Little Girl Dies When Babysitter Attempts Baptism

The way religion makes people behave is abohrant. The level of entitelment of people who are convinced they are in possession of some divine truth is truly breathtaking. Sometimes it’s even deadly. That was certainly the case for a young child by the name of Klover Miyanee Symphonee Hawkins, who was tragically killed in a stupid and pointless religious ceremony.

In September of last year, she was being babysat by her second cousin, a 39 year old woman named Nakia Martin. While giving Klover and her siblings a bath, she began to hold their heads underwater in an attempt to “baptize” them. Six year old Klover drowned while this occurred, and the surviving children were threatened with banishment to Hell if they dared to tell anyone what happened. Martin then went into hiding, but was eventually arrested and charged with murder.

I simply can’t fathom the pain of her poor mother, who had trusted a family member with the livers of her children. Martin’s obvious mental illness had been masked under the guise of faith, meaning that it would have been impossible for other believers to know the danger she posed.

I feel like this story is emblematic of what is happening in America. A bunch of mentally diseased people, cloaked in religion, are acting in psychotic ways and other believers don’t even understand the scope of the problem. They instead think that because they share the same faith (on paper) that they have the same interests. They do not. Keep it up America, and you’ll be drowned in a bathtub during a botched baptism.

Catholic Church Spent over 5 Billion on Abuse Allegations

It must be nice being disgustingly rich. It seems that when you have enough money, there’s little you can’t get away with. How else could you explain how an organization can continue to exist when over 18 thousand credible abuse charges which led to settlements totaling well over 3 billion dollars? According to a new study, that’s what the Catholic Church has shelled out over the last 2 decades in compensation for their demented employees having destroyed the lives of countless individuals.

What I find particularly disturbing is the part of the study that found over 86% of the perpetrators died before ever facing justice. It burns me inside that these monsters not only got away with their crimes, but that the organization they worked for did everything in their power to ensure this was the case. Let’s not forget that Pope Benedict XVI had issued a decree (while a Cardinal of the newly renamed Inquisition) that any priest discussing abuse with police would face excommunication for doing so. Keep in mind none of the people ever found guilty were punished so.

Considering that the church makes roughly 1 billion a year in donations and various business ventures, the money represents only a small fraction of their true wealth. The Church should have been stripped of their special status long ago. How the Vatican, a construct of a fascist Italian dictator, is allowed to maintain it’s sovereign status is beyond me. They are guilty of all manner of crimes, from money laundering to child abuse, and yet they act as though they are a legitimate government. Ridiculous. They day we tear up that agreement will be a victory for humanity.

Police On Lookout for Pedo Priest on the Run

The US Marshals are on the hunt for a man named Steven Sumner. He stands accused of 18 counts of child molestation. Now, can you guess what he did for a living? Here’s a hint: he was given a position of extreme authority, and had unlimited access to vulnerable children. If you guessed that he was a drag queen or some other whipping boy of the religious right you would be insanely wrong. This guy was a pastor, of course.

According to police, the guy has a support network that is providing him with fake ID’s, money, and other means of evading the police. These supporters will hopefully get the book thrown at them. If a friend of mine was being accused of these horrific crimes, it wouldn’t take me too long to hand his ass over to the authorities. He’s not a vigilante. He’s literally a child rapist.

It will never cease to amaze me that religious folks still think that they have moral authority over anyone. These idiots will protest drag queens reading stories to children, and yet their own organizations that they support is harboring countless predators in their midst.

Hey religious morons! Why don’t you worry about the wolves amongst your midst before you go around moralizing others?

Texas Church Hires Registered Sex Offender

Do you remember the show “America’s Most Wanted”? It’s a show that began in 1988, running for 24 seasons. Hosted by John Walsh, a man who lost his son to a serial killer, the show brought attention to criminals that would otherwise have gone unnoticed. His quest for victim’s rights made his show a hallmark of American television. It would feature profiles of criminals on the run, asking viewers to contact their hotline if they had any contact with the individuals featured on the program.

One episode featured a man named Chuck Adair, a dangerous sexual predator that had kidnapped an underaged parishioner. He was eventually caught, and sentenced to 10 years in jail. He was released in 2006, and not long after, he began to be involved in church activities. He has since been hired by the Grace Place Church of Christ, acting as a minister, despite his sordid past.

As I’ve said in the past, Christians will fall over themselves to forgive a sexual predator, believing them when they claim to have “repented”.

“Mr. Adair has no legal restrictions preventing him from any of the activities which occur at either Grace Place Properties or the Grace Place Church,” the church said. “Both the Grace Place Church and Grace Place Properties families believe in these principles and are active in forgiving and encouraging those who seek restoration.”

The problem is that “repentance” is not really a thing. It’s just a way of pretending to change, all the while claiming that an all powerful entity has given them the power to stop their problematic behavior. It never works. Instead, this is how sexual abuse continues in these institutions: sexual convicts are ushered back into the fold, only to eventually offend again. When the inevitable happens, they will blame external forces for the “slip”, and yet more lives will be destroyed because moronic religious folks are easily fooled.

I share in the same sentiment that many feel: the parishioners would do well to leave this pathetic organization that puts their children in danger. Of course, if everyone left every organization that’s placed their kids in the sights of these rapists, there would be no one left in the pews.

Abuse Isn’t Just For The Boys

With all the countless articles TGA has reported on over the decades (ouch, it feels weird saying that), one could easily be forgiven for thinking that the abuse of children is strictly a male phenomenon. The reason for this is quite simple; it’s only the minority of faiths that allow women to hold any form of power, and thus, fewer women can abuse of said power.

Well, the glass ceiling of child rape is being smashed, let me tell you! In Mississippi, a woman by the name of Lindsey Whiteside is facing 30 years in jail for the sexual abuse of a young girl that was under her tutelage. Whiteside was a former Division I basketball player turned coach, who wanted to “teach” people about Jesus the same way she learned:

In her since-removed profile on Getwell Church’s website, Whiteside, who lost her father Robert “Shan” Whiteside in 2006, said she was committed to getting everyone to experience Jesus the way she did.

Seems these days a lot of kids are learning about this supposed god the hard way: that no matter how many times you pray, it won’t stop his representatives from raping you.

Naturally, the church Whiteside belongs to is keeping silent. What could they say anyways? Sorry that our organization attracts sociopaths? It’s worth a shot. Perhaps they could try to say sorry for how a culture of control and power makes this kind of thing inevitable. At least then, when yet another incident occurs, none of their parishioners will be surprised. I know we aren’t.

Arkansas Pastor Arrested on 100 Counts of Child Pornography

It’s another day, and yet another religious leader being arrested for the vile crime of possession of child pornography. It’s only the first charges for James Vincent Henry, aged 43, who was recently taken into custody after a special task force, the Arkansas State Police Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, executed a search warrant. After finding a bunch of damning evidence on social media messaging platforms, he was charged with 100 counts of possession, viewing and distribution.

Henry had served as a youth pastor for several churches, which seems like the ideal way for these disgusting perverts to make a living. It’s almost a graduate program in child abuse, offering a PHD in human misery.

While I’m glad he’s in jail, I’m not sure that these are the only charges that will be brought up. It turns out that Henry and his wife had been foster parents of more than 70 kids over the last 6 years to 18-25 year old girls. Although it seems that these young women were not in his “preferred” aged group, I find it hard to believe that there was no funny business going on. Typically, these types of abusers tend to move beyond the realm of fantasy and into the real world. Here’s hoping this wasn’t the case.


Pastor Fired From Fort Mills Church After Past Becomes Public

When you hear churches claim that they vet all of their pastors, you should instantly doubt them. You see, modern churches have a big problem: they are running out of pastors. Every year, there are fewer and fewer candidates to choose from, and so when a congregation finally finds someone to minister, they are so desperate that most of them don’t even bother to do their due diligence to protect their own flock.

Such was the case in Indiana, at a small church called “Fort Mill”. They had hired a 57 year old by the name of Donald Ray Logan, who had been working for the organization for over a decade. It turns out that one of the members of the church found his name in a registered sex offender list for a 1997 conviction. Logan was only recently added to the online sex offender registry, despite the fact that the charges stem from over three decades.

Logan is now fired, and his congregation is still in shock over the accusation. They shouldn’t be. With the increased desperation for qualified pastors, churches are usually forced to hire people with questionable pasts. Logan is but one example of the types of degenerates that seek these positions. Anyone who thinks that churches conduct rigorous background checks is a fool. They will take anyone, so long as they look the part. For all you religious folks, I have a warning for you: this is only going to get worse.

NC Former Church Youth Minister accused of assaulting multiple teens

Has there ever been a more abused position than “youth pastor”? The amount of times I’ve had to write the phrase “youth pastor rapes children” are too many to count. This job title should just be renamed to “molester-in-chief” since it seems as though it’s the only thing these guys are good for.

The latest sack of crap is a man named James Robert Murphey. The 44 year old man was arrested a few days ago, and is accused of 30 counts of sexual battery. The victims, who’s age range from 16-19, was suspended by the Oak View Baptist Church, where he served from 24 years.

The safety director of Oak View Baptist Church, Chris Martin, said the allegations came to light earlier in the year. The church was told about the claims back in January and Murphey was suspended. One week later, he resigned. Martin said, “Any kind of incident involving any of our members, especially our youth, is going to be taken very seriously.”

Anyone who believes that any church gives a damn about the abuse of children is delusional. How many kids have to be abused before people realize that these institutions actually ATTRACT abusers. How can they take this seriously when they are part of the problem?

With him gone, the Church has found and appointed a new youth minister. How long will it take the new guy to also do something inappropriate and illegal? Only time will tell.

Brazilian Priest Rapes Teens, Forces One to Have Abortion

If there’s an organization that attracts abusive psychos, it’s the Catholic Church. Tyrants who crave power are always welcome in the church, so long as they mask their intent under the guise of piety. You may think I am being overly hyperbolic, but how else can you explain how their ranks are bursting with serial abusers? Even in a culture of secrecy with hundreds of billions of dollars worth of capital to maintain it, there are still countless stories of victims who have been brave enough to come forward to expose these monsters.

The latest vile excuse for a human being is Father Paulo Araujo da Silva, a priest in the city of Coari. Seems he had a dream of having a harem of underage girls, and so after grooming 4 of them, he began to sexually abuse them. His lust and need for control were insatiable. He would force the girls to bring their friends along, and would film himself engaging in this sick ritual. Da Silva told them that no other men could date them, for they were his and his alone. When one of them became pregnant, she was forced to ingest a mysterious pill which resulted in an abortion.

This abuse continued for years, until finally one of the victims approached police to inform them of what was going on. When the agents busted in his place, he was in bed with another girl that had only recently turned 18, though it was clear that the affair had been going on for quite some time. The police searched his phone, and found 260 videos of his sick escapades.

The Diocese of Coari obviously tried to distance themselves from the whole affair, offering the typical platitudes offered to victims.

The diocese said “all the necessary canonical measures” have been taken. The priest was suspended and can no longer have any activity in the parish. The Church is also available to work with the authorities in the inquiry, concluded the note, signed by the diocese’s chancellor, Father Josinaldo Plácido da Silva.

We’re all so impressed that the Church is working with authorities. It’s literally required by law for them to do so. As for their “canonically punishments”, it’s just a funny way of saying that they stopped paying his bills. They need to save some money anyways; no doubt they are busy getting their lawyers to draft some form of non disclosure agreements,  and lawyers ain’t cheap.

If the church really wanted to stop these men, they would firstly rescind their own rules which stipulate that priests are not allowed to report abuse to the police, and must instead rely upon the church to handle the situation themselves. This “handling” usually takes the form of shuffling priests around when too many kids get raped, giving these predators a new field of victims from which to harvest. That would be a start. They could also stop sheltering countless priests in the Vatican under “house arrest” and let the law get their hands on them. They roam Italy with impunity, since they are technically residents of a city state that claims to be a nation. I doubt if either of these two things will ever come to pass.

Lets not also forget the incredible power and authority that is granted to human beings by simply holding their positions as priests. Instead of holding these men more accountable, the desperation of the Catholic Church to find employees means that they are willing to overlook serious issues with their candidates. Power corrupts, and it seems that the church is in the habit of attracting those that are easily corrupted. It speaks volume to their character, and to that of their employers.

Here’s hoping that this irredeemable bastard faces the harshest punishment. There is no cell filthy enough, and no prison mattress uncomfortable enough for this monster.

Indiana Pastor Arrested for Child Porn

I’ve said it before, but it bares repeating: how many pastors need to get caught abusing kids before the faithful realize that there is something deeply wrong with their institutions? Can you imagine the outrage in the news if countless child abusers were found operating in any other institution? First, it would be immediately dissolved, and their assets would be divvied up among the survivors. However, because of the special status that we give religions, they can get away with literal murder, and nothing ever changes.

In Indiana, a former pastor and teacher by the name of Claud Greenlee was arrested after police discovered child pornography on his phone. Greenlee was arrested at his place of work, Liberty Christian School. Some of the images were of children as young as 3 years of age. There was also some bestiality in the mix as well.

We are aware of the situation with Mr. Greenlee and saddened by the course of events. We are fully cooperating with authorities and their investigation. Mr. Greenlee was immediately put on leave when the situation was first brought to our attention. He is no longer employed at Liberty Christian School,” Liberty Christian School reportedly said in a statement shared with Fox 59.

If you’re a parent, I find it hard to fathom why you would place your trust in religious institution. These groups are always brimming with sexual predators. It seems they have a knack for attracting these kinds of people. No doubt the culture of secrecy, and its appeal to authority is a potent combination that is a siren song for the worst kind of folks in our society. So long as this remains the case, these kinds of incidents will continue to occur with disturbing frequency.

I’m tired of writing about all these abusive pastors who have gotten away with abuse for way too long. I have to wonder at what point believers will be just as exhausted by this as I am. I won’t hold my breath, that’s for sure.

Iraq Law Would Legalize Child Marriage

There is a trick that religious institutions like to use to get people to look the other way at their myriad crimes: accuse your enemies of everything you are guilty of in order to throw people off your scent. This is why the LGBT community is often the target of accusations of grooming and child abuse. This is literally what the world’s great monotheistic religions do: they groom kids into their death cult, scar them with threats of damnation for not believing, and force them to be something they are not.

Let’s not forget that a disturbingly high percentage of them will also be sexually abused, something that happens so often that TGA has run out of ways to write “Youth Pastor Abuses Children”. So, despite the fact that children are statistically safer at a drag show than a Sunday sermon, it doesn’t stop religions from using them as their major distraction.

While folks are outraged at the wrong people, they use the opportunity to try and pass laws that make the abuse of kids and women even easier. In Iraq, a draconian new law is being proposed which would make it legal for men to marry children as young as nine (you know, the age that their pedophile prophet married his favorite sex slave). The horrible taste in your mouth is the result of all the bile that’s invading it at the thought that this has a very good chance of passing.

Women and children’s rights campaigners in Iraq have pushed back at proposals that could enshrine sectarianism in family relationships, hand more power in family matters to clerics and open the door for marriage to be legalized for children as young as nine years old.

The amendments to Law No. 188, the Personal Status Law of 1959 have been heavily promoted by the Coordination Framework, a coalition of conservative Shia Islamist parties that form the largest bloc in parliament.

Wow, with that kind of endorsement, who can lose? Only the poor people who have to live in this country! This is the true face of Islam, and when they are in full control of government, it doesn’t take long for their intentions to be known. The Koran is all the justification that these perverts need to rape children that are in the most vulnerable years of their existence.

Is it the religion that attracts these pedophiles, or does it create them? It hardly matters which one. I suspect it’s both, which to me only amplifies what I have been saying for a long time: this religion is a curse on humanity, and only when the last Muslim has awakened from there toxic fever dream, realizing they supported a faith with irredeemable elements, will we ever live in peace. The marrying of child brides is but one of these toxicities that continues to plague this religion. It is but one great evil among countless others. Any rational and caring human being must reject this philosophy of submission and death before the rest of the world pays a heavy price for the fanatics within their ranks.

10% of Christians Left due to Sexual Assaults

In a rare move of honest, a recent study conducted by the Lifeway Academy found that nearly 10% of protestants had left the church due to sexual abuse. The survey did not ask, however, if anyone had actually been abused. You don’t have to overthink why they wouldn’t do that. They just wouldn’t like the answer.

It’s not just kids that are getting abused. It appears that plenty of other unsavory things happens to adult church goers too.

Just under half of all Protestant churchgoers surveyed said they were victims of unwanted sexual joking, unsolicited sexual messages, unwanted compliments, and inappropriate glances. Twelve percent of such respondents said they endured those unwanted things while at church.

Sounds like a gas going to these churches. Who needs a subway groper when you can just get molested or harassed in god’s house of worship? What I find very telling from the survey is that only 1/3 of respondents felt that police needed to get involved whenever a case of sexual abuse happened. What the hell is that about? What percentage of people would want police involvement if it were any other institution other than a religious one? There’s even a significant portion that want these kinds of cases handled quietly. No wonder abuse continues to happen. Who wouldn’t want to work for an organization with these kinds of brainwashed idiots?

NOTE: The survey was conducted by Lifeway, which should not to be confused with Lifewise Academy, that delightful institution constantly indoctrinating kids without the parent’s approval. What is with all of these guys and the word “Life” in their title? Is it to make everyone forget that they are essentially a death cult obsessed with blood?

Six Women Accuse Kansas City Pastor of Abuse

In Jackson County, Missouri, 6 women have come together to accuse their former pastor, a man named Robert “Bobby” Hawk, of having groomed and abused them. About 3 weeks ago, a blog post written by one of his victims, a woman named Isabelle Davis, detailed Hawks grooming behavior during her attendance at the EPIC Church KC in Independence, where Hawk was the founding pastor. She wrote about how during a visit, he put his filthy hand on her inner thigh while the two were watching a movie. Naturally, he threatened her into silence.

It didn’t take long for other women who had similar experiences to read the post, and to reach out to Davis. This would have surfaced earlier, but it appears that when his victims originally came forward, they were bullied into silence:

 “We were shamed, told to stay quiet, and (were) pressured by many in the church, including Bobby, to say nothing,” Bounds said, as her older sister stood behind her and nodded in agreement. “That unfortunately led to these other girls up here with me right now on stage, also becoming the victims to assault.”

Now, things are a little different. The church no longer has the ability to threaten little girls, and so they suspended Hawk, who later resigned. Now the police are officially involved, and an investigation is under way. The victims are hopeful that some form of justice can prevail. With the statute of limitation on child rape, something that exists only because of intense lobbying by religious organizations, it’s difficult to know if any charges will stick. This is why the 6 women came forward, asking for any other victims to come forward. So far, and avalanche of testimonials has come flooding in, so there will no doubt be more people coming forward in the coming days.

Here’s hoping that these women can finally get some justice.


The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 358

This episode, TGA exposes the Southern Baptist Church’s stalling on their promise to expose abusers, the Catholic Church pathetic apology to Natives, and the Taliban murdering a gay man and sending the video to his family. All that and more!

The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist
The Good Atheist Podcast: EP 358

Megachurch Pastor admits to Child Abuse

If you want to truly understand the horrors of child abuse at the hands of “men of faith”, I believe you should familiarize yourself with the case of Cindy Clemishire. When she was a 12 year old girl, she was sexually molested for years by a trusted family friend named Robert Morris. Morris was a young travelling preacher at the time, and would often stay with his family in the Clemishire home. For a while, it all seemed so innocent, until Christmas night in 1982, when Morris asked Cindy to join him in his room. It was there that he began to molest her, all the while warning her that if she told anyone, it would “ruin everything”.

This sick behavior continued for years, until in 1987 when Cindy told a friend of the abuse. This friend suggested that she speak to her parents about the abuse. Her father was livid, demanding that the Shady Grove Church report him, or that he would go to police. Instead, Morris chose to voluntarily take a long leave of absence from ministering. He blamed Cindy for being seductive, which explains why his wife, Debbie, later called Cindy and said that she “forgave her”. Here’s his pathetic response:

“When I was in my early twenties, I was involved in inappropriate sexual behavior with a young lady in a home where I was staying. It was kissing and petting and not intercourse, but it was wrong. This behavior happened on several occasions over the next few years… In March of 1987, this situation was brought to light, and it was confessed and repented of. I submitted myself to the Elders of Shady Grove Church and the young lady’s father. They asked me to step out of ministry and receive counseling and freedom ministry, which I did. Since that time, I have walked in purity and accountability in this area,” Morris said in his statement, adding he and his wife met with the survivor and her family in 1989.

Well, give the man a prize for not having intercourse with a child. What idiot would believe for even a second that this guy is reformed? A man who accuses a little girl of “seducing him”, you know that there’s something not right going on in that guy’s head. What he needs is to be held accountable for his actions. Are Christians so desperate for pastors that they are willing to forgive the unforgivable? If Cindy’s family did forgive him, what effect did their pathetic excuse for parenting do to her sense of self?

Here’s the thing: you don’t need to forgive your rapist. Some acts are beyond forgiveness. You would think that someone molesting your child would be one of those. For some religious folks, I guess it’s just another Monday.