Bigoted Cardinal accuses gays of discrimination

You have to love Catholics: the more they are exposed as the homophobic, sexual predator harboring bigots they are, the more they go on the offensive, accusing everyone in sight of “discriminating” against them. The Vatican knows a good offense is the best defense (blood libel and the Crusades comes to mind here), and this is just them playing the old “blame game”. It doesn’t matter that the only ones actually discriminating is the Church; this isn’t exactly an organization that gives a shit about annoying things like “the truth”. The latest outrageously ignorant shit coming out of the Catholic Church is a statement by a Cardinal that Christians are being persecuted by gays, and no, this isn’t some kind of sick joke:

Freedom of thought and expression is under threat from the gay rights movement, said Cardinal Giacomo Biffi, the retired archbishop of Bologna, in memoirs that are published on Thursday. And the result is that those people who disagreed with the homosexual agenda are being ostracized by society, he said.

Is it still permitted … to be faithful and consistent disciples of the teaching of Christ … or must we prepare ourselves for a new form of persecution, promoted by homosexual activists, by their ideological accomplices, and even by those whose task it should be to defend the intellectual freedom of all, including Christians?”

Damn the gays and their bullshit agenda to gain the same rights as their hetero counterparts! I mean, Christians should have the intellectual freedom to discriminate against jews, umm, I mean gays without fear of being called antisemitic (sorry, I mean homophobic), am I right?

This whole thing makes me think about an article written by a young gay teen who warns of the psychological impact of being vilified and hated your whole life.

And all of you who don’t have to undergo this horror daily, it’s up to you to help. Don’t stand by and let hatred go on. Don’t sit back and watch your friends be discriminated against. Reach out and help those who might need it.

That article, by the way, was taken down by administrators at his school in Minnesota. You can’t have this kind of gay propaganda floating around the Internet! Why, it might just make suicidal teens think twice about blowing their heads off from all the pain, shame and isolation they feel. Better to let guys like Cardinal Biffi continue to “express” their intellectual freedom unhindered, right?

Or maybe all of this is a call to arms for the rest of us who allow pieces of shit like Biffi to spew his filthy hatred without consequence. Let’s defend our friends and loved ones who have to battle against these fuckfaces, shall we?

Church of Ireland loses millions after collapse of AIB shares

I don’t normally take pleasure in the failures of others, but I’m willing to make an exception when it comes to corrupt institutions. That’s why I cracked a little smile today when I read the Church of Ireland lost over 17 million dollars when the value of their shares in AIB plummeted.

Of course, what sucks here is the near collapse of this bank has ended up costing Irish taxpayers a bundle (since in today’s modern world, we can’t let “banks fail”), but if it’s any comfort, the Church now has less money to pay the pensions of retired priests that raped children. Small comfort, I know, but I try to take joy in the little things…

Apologies are not enough

When is the Catholic Church going to learn their bullshit apologies aren’t enough, especially when pieces of shit like James Robinson were allowed to operate for over 4 decades. And then they wonder why people are leaving their fold in record numbers…

Australia gets their first Demi-God

If you aren’t from down under, odds are you’ve never heard of Mary MacKillop, also known as Saint Mary of the Cross. A few days ago the Vatican canonized her, making Mary the first Australian to get this “demi-god” status. In order to receive that canonization, Mary had to have two miracles attributed to her, and as you’ve probably guessed by now, the supposed miracles were people being “cured” of cancer.

In today’s modern world, it’s more and more difficult for the Vatican to canonize people, for the simple reason science has exposed supposed miracles as merely statistical inevitability. Some people who have cancer occasionally get better, and a small percentage of those attribute it to the superstitious activity they were engaged in at the time. Veronica Hopson, Mary’s first alleged miracle, claimed to have been cured when the nuns brought cloth that MacKillop had worn. It’s just gris-gris bullshit, but this weak-sauce was enough to convince religious rubes something amazing happened. Pretty shitty miracle if you ask me, but is there any other kind?

The really interesting element in this story is the one no one is talking about: During Mary’s own life, she was excommunicated for exposing a pedophile priest (who was sent back to Ireland). It was only later she was re-instated (when the guy who did it was on his death bed), but I think by now it should be pretty obvious why this part of the story only gets glossed over in most news stories. The Vatican is desperate for some good news, but as usual, the stench of pedophilia is everywhere.

Luckily not every Australian is happy about the news of this canonization, and a few bright people have been trying in vain to expose the ludicrous notion two cancer cures qualify as a miracle. As usual, the voices of rationality will always be silenced by the droning of the faithful who will always prefer comfort over the truth.

The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 161

This week, Ryan and I talk about a huge variety of subjects, from a Montreal girl getting killed for not praying enough, to the Vatican condemning in-vitro fertilization to Nobel prize winner Professor Robert Edwards for his role in human ‘genocide’.

The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 161

Vatican wants Christians to “Get it on”

A senior official at the Vatican is urging Christians to have more children, in light of the fact Muslims have, on average, more kids than their Catholic counterparts. They are visibly nervous over the prospect of the religion overtaking Christians in terms of sheer numbers, and they believe more warm bodies are needed to counter this.

I actually have a simpler idea that will help everyone. It’s a well known fact if you want to stop people from breeding, you need to educate them; in other words, to get people to stop fucking, put a damn book in their hands. It’s not rocket science, people.

If the church is serious about this, I think they should offer some financial incentives to their flock. Give them a bunch of money for having kids, or offer some sweet prizes, like the finger of Francis of Assisi for anyone that has 20 kids or more! If you want people to face more poverty and strife just so your numbers look more impressive, you’re going to have to be creative!

So close, yet so far away…

Can you imagine being so right and still reaching the wrong conclusion? He’s absolutely correct in pointing out the fact Heaven and Hell (and religion) is merely a social construct made to control people. So if he gets it, why the hell does he still choose to believe in God? Why can he not see the concept itself as the construct, and not merely the institutions built around this idea? If he also felt churches keep people in a child-like state, why was he part of this tradition if it keeps mankind from growing up? And why am I so fucking mad right now?!

The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 149

This week, Ryan and I talk about preacher Benny Hinn and his scamming ilk, why sexual education is so terrible, and why the Catholic church is so interested in being ‘fruitful’.

The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 149

Scumbag priest wants to keep his job

In 1975, when Father Brendan Smyth was accused of molesting two young boys, Cardinal Sean Brady was present when the victims were coerced into signing oaths of silence. All told, Smyth went on to have a “prolific” career as a child rapist, abusing an estimated 100 kids. He died of a heart attack in 1997, after serving only one month in jail for his crimes. His victims were able to have the title “Reverend” removed from his gravestone, but apart from that, justice was never truly served.

Now, Cardinal Brady, the man who claims he did not have the authority to turn Smyth in to police, has refused to step down from his position even with mounting pressure from the public due to the rash of abuse scandals plaguing the Catholic Church. He seems to be under the impression he did nothing wrong, and he desperately wants to “maintain the momentum towards better child safeguarding” (cause it’s been working out great so far, buddy).

If you can’t even dismiss a guy who did nothing to stop a known child molester, how exactly is the Catholic Church on their way to help “purge” the plight of sexual predators from among their midst? It’s quite obvious no one is really taking this issue seriously. Brady should be in jail for what he did (or more specifically, what he didn’t do), but he won’t even do something as basic as stepping down as Cardinal. What makes people believe this corrupt institution will do anything to prevent these kinds of tragedies from happening in the future?

Top American in Vatican implicated in abuse scandal

So let me get this straight: the Vatican’s top American cleric was exposed in an abuse scandal, and they punished the guy who ousted him by canning him? Yeah, there is not conspiracy to conceal and protect child rapists in the Catholic Church… In other news, up is down, and wet is dry!

Catholic Church says it’s society that’s full of pedophiles

Typically if you get caught with your hand in the cookie jar (a rather generous metaphor considering these pederast pieces of shit were raping kids), it’s not a good idea to blame someone else for your crime. Not only does it give everyone the impression you are incapable of admitting to your guilt; it totally undermines people’s future trust in you. That’s why I find the continued denial of the Church regarding sexual abuse scandals so baffling; surely they must secretly want the public to slowly turn on them or something.

How else can you explain the baffling shit they keep on saying? Take the latest statement from Archbishop Dadeus Grings; he claims adolescents are “spontaneously gay”, and society at large is pedophile, not their institution.

“When sexuality is trivialized, it’s clear that this is going to affect all cases. Homosexuality is such a case. Before, the homosexual wasn’t spoken of. He was discriminated against.
“When we begin to say they have rights, rights to demonstrate publicly, pretty soon, we’ll find the rights of pedophiles,” he said.

Today’s scapegoats have pink triangles on their shoulder rather than stars of David, but the idea is still the same: blame all of your problems on someone else so no one has time to realize you’re really the one who is corrupt, evil, and twisted. If you think I’m painting with too broad a brush, consider the fact this douche also claimed the number of Jews murdered in the Holocaust has been grossly exaggerated, and more Catholics were actually killed in the whole affair. Yeah, these guys are really interested in being factual and truthful, don’t you find?

More pedophile priests get exposed

More pedophile priests are being exposed on an almost daily basis it seems, and from the look of things, I doubt we’re finished having to read about the terrible deeds of these sick fucks. Today’s pederast is Father Roger Vangheluwe, the Bishop of Bruges in Belgium, who stepped down recently after a commission was set up to investigate priestly abuse received a letter regarding offenses he had committed years ago.

Over the past decades, I asked for the forgiveness of him and his family,” added Mr Vangheluwe. “But the media storm of the past few weeks only reinforced his trauma. It was not tenable any more. I regret what I did and offer my most sincere apologies to the victim, his family, all the Catholic community and society.”

If you’re wondering why this pederast piece of shit isn’t in jail, it’s because the statute of limitations ran out some time ago, so he’s free to enjoy his life without having to worry about paying for his crimes. Instead of justice, his victim gets an apology, which sounds about as awesome as getting a “Cleveland steamer” from a homeless guy on your birthday.

Just another priest who will get to live out his days free from prosecution for his crimes, all thanks to Ratzinger’s informative memo which left specific instructions priests should not discuss any abuse with police until specifically 10 years after their 18th birthday. Of course, that had nothing to do with a systematic cover-up to protect pedophilia at the highest levels of power, right?

Vatican’s financial woes have only just begun

If you were wondering why the Church worked so diligently to cover up the abuse of pederast priests, you can bet a big part of the motivation is money (like so much in this world). The Guardian is reporting tithing is expected to drop significantly in Italy and other countries. Ever year, the Church makes about €900m in donations, but faced with the growing reality the head of their organization was helping protect known pedophiles from prosecution, the number is expected to drop significantly.

With many Catholics across Europe saying the scandals have robbed them of their faith, there is a risk that this year’s income could be much lower. In Germany, where church membership is registered and has a direct impact on church funds, pollsters for Focus magazine this month found that 26% of Catholics were reconsidering their religious allegiance.

Only 26% had their faith shaken by the systematic cover-up of child rape? Why is anyone still giving money to these monsters? There still hasn’t been any action taken against those responsible for raping kids, and the Vatican continues to affirm all of this is “petty gossip”, even as the evidence continues to mount. It’s like the captain of the Titanic assuring everyone the rumors circulating around of a collision with a gigantic iceberg are “petty gossip”, even as water is rushing into the cabins.

A History of Pedophilia

Here’s a little history lesson on how long the church has been dealing with priests raping children. The scariest thing? That there’s been internal discussion regarding the handling of pedophile priests for over 1500 years, and these winners still haven’t managed to do anything about it. I’d say it just seems to be getting worse, but it’d probably be naïve to think things weren’t much, much worse back when no one dared question the authority of the church.

The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 131

Another week, and another TGA podcast! With Ryan still in Tennessee visiting his folks, I’ve asked friend of the show Jeff Jones to help host the show. We discuss more allegations of pedophilia in the Catholic church and their pathetic response to it, how the South Park creators are being threatened by a radical Muslim group, and why earthquakes are caused by women in revealing clothes.

The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 131