separation of church and state is ultimately for the greater good. It just the kind of delusional, non-reality based thinking that these clowns are famous for.

So, whose in the mood to watch a bunch of crappy, third rate actors cry over not being able to read about how Jesus cursed a bunch of pigs. So sad.

Mormon Church Sued Over Improper Use of Tithing

If you’re a hard core listener of TGA, you might remember that we reported on a whistleblower in the LDS church that exposed its massive financial coffers: over 100 billion dollars and growing. The whistleblower reported that the Mormon church was spending practically nothing on charitable services, this despite the fact that it has told its members that their money was being used almost exclusively for such purposes. Instead, they are hoarding money, and using it on private investments that have nothing to do whatsoever with the supposed “mission” of the organization.

A group of 9 church members are now suing the church in court for failing to properly use the money they had donated for charitable purposes.

“Despite [the church’s] representations to the contrary, a substantial and significant amount of the donations it receives are not directed towards humanitarian aid, nor any other philanthropic or charitable purpose,” the suit states.

Just to give you an idea of the magnitude of the fraud, the suit has a copy of the 2007 tax form that their investment organization had. As you can see, it’s pretty egregious:

…[A] portion of a 2007 tax form on which Clarke, Ensign Peak’s CEO, declared the book value of all the fund’s assets at $1 million — when, the suit says, it was closer to $38 billion.

Only off by 3800% you say? Why, not even hucksters like Donald Trump would dare cook the books that bad. Of course, the government did so little to actually stop the fraud that it’s practically a joke. The SEC fined Ensign Peak, the group that committed the fraud, a paltry 4 million dollars for using countless shell companies to hide it’s income. That’s roughly  0.00004% of their actual fortune. To call that pathetic would be a disservice to the word. It would be more accurate to call this whole thing immense corruption, or intense cowardice. Both are likely.

The good news is that this small class action lawsuit could balloon if the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals allows the suit to go through. Meanwhile, lawyers on both sides are still trying to make their case, or in the defense’s end, to try and dismiss it. We’ll need to wait and see what the results of this are. Given the fact that the IRS hasn’t done anything to religious orgs that break their rules, I have very little faith that anything will happen. Society tends to give an infinite get-out-of-jail-free card to religion. I can’t imagine a time where that will ever change.

Trumps Followers Convinced He is the Second Coming

By now, you are all aware of the assassination attempt on Presidential candidate Donald Trump. A lone gunman, whose motives are still a mystery, shot at him but ultimately killed an innocent bystander instead, but not before grazing Trump on the ear. It was a surreal event, which is why so many people are still in shock.

Shock has now turned into the familiar cries of miracle, thanks to the gullibility of his followers. Where once they thought that perhaps he was the chosen messenger of God, now they are now certain of it. The recent Republican National Convention made it clear that this was divine providence. The people who spoke from the podium were all in unanimous agreement. God himself had stopped a bullet for this man.

With his recent brush with death, Trump seems to be convinced that he is now a God, although it is difficult to know if he has felt this way for a while now. One thing is clear: the religious right is now at his feet, ready to kiss them for the hope of entering his new kingdom, one that would be unrecognizable to the America of today.

I have to imagine that it must be a weird time for Republicans that are not evangelicals. They could always convince themselves that Trump was one of them, and was simply using religion, as they all do, to maintain the reigns of power. These rich, white men thought that they could control the more extreme religious fringe with a little money and a lot of propaganda. It is fringe no longer. Instead, Christian Nationalism, which is merely a disguised word for fascism, has become mainstream in the party. Many Congressmen are now openly calling themselves Nationalists, since it opens the door for the theocracy they have been hoping for.

As for Trump, while he may not believe in the Christian God, he knows that he is now completely interwoven into its American fabric. He is like a new prophet, and he brings with him the hopes and dreams of citizens who imagine a very different world than they live in today. This is an America to be feared and loathed. Gone would be its secular values of its founding, replaced instead with a newly mutated Christianity with Donald J. Trump as their messiah.

The followers of Trump believe so overwhelmingly in his victory that they think the rest of the country is with them. Those that aren’t will be magically swept under the rug, only to go away. This religious pipe dream has one benefit: it is completely out of touch with reality. Viewership of the RNC was at a historic low. Many Republicans are being pushed away by the more fringe factions, and the common interests of the business elite and their once easily manipulated religious allies are dwindling. Trump’s choice of running mate, another religious nutbag who is willing to anoint a man he once compared to Hitler, does little to dissuade fears of a complete religious takeover.

The right’s capitulation to Trump has sealed their fate. The moderates will either remain silent in the hope that he will go away, or they will march in step with the people that terrify them, too afraid that another 4 years of a decrepit old man will turn their country into a transgender paradise. In any case, it is a party at war with itself. The RNC had none of the old guard show up. This was a not so subtle message that his endorsement is through coercion. The long term effect of this could very well be that the party implodes on itself, since there will come an irreconcilable rift that will split it in half. Trump’s anointment is merely the beginning of that rift.

The reality of the situation is that unless Trump is willing to kill his opposition, they aren’t going anywhere. The dream that progressives will simply lay down and die is born out of faith, and not reality. To rule a country, you need consensus, and that means you must appeal to more than a lunatic branch, no matter how large. In every fascist state, lethal methods were required to maintain control. Countless artists and writers had to be eliminated or silenced to maintain order. How is this to be done in a time and place in which innumerable people express themselves on a daily basis to millions of followers?

Are the people who failed to show up to elect him in 2020 suddenly convinced to show up now? If anything, I would say that it has done little to move the needle in his direction within the party itself. The old guard hope simply to outlive him. Trump is a useful idiot no longer, and his ability to try and bridge the gap with the moderate wing of his party is all but gone. He has only several months to change their mind, but with his assassination attempt, it’s a fair bet that the religious rhetoric is about to hit the stratosphere. His choice of vice-president is more self serving than strategic. Trump wants only people willing to kiss his ring.

Lastly, it’s critical to consider what happens to his allies. Trump loyalists never get that loyalty back. Most of them are either in prison or facing bankruptcy. A presidential pardon would do little to fix their reputation. Having 20% of the population love you is not enough to compensate for the 80% who loath you. The message is clear: when you base your entire career on this man, prepare for it to be a short one.

Trump’s only hope is the electoral college. There is no chance of winning by popular vote in any case. Only by exploiting the broken, archaic system that was invented specifically to impede the voice of the people can he hope to achieve victory. He may succeed. Trump loyalists should keep in mind, however, that as you grow in strength, so do your enemies. Politics, as they say, makes for strange bedfellows. The question is this: which bed will the people chose?

The Taliban At War With Happiness

If there’s one thing that fundamentalists hate, it’s joy. They seem positively allergic to it. When all you have in your life is religion, it seems to create in a person a sense of violent superiority, and the sight of anyone enjoying their life outside of the narrow confines of faith drives them to violent madness.

In Afghanistan, the Taliban has been in power for nearly 3 years now, and in that time, they have banned things like music and dancing. Worst still, their religious thugs patrol the streets, enforcing this ludicrous ban on the simple joys that humans have.

A man by the name of Jalili Ahmad said that during his wedding, a bunch of enforces showed up to the celebration, beating him and several family members, and arresting his father-in-law for 10 days.

“They humiliated us and destroyed the best day of my life,” he said. “They are at war with happiness.”

Afghan weddings used to be the stuff of legends, with lively music and dancing to celebrate the union of two people. Now, these joyless hypocrites attack anyone that dares to shuffle their feet a little too gracefully. Well, not everyone exactly. You see, so long as you’re part of the “winning team”, you can do whatever yo like. For instance, a number of Taliban officials have been caught on video dancing in celebration after their commander’s son was born.

What a surprise that religious assholes would have different rules for people who are part of their clique. It’s always like this. Religion is just an excuse for tiny minded thugs to control the lives of others, all the while engaging freely in the things they ban. I bet you these jerks secretly drink alcohol, watch porn, and do just about everything they claim to hate. Did you ever see Osama Bin Laden’s porn stash? No? Well, that’s only because it’s never been declassified. Wonder how sick that shit was…

Six Women Accuse Kansas City Pastor of Abuse

In Jackson County, Missouri, 6 women have come together to accuse their former pastor, a man named Robert “Bobby” Hawk, of having groomed and abused them. About 3 weeks ago, a blog post written by one of his victims, a woman named Isabelle Davis, detailed Hawks grooming behavior during her attendance at the EPIC Church KC in Independence, where Hawk was the founding pastor. She wrote about how during a visit, he put his filthy hand on her inner thigh while the two were watching a movie. Naturally, he threatened her into silence.

It didn’t take long for other women who had similar experiences to read the post, and to reach out to Davis. This would have surfaced earlier, but it appears that when his victims originally came forward, they were bullied into silence:

 “We were shamed, told to stay quiet, and (were) pressured by many in the church, including Bobby, to say nothing,” Bounds said, as her older sister stood behind her and nodded in agreement. “That unfortunately led to these other girls up here with me right now on stage, also becoming the victims to assault.”

Now, things are a little different. The church no longer has the ability to threaten little girls, and so they suspended Hawk, who later resigned. Now the police are officially involved, and an investigation is under way. The victims are hopeful that some form of justice can prevail. With the statute of limitation on child rape, something that exists only because of intense lobbying by religious organizations, it’s difficult to know if any charges will stick. This is why the 6 women came forward, asking for any other victims to come forward. So far, and avalanche of testimonials has come flooding in, so there will no doubt be more people coming forward in the coming days.

Here’s hoping that these women can finally get some justice.


Gay Furries Hack Heritage Foundation

Alright, who had “gay furries try and protect democracy” on their political bingo card? Certainly not me. A few days ago, the Heritage Foundation , a conservative think tank that is the mastermind behind “Project 2025”, was hacked. Although it was difficult to determine exactly what the information pertained to, the breach royally ticked off the foundation’s executive director, Mike Howell.

The hacker group, named SiegedSec, is comprised of a gay men who dress up in smelly anime costumes and engage in something they call “yiffing”, which is just a nice word for sweaty sex. The group’s head rep, called “vio”, engaged in a rather interesting exchange with Howell, which has now gone viral. Here’s his totally non-supervillain response:

“Closeted Furries will be presented to the world for the degenerate perverts they are,” Howell said. “You cannot hide. Your means are miniscule compared to mine. You now can either turn yourself in or you can cooperate.”

When that threat did little to intimidate a group of people accustomed to being hated on, he said this little gem:

“Are you aware that you won’t be able to wear a furry tiger costume when you’re getting pounded in the ass in the federal prison I put you in next year?” Howell asked.

Threatening a group of gay men with ass pounding is not really that intimidating. In his angered state, Howell foolishly agreed to share the conversation, convinced that he would be vindicated in the end. All it shows is that when put under a microscope, he’s just as sad and vulgar as the people he so smugly looks down on.

Now I am not an advocate of wearing funny costumes and performing sweaty and smelly rituals, but I have to at least admit that one of these groups of weirdos doesn’t try and shove their perversions in my face. Furries are all consenting adults, and more importantly, they leave the rest of the world to live their own lived. Howell and his coven of sexually repressed tight-asses on the other hand are actively trying to undermine the very founding principle of their country they claim to love so dear. They are too ignorant of history to know that the European Wars of Religion had left deep scares in its refugees. Those looking for a fresh start knew the incendiary nature of faith, especially when it held the reigns of power. The separation of church and state was therefore vital in ensuring that different faiths could coexist. That, apparently, is no longer the goal.

To be honest, it should be other religious faiths fighting against Christian Nationalism. An Episcopalian or 7 Day Adventist should be more afraid of these cryptofascist than secularists. The long history of religious oppression is the result of countries having an official faith. Currently, Christian Nationalists are predominantly part of the Evangelical branch of America. To think they are at all capable of getting along with other Christian denominations is foolish and dangerous. If history is any teacher, there is only one way for religions to avoid being at the mercy of sectarian overlords: be being secular.

Will religion ever appreciate the fact that their only hope for freedom comes from people who could care less about their faith? I doubt it.

The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 359

This episode, we discuss the terror attack in Russia, a new program to arm Churches, and the hilarious hypocrisy of religion. You won’t want to miss this news update!

The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 359

Evangelical Pastor Smacked Wife For Getting Flight Upgrade

If you ever hear someone say that it takes a special kind of person to be a pastor, try to respond in a calm and civilized manner that they are severely mistaken, instead of smacking them in the face. It may be tempting, I know, but violence towards others is wrong, and only the lowest of the low ever feel the need to engage in such tomfoolery.

Well, not just the lowest of the low. It appears that an evangelical pastor named Roger Allan Holmberg, aged 75, was arrested after he struck his wife on an airplane. The incident began when she was upgraded to First Class, which royally ticked off her husband, an impotent pastor who has a history of abuse.

Holmberg’s wife, who was not noticeably bruised or bleeding, told authorities that her husband “had a history of abusing her,” and recounted the story about Holmberg having broken her finger last September, the complaint states. She said that Holmberg “struck her in the head with the back of his knuckles” aboard the plane, adding that Holmberg “knew [she] had epilepsy and that contact to [her] head could cause a seizure,” the complaint continues.

Of course, Holmberg tried to defend his actions, saying that he has often been disrespected by his wife. He claims not to be a violent person, but this is the same typical bullshit spewed by abusers. They are never the source of the problem.

He now faces up to a year in jail. Considering that he’s done nothing to take responsibility for his actions, he may not get much mercy from the court. I hope that his wife gets some sense and divorces this asshat. It’s probably too much to expect his congregation to hold him accountable. We all know how quick evangelicals are at forgiving abuse, so long as it’s a woman getting the brunt end of it.

Pastor Gets Pathetic Fine for Using Church Donations to Run for Office

What is the point of a law if it is never enforced? I ask this question because there is one law in America that is violated so often , that it might as well cease to exist. The law in question was created over half a century ago, as part of the rules enforcing a kind of political neutrality for churches. If they wished to maintain their tax-exempt status, the law says that you cannot endorse or coerce your flock into voting for a particular candidate. Violation of this law is supposed to be the removal of their tax exempt status. So, you might be wondering, how many times has the IRS actually bothered to enforce this law? How about zero?

Since 1996, Americans United for Separation of Church and State has reported 125 churches to the IRS because we believe that they engaged in partisan political activity. Throughout the 1990s and into the 2000s, the IRS Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division (TE/GE) appeared to be working hard to ensure that all houses of worship played by the rules. But it seems that since the IRS lost its case against the Living Word Christian Center in 2008, it has essentially abandoned enforcement of the no-politicking rule. Notwithstanding the “settlement” reached with another organization over this matter in 2014, I am unaware of any enforcement activity in the last eight years.

That’s right. The IRS has essentially abandoned the idea, even when the violations are so ludicrous that it should have been automatic. Take the case of West Texas pastor Scott Beard. Beard decided to run for public office, and it was discovered that not only was he preaching from the pulpit, but he actually embezzled church funds in order to do so. His penalty? A 3,500 dollar fine.

Beard, who was fined $3,500, showed a “lack of good faith” in accepting the donations and in posting campaign signs on church property for his unsuccessful Abilene City Council race despite the commission’s warnings against doing so, it found.

What is the lesson here? Considering that what he did is against the law, you would think that some serious repercussions would result. Instead, the IRS fined the pastor a pathetic 3500 dollars, which is the kind of ticket you get for pouring oil on your lawn. The IRS is within its power to revoke the tax-exempt status of the church, but instead, they issued a fine so small, it might as well have been a slap on the wrist. The message to other pastors wishing to obliterate the separation of church and state is clear: so long as you’re the right religion, no one in government will stop you from violating laws in order to push your political agenda.

Aussie Christians Threatens Violence Over Artwork

If you thought that only Muslims react with threats of violence over the depiction of their religion, you would be mistaken. In Sydney, Australia, an artist by the name of Philjames was harassed after he painted a picture of Jesus and Mary with cartoon faces. The city council chose to act after it received over 60 calls from protesters, deciding that for the safety of everyone involved, the artwork would be taken down.

Liverpool mayor Ned Mannoun called for the removal of the painting in the face of what he called “many complaints from numerous residents who were disgusted and offended that Liverpool Council was displaying this artwork”.

They were so disgusted, that they felt that death threats and other extreme reactions were fine. So fine, in fact, that one Christian leader congratulated everyone on a job well done:

Charlie Bakhos, the founder of conservative Catholic group, Christian Lives Matter, told supporters…“This is another attack on Christianity we have managed to put a stop to thanks to everyone’s support. Let’s keep defending our faith respectfully and we will get results as Jesus is on our side.”

Respectfully? These morons literally threatened violence over a cartoonish depiction of their messiah, and they consider this just another Sunday. Not only that, but they managed to pressure the city council into stifling free speech, simply with a few threatening phone calls.

My hope is that this will result in more unwanted attention for these assholes, who think that the best way to articulate their faith in their so-called loving god is to act like a bunch of violent thugs. It seems that the lessons they have learned from their Muslim counterparts is finally paying off. If you can’t justify your religion in the modern world, then just scream as loud as you can, and make sure to use any means necessary to stop people from making fun of you. If a few people have to get hurt or killed, that’s just the price of doing business. What a bunch of disgusting losers.

LifeWise Academy Using Copyright Claim to Silence Man

In 2021, a man named Zachary Parrish was shocked when his daughter’s teacher enrolled her in a LifeWise “class” without his permission. Angered, he decided to volunteer with the organization to learn more about it. He was able to gain access to their core materials, which he promptly posted online for others to see.

“My view is that it’s a parental rights thing,” Parrish told The Dispatch. “I feel that any parent who wants to send their kids there should have access to this information.”

In response, LifeWise has decided to sue Parrish, claiming that they have suffered from “revenue loss” due to him publishing the material. They also feel that he is unjustly maligning them. Now, this butthurt organization, unhappy that people can actually read for themselves what kind of crazy bullshit they are peddling, is using copyright law to try and prevent this information from coming out.

Considering how powerful copyright law is, and how rich the organization is, Parrish is fighting an uphill battle. In my opinion, the solution here would be to write a detail summary of all the course material, complete with commentary and opinion. This would place it squarely into the realm of fair use, which would insulate him from their litigiousness.

I think it’s pretty telling how nervous LifeWise is at people finding this stuff out. In any case, now that it’s out there, I doubt they will be able to put a lid on it. This is the “Streisand Effect” that people often refer to: when trying to bury a story actually amplifies it. I think it’s time that people fight back against this sinister attempt to indoctrinate kids with their toxic bullshit.

Personally, I’d like to thank Parrish for all he’s doing to expose them. We need more people like him taking a stand and telling these religious zealots to leave our kids alone.

MAGA Pastor Thinks 10 Commandments Solves Everything

The 10 Commandments is perhaps the most overhyped, and underwhelming list of “moral precepts” that the world has ever seen. I’ve mentioned this in the past, but it’s worth repeating here: Apart from the commandments not to murder, all the other “rules” are too rigid and useless to follow.

For example, we are told not to steal. But what is someone to do if their child is starving, and the only way to feed them is to steal a loaf of bread? As for not “coveting” their neighbors wife, let’s not forget that this is done under the guise of property, and not because of the “sanctity of marriage”, since this list was written when men had multiple wives and concubines. It would also fly in the face of American capitalism, which seems to be a favorite among evangelicals.

Moral absolutes do nothing to help navigate the complicated ways in which we live our lives. This is why humans have spent thousands of years agonizing over morality, and this has produced many fantastic works of philosophy that we are still trying to grasp today. So the 10 commandments isn’t about morality. It’s about control, as even religious morons are willing to openly admit.

Enter MAGA pastor Jack Gibbs. Gibbs is part of the Christian Nationalist movement, and believes will all his heart, and none of his brain, that when schools are forced to display the 10 commandments, everything will change in society:

“If [The 10 Commandments are] obeyed, everybody’s going to live, nobody’s going to get murdered, and kids are going to stop lying about what happened to their homework, and teachers are not going to be raping kids anymore,” Hibbs said in a recent broadcast.

What fantasy is this guy living in, where an outdated and frankly useless list of rules magically eliminates all crime and stops child abuse? Gibbs, like all his religious counterparts, seem to conveniently forget that countless pastors, deacons and bishops have been raping kids for thousands of years, and only recently has the scale of the abuse surfaced. Assuming that religion cures all ills is exactly why these abuses happened. All a pedo has to do is dress up in a religious outfit, say a few prayers, and bingo, he’s in candyland. Because of the status religious folks automatically give to these creeps, and because of how the churches shelter abusers, it’s the best gig in town if you’re a depraved human being.

Here’s the only thing you need to know about religious hucksters like Gibb: they will do everything in their power to destroy America as it is today, only to replace it with a confusing, contradictory and chaotic theocracy that eats itself from the inside. I have a question for supporters of Christian Nationalism: what type of Christianity is going to rule exactly? The number of denominations are too many to count, and let’s not forget that they tend not to get along very well. In fact, most theocracies are in a state of constant conflict.

Wow, that sounds amazing! Where do I sign up?

Oklahoma wants to force Bible Study from Grade 5-12

Oklahoma Superintendent, and all around douchebag Ryan Walters has demanded that school in Oklahoma teach the Bible for grades 5-12, in a move that’s been condemned by civil rights group as an obvious violation of the separation of church and state. Because Republicans have no idea what this concept means, they are convinced that because many Americans have historically believed in the Bible, that it must mean that this book was vital in the development of the nation. This therefore justifies in their mind that the book must be imposed on people who do not share their pathetic faith.

“The Bible is an indispensable historical and cultural touchstone,” Walters said in a statement. “Without basic knowledge of it, Oklahoma students are unable to properly contextualize the foundation of our nation which is why Oklahoma educational standards provide for its instruction.”

Let’s get real for a moment here. Christians who have never really delved very deeply into this book are always told that it’s full of wisdom and moral lessons. In reality, it bares all the hallmarks of a book written thousands of years ago. It’s filled with superstitious nonsense (like the idea that women on their periods are unclean, or that curses can be put on people), violent and pointless stories of death, and literally hundreds of instances of rape. If it was made into a movie, it would resemble House of a Thousand Corpses.

You may recall that this is just the beginning of a nationwide assault on educational institutions by Christian Nationalists. Louisiana is forcing teachers to display the 10 Commandments, and Texas is also trying to get in on the action. Y’all ready to live under the American Taliban?

Rich Mega Pastor Is Hilariously Out of Touch

If you’ve never heard of Joel Osteen, consider yourself lucky. In America, there exists a certain breed of hucksters called “prosperity pastors”, who claim that the secret to a good life is to give a ridiculous amount of money to the church (something they call “seeding” instead of “fleecing”). This, they claim, will be rewarded by God, who apparently counts every penny you give to these assholes.

When he isn’t busy turning away the needy, he’s on social media, saying dumb shit like this:

“It’s the simple things in life that bring us the most joy. You may not have a lot of resources, but if you have family, you’re blessed. If you have your health, you’re blessed. If you can look up at the stars at night, you’re blessed.”

The response has been pretty brutal. Many people are pointing out that his insane wealth is anything but simple, and were also quick to point out his hypocrisy.

Personally, I wouldn’t even mind guys like Osteen if they were preaching to the rich. God knows that some of those assholes could stand to lose a few bucks. However, most followers of prosperity gospels are disproportionally poor, and often, they seek the church as a way to potentially get rich, which they think can be done by giving money they could have otherwise used for other purposes. In reality, prosperity gospel have some of the poorest congregants, specifically because of how much they are taxed by the church.

Don’t just take my word for it. There are people out there that have escaped the clutches of these scam artists, and they have a lot of unkind words to say:

Missiologist Paul Borthwick tells of a trip to Ghana, where he witnessed a 300-pound preacher appeal to his body as proof that God had blessed him, and would bless his listener’s seed-money as well. “When you live in poverty” the missionary with Borthwick said, “you don’t want to feel loved. You want God’s power to make you prosper. . . . [T]hey have been taught [that] money is the way to release the power.”

The prosperity gospel isn’t just bad theology. It’s a form of oppression.

Personally, it’s all a grift to me. Some are just more hard-core than others, that’s all.



Christians Face Political Division and Abandonment

It always fascinates me the way that religious people try and justify the reasons for why their sales pitch isn’t landing anymore. Some say that it’s trust in institutions in general that has eroded people’s faith. Others point to the fact that the increasingly worrisome behavior of Christians Nationalists have turned people off to their religion.

Still, you can’t expect a person who’s livelihood is dependent on the continued existence of these man made religions to have much insight as to why people are leaving in droves. Keep in mind that religious organizations are some of the richest groups on earth, and they have a near unlimited amount of funds that they could use to set an example, and to attract people due to their good works. Instead, they all behave similarly: their greed and avarice is obvious to all. The Mormon church has a financial portfolio of over 100 billion dollars. They could literally end world hunger tomorrow. Imagine how many new converts they would have with such a move.

IT also seems telling that no one has answered that the decline of religion occurred at the same time that the Internet began to have more influence in our lives. This means that people were able to learn more about their religion, and in almost every case, this tends to make people less religious.