Another beautiful Carl Sagan video

How can anyone think that it’s we, the materialists, that lack imagination and poetry? What could be more poetic, more humbling than the natural world? I’m not sure how anyone who listens to classic Carl Sagan can imagine their own fairy tale bullshit is more “inspired”. Nonsense is never more compelling than objective reality, especially if you bother to actually study it.

Carl Sagan vs creationists

Oh Carl, why did a random mutation in your cells have to lead to your ultimate and early demise? We could certainly use you now to debate the same pathetic arguments that creationists were, and still are using. Where are all the transitional fossils? Where the fuck is the proof of your non-theory?

More Vintage Carl Sagan

Carl Sagan and what appears to be a pirate/astronomer discuss the search for extra-terrestrial life, and why the advances of science obliterates belief.

“It used to be possible to believe in a personal, benevolent, powerful all-knowing god…but now there are very few people who believe that”. Man, I wish that was true, Carl. I think at that time he may have been a little isolated from what life is like for people who don’t spend their time studying the Universe. It’s always easy to be ignorant.

Vintage Carl Sagan

Back when Venus was still such a mystery. Looks like Sagan’s guess was a pretty good one, huh?

Carl Sagan’s last interview

It’s awesome to watch this interview, but watching him with his hair falling out kind of makes me think about losing him, and even worse, it makes me think about the fading of Christopher Hitchens as well. Damn you to Hell, cancer!

Carl Sagan Remix!

Here’s a really awesome tribute to Carl Sagan. Who knew he was so techno?

Pale Blue Dot

We need a new Carl Sagan.