More priestly abuse surfaces in Brazil

Slowly but surely, it looks as though the real scope of abuse by Catholic priests around the world is only slowly surfacing. Every other day, it seems as though a new pedophile is being exposed. The latest scandal comes from Brazil, which has more Roman Catholics than any other country in the world. The man in question, Luiz Marques Barbosa, was exposed when a TV station showed a sex tape of him with a 19 year old boy who has been under his employ for over 4 years, and he’s just one of many Latin American religious leaders currently under investigation.

Barbosa (who sounds like a villain in a cheesy Mario Van Peebles action romp) and two other priests are accused of abusing boys as young as 12 years of age. Barbosa continues to deny the fact he’s a pederast, although his only “defense” so far is a confusing jumble of inconsistencies; first, he claimed no abuse is going on, then he isn’t gay, followed immediately by accusing homosexuals of being the real cause of pedophilia, and finally ending by saying he would talk about this in confession only. Fuck I hate that garbage; this has become their hateful de-facto statement the Church makes every time someone mentions the fact that people who work for them are raping children. Even if there was a link between homosexuality and pedophilia (and trust me, there isn’t), the real question on everyone’s mind right now is why the head of the organization systematically sheltered known child rapists from prosecution, and why no one is doing anything about it. This whole business of blaming gays for the problem is nothing more than the typical Church M.O.: blame a scapegoat. If this was the 16th century, they would have just blamed the Jews for casting evil spells on them, and ordered a good old fashion massacre to get everyone’s mind off the real offenders.

It’s nice to see these pedophiles being exposed in religiously orthodox countries; it shows the power of the Church to silence these acts is seriously waning. It’s too early to tell how many more of these pieces of shit are going to be exposed, but it’s encouraging to think perhaps some measure of justice can be had here. To date, no one has actually been arrested, but my hope is the Brazilian government will grow some fucking balls and put abusers where they belong: behind heavy metal bars.

Spanish Bishop says children at fault for seducing priests

Looks like some priests aren’t content to just blame homosexuality for the rampant abuse of children; Bernardo Álvarez, the Bishop of Tenerife in Spain, had this to say about the recent scandals:

There are 13 year old adolescents who are under age and who are perfectly in agreement with, and what’s more wanting it, and if you are careless they will even provoke you

I think this is called the “Lolita” defense, and it sounds about as convincing as you might imagine. All those kids who were sodomized against their will were really just asking for it, shaking their prepubescent little booties around, wearing tight t-shirts with the Transformer logo, and smelling of bubble gum and candy. The whores! How dare they tempt these poor Holy men of the cloth with their sexy, completely underdeveloped bodies?

So to recap, the people to blame are homosexuals (for spreading their sin around town) and overly sexed kids, who continually tempt priests with their erotic use of the word “dude”. You wouldn’t want to place the blame on pederast pieces of shit who have ruined the lives of thousands of innocent children; why, that would just be wrong and an insult to the memory those poor, downtrodden priests who did nothing more than “give” those horny kids what they were begging for!

The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 130

Welcome back to another episode of The Good Atheist. Even though we’re separated by hundreds of kilometers (learn the metric system, people), Ryan and I have used Skype to make the show possible, and just in time to keep talking about the Catholic church and how the scandal keeps growing day by day. We also talk about working out again, and why it’s hard to be the only person on the dance floor.

The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 130

Bill Donohue does it again!

I dream of the day when I no longer have to say the name Bill Donohue, for every time I do, a little bit of sick makes its way into my mouth. The fact that mainstream media continues to give him a platform to speak proves how shallow and uneducated they are. The latest words out of his poisonous mouth regarding the allegations of priestly sexual abuse (the subsequent attempt to conceal these activities) goes something like this: It wasn’t child rape because the kids were post-pubescent at the time (and were therefore just “sexy” teenagers).

Maybe Bill is a little confused as to the relative age of consent. According to him, if you’re above 12 years of age and a clergyman forcefully shoves his dick in your mouth, it’s in actually consensual gay sex (and silly you for thinking otherwise!). So in Bill’s view, the controversy surrounding the Vatican isn’t about child rape, but homosexuality.

Surely there are Catholics out there who are genuinely disgusted and outraged Bill could say such a thing while representing the interest of their institution. Unfortunately for them, the ones in power have no real interest in seeking justice for the victims; they simply want to avoid having to admit their culpability and end up paying billions of dollars in compensation. They would rather blame everything on gays and atheists rather than take a long hard look at the corruption and rot present in their own church.

Keep being the same old you, Bill. You do more to help atheism than you can possibly imagine.

Sinead O’Connor was way ahead of her time

Man, remember when Sinead O’Connor tore up the picture of Pope John Paul II saying “fight the real enemy”? Well imagine she did that same stunt today but with Raztinger’s picture instead; I’m not sure she would cause as big a firestorm now. I can’t imagine how much courage it took back then to take a stand against such a large institution, but we owe a lot to the bravery of folks like Sinead who chose to speak their mind even when it wasn’t the popular thing to do. It might seem trivial today to be able to call on the resignation and punishment of religious leaders over their treatment of children, but only a decade ago that was some pretty taboo shit.

US priest accused of molesting hundreds of boys

Pope Benedict XVI is again being implicated in another abuse scandal, this time out of the state of Wisconsin. Reverend Lawrence C. Murphy worked in a school for deaf children, and while Benny was alerted in two letters that the priest had been suspected of molesting dozens of children, he failed to do anything at all. Unsurprisingly, Murphy was transferred from the school when the heat got too high to another parish where he continued to have unfettered access to young children. In all, it’s estimated he may have molested over 200 young boys.

I have to wonder what kind of spin the Vatican is going to try to put on this story; it’s yet another clear example of Ratzinger’s complete indifference towards the plight of abused children by the hands of his own employees. If he was a manager at a Denny’s he would not only have already been fired, he would also have gone to jail for failing to report such serious crimes to the police. But no; since he’s a religious figure living in his own tiny country, no one can touch him. I have to agree with Hitchens on this and say there’s a serious stink of evil coming from the new Pope (even though I hate this kind of rhetoric). We can only hope his failures as both a cardinal and a Pope are enough to make his sheep realize they’ve put their trust in the wrong man. I won’t hold my breath…

Billionaire donation to Catholic church fulfills “pact with God”

Albert Gubay, founder of Kwik Save (a grocery chain in the UK) has put his business into a trust in order to keep a promise he made to an invisible sky deity after he asked his help to become a millionaire. Now, at 82, this Catholic is now donating almost a billion dollars to various Roman Catholic charities (you may recall these are the same institutions that use homeless people and orphans as pawns in their fight against equal rights for gays).

I know what you’re thinking; how awesome would this headline be if it said “pact with the Devil” instead? It would certainly highlight the fact it wasn’t a pact with a supernatural entity that made this guy successful, but rather hard work and determination (and probably stepping on a few throats too I assume). I’ve never been a huge fan of charities (especially not the religious kind), but it is nice this guy feels the need to donate such a large amount to those less fortunate; I just wish it wasn’t all tied to a religious organization that places the well being of molesting priests above that of children.

The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 126

This week, Jeff joined me to share some of his thoughts on the Catholic Church denying gays the right to adopt, and the plight of women in Afghanistan (and something about me being your crack dealer).

The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 126

Abuse is not an opportunity for redemption

The aspect I find the most disturbing of the Catholic faith (and there are many things, let me assure you) is their singular obsession with sin. Since Jesus is supposedly commissioned with forgiving us and, in ritual consumption of his flesh and blood, absorb these supposed sins, it’s a cottage industry of suffering and redemption.

Their obsession with salvation is like a giant set of blinders that makes even the most well-meaning priest unable to see the very corruption and villainy of his own institution. In some cases, the need to defend this organization stretches the limits of imagination, and more particularly, sanity. The National Post (perhaps my least favorite Canadian newspaper) has a resident man of the cloth, Father Raymond D’Souza, that they call upon every once in a while to try and explain away the ludicrous actions and behavior of the world’s single biggest religious organization. As you would expect, it’s a bunch of apologetic nonsense:

Aside from the sins themselves, the principal failing of the scandals is that those who should have been seized with moral outrage reacted instead as bureaucratic managers seeking damage control. The Lord Jesus willed the Church to be governed by bishops, not bureaucrats.

So is “bureaucracy” his way of explaining away the rape of children and the subsequent cover-up of this “boy’s club”? I can assure you in even the most corrupt non-religious organization, it’s doubtful anyone would knowingly protect known child molesters (can you imagine any major corporation surviving such a scandal?). Even in fucking prisons (a place bustling in “sin”), it’s understood child molesters need to be kept separate from the general population, otherwise there’s a chance their stay might be “cut” a little short. But wait, it gets better:

If the Church should be the place where more cases are exposed rather than fewer, that is for the good, for there is the possibility of grace and healing. Consequently, if the Church as a whole feels the pain of shame and disgrace, that can be an expiatory suffering for a sexually dissolute and depraved age. Expiatory suffering is, amongst other salvific things, what the Church exists for.

Let me tell you something: there is no amount of shame or pain the Church can feel that will ever fucking compare to what a child victimized by rape has to go through, not even by a long shot. Even if all guilty individuals were exposed and prosecuted to the full extent of the law, it does not change the fact the Catholic Church systematically protected these men and sheltered them from their crimes. If anything, these scandals have highlighted the fact they have lost all of their supposed ability to redeem anyone of sin. How dare D’Souza call this world “depraved” and sexually dissolute when these are problems in his own Church rather than society at large? The rest of us are not so morally blind as to shelter and protect those who would harm innocent children. So far I find the only thing depraved here is the indifference the author has over the fact that the very institution he is trying to defend is so corrupt as to be unable (and unwilling) to punish known child rapists. How much more scandal do believers need before they shake off their delusional bubble and finally say “enough is enough”?

Religious conservatives angry over atheist White House visit

For the first time in the history of unbelief, atheists are starting to have a voice. Recently, a coalition of secularists and atheists met with the Obama Administration to talk about three pressing issues: the death of kids due to “faith healing”, the increased presence of religion in the military, and faith based initiatives.

Although details of what was discussed are piecemeal at best, that didn’t stop religious leaders from complaining the Administration was essentially meeting with “hate groups”. Religious jackass Bill Donohue couldn’t stop himself from opening his ignorant mouth:

People of faith, especially Christians, have good reason to wonder exactly where their interests lie with the Obama administration. Now we have the definitive answer. In an unprecedented move, leaders of a presidential administration are hosting some of the biggest anti-religious zealots in the nation.

This from the same man who said the victims of child abuse who sued the Catholic Church were “gold diggers“. Yeah, he’s a real swell guy.

Apparently, it’s ok for scumbags like Jerry Falwell and James Dobson to visit the White House, but as soon as atheists try to seek some form of representation in government, we’re instantly labelled as anti-religious zealots. Don’t you just love religion?

Philippine Catholics lambaste government for condoms

I love condoms. They’ve been around since ancient times; Egyptians would make theirs out of ceramic (ribbed for her pleasure I hope), while in the 16th century Europeans made theirs out of sheep intestines. Although their primary use is contraceptive, these useful little devices are used for all kinds of purposes, from makeshift waterproof containers to improvised explosive devices. Apparently, having a rubber tube like structure is convenient for a number of reasons.

Almost everyone loves condoms, except for the Roman Catholic Church, who feels every sexual encounter needs to result in pregnancy. Not only is this view insanely impractical and dangerous (how are we supposed to support a geometrically expanding population?), it puts people’s lives at risk. By telling people condom use is forbidden, how many believers contract deadly diseases? How many women have unwanted pregnancies that put their own lives in jeopardy?

The reason the church hates condom use is almost entirely because of the story of Onan. It goes something like this: God tells Onan to impregnate his brother’s widow, but at the last minute he pulls out, spilling his “seed” on the ground (hey, sometimes you just slip out, you know?). God gets angry and strikes him dead. From this nonsense, the Church has decided God disapproves of contraception. Yep, that’s pretty much the only reason (other than their “be fruitful and multiply passage they like so much).

In the Philippines, ignorant and annoying Catholic leaders are actively killing the government’s plan to encourage its citizens to practice safer sex to prevent the spread of HIV. They incorrectly and deviously proclaim condoms are ineffective, saying the only real way to prevent AIDS is abstinence and forcing fidelity in marriage. Yeah, those values are really realistic, aren’t they?

It’s just another example of how out of touch with reality these assholes are. They would gladly let people die of AIDS and other diseases if it meant following the insane edicts of sexually repressed clergymen. Do yourself a service people; don’t take advice on sex from guys who have never actually HAD it. These are the same fuck-faces who can’t seem to stop molesting little kids. Why is anyone listening to these guys again?

Catholic Church doesn’t want people being married at sea

I don’t get these guys. You would think it doesn’t really matter where people get married; so long as it’s a Catholic wedding, the folks over at the Vatican should be happy, right?

Well, It looks like Jesus hates water, as the Church has issued their latest guideline for priests on cruise ships, and one of the stipulation is that they are not to perform wedding ceremonies on these open waters:

Among its provisions, the document stipulated that priests should not celebrate Catholic weddings on a cruise, but they should be available to offer blessings for newlyweds or couples celebrating wedding anniversaries.

I figure this move is more practical than ecclesiastical; with church attendance at an all time low, weddings are still a big money maker, and I have to think cruise ship weddings would cut into their revenue pretty seriously. So what better way to avoid this than by issuing an edict that, at face value, makes no fucking sense whatsoever. You have to LOVE the infallibility of the church sometimes!

The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 115

Welcome back to another episode of The Good Atheist podcast. Can you believe we’re already at show #80? Seems like just yesterday we were valiantly trying to make a show happen once a month, and now we do 8! This week, Ryan and I talk about gay rights in California, the Vatican and their inability to stay out of everyone’s affairs, and we even talk a little bit about Nazis and why they suck.

The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 115

The Pope is a liar

The Vatican has been considering canonizing Pope Piux XII, and this has created tensions within the Jewish community. You see, back in 1933, the Vatican signed an agreement (called the Reichskonkordat) that officially recognized the Nazi party, effectively legitimizing its anti-Semitic stance. It was the only religious institution to do so, and this fact still haunts the Catholic Church. It’s seen by many as a giant betrayal, and with Benedict now claiming the Vatican “helped Jews in a discreet way“, he’s effectively trying to rewrite history without so much as a shred of proof (the help was so discreet there isn’t a shred of evidence to back it up).

It’s a pretty popular tactic nowadays to just say shit and not have to back it up. Some in the Jewish community are asking the Vatican to make public their records on Pius XII, but of course they’ll do no such thing; why should they? Here is an institution which claims to be infallible, so as far as they are concerned, Popes are always doing the right thing.  Pius’ appeasement of the Nazis, and his failure to denounce the Holocaust is a sore wound that will probably never be healed.

I’m not suggesting the Catholic Church and the Jewish community shouldn’t keep working on improving their relations, but why is this coming at the cost of the truth? Benny can try to bullshit his flock into buying the idea they were “discreetly helping the Jews”, but the rest of us who aren’t blinded by faith goggles can see through the steaming pile of bullshit he’s peddling.

Does the Pope understand forgiveness?

Ok, here’s a not so hypothetical situation; pretend that you’re feeling a little bit crazy (possibly due to mental illness), and during Mass at the Vatican you push the Pope down. The Pope then has a meeting with you, tells you all is forgiven, and then proceeds to take you to court. Does that sound like forgiveness to you?

Well, that’s exactly what happened to Susanna Maiolo, who suffers from a mental illness (hey, she’s a Catholic, so that’s already a pretty good start down nutjob lane), and although this was explained to Senator Palpatine Pope Benedict XVI (who supposedly forgave her), it hasn’t stopped his legal department from continuing their case against her.

Perhaps Golem Ratzinger is a little confused as to what forgiveness actually means. Maybe he was just telling her that her soul is forgiven for such a heinous crime (he was totally uninjured, by the way), but that her physical body will still be brought to trial. Don’t you love Christian forgiveness? It’s so beautiful I think I’m going to cry